Ghost Hunters Corp Update Patch Notes – October 28, 2021

Ghost Hunters Corp update (Oct 28, 2021) is now available to download on PC. According to the official Ghost Hunters Corp patch notes, the latest update brings Halloween promotion, makeover and additions.

Previously, a hotfix was released with various fixes for crashes and more.

Read more details below.

Ghost Hunters Corp Patch Notes – October 28, 2021

Maps and Items

  • A new map is now available : “Hope” Scout Camp, located to Canada.
  • A new item is now available : the FogLamp. With the improvement of the fog, of the classic lamp, we found it interesting to add a FogLamp to diversify the usable objects.

User Interface

  • Moving forward, any non-translated text will appear in the UI in English. Feel free to send any translations or corrections to; [email protected]
  • Changed the loading screen design to reflect our new game logo.
  • Tutorial App has been completely reworked, and now has selectable chapters for easier navigation.
  • The Ghostpedia App UI has been reworked. It is now much easier to see the Tips for evidence.
  • The Ghost Market App has been reworked entirely. You can now quick-buy items in the market (by double-clicking) if you select the new option in the corner.
  • Options app has been entirely reworked with the introduction of additional options (such as FOV slider, resolution change, FPS limiter, etc.).
  • Multiplayer App has been reworked in preperation for public lobbies.
  • Profile App has been reworked entirely. You now have a full view of your character on the right side of the panel.
  • Game Info App button added. This will contain credits for our amazing supporters and partners.
  • Bug Report App button added. This is in preperation for the coming in-game bug report system.

Gameplay & Balance

  • Photo Camera price reduced to $200 from $230.
  • Neutrino-Gun price reduced to $600 from $750.
  • Aggression Indicator price reduced to $85 from $180.
  • High-Def Camera price reduced to $180 from $250.
  • When you are fainted, you will now be able to hear other fainted players, as well as nearby concious/living players.
  • You can now play with your friends up to 6 players in your team.
  • Japanese and Korean written languages ​​added.

Graphics & Performance

  • Fog, lighting, and general darkness levels have been rebalanced and updated across several locations.
  • An optimization was made which should help to reduce FPS-stutters (fps lag) on some systems. We are continuing to work on this.
  • Changed the floor of the lobby. It is now a lot less aggressively bright.



  • Fixed several instances of the Spirit-Box working, even while it was turned off.
  • Fixed several instances of the entity not responding through the Spirit-Box, even if it was the correct evidence.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Spirit-Box radio to play, when it was not supposed to.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause only the Host to hear the EVP effect.
  • Fixed a bug that would give several, but not all players, the ability to hear Spirit-Box evidence.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Spirit-Box EVP sound effects, even without a Spirit-Box present.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Spirit-Box EVP effect to play for everyone else, every time a player activated it.
  • Fixed a bug that made it nearly impossible to pick up several items, after they were dropped on the ground, outside of Lost House.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause a Video Camera with night-vision activated, to also activate nearby Photo Camera night-vision.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the buttons for Video Camera controls to not work correctly (in the vehicle).
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the vehicle door (after breaking), to block entrance/exit to the vehicle, making it impossible to finish missions

Ghost AI/Behavior

  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Demon to not laugh, even while using a Spirit-Box.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the entity-explosion to push the player through walls, or into walls (stuck).
  • Fixed several instances of the entity getting stuck in walls or objects.
  • Fixed a bug on Extreme Difficulty which made it extremely difficult to get the entity to Write/Draw in the book.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause an entity to stand still, rather than chase the player during an attack.

Maps and Generation

  • Fixed a bug that would cause Holy Water to pass through the attic floor (when thrown) on Pianist’s Manor.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Surface Writing to appear backwards on Lost House.
  • Corrected the wallpaper sticking through the stairs, on Lost House.
  • Fixed a noticeable gap in the bathroom walls on Lost House.
  • Fixed the Jack-In-The-Box weight in Lost House. It is no longer entirely weightless.
  • Corrected the chess-boards texture in Lost House. It now has a texture on the back of it.
  • Walking into the outdoor lamp on Barony will no longer break the light.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the front door of the Pianist’s Manor to break, causing the door to become stuck open (or closed).
  • Pentagrams will no longer spawn half-underneath barrels in Barony (Germany).
  • Fixed a bug that would cause light from the lower floor to be visible on the upper floor in Lost House.
  • Corrected the position of the primary doors on Barony. No more door gap!
  • Removed the invisible ledge/wall that partially blocked the entrance to the Barony.
  • Fixed a bug that caused all Pillows (on Japan) and Skulls (on Graveyard) to vanish.
  • Fixed a bug that caused both sofas to blink in and out of existence in the room next to the entrance of the Pianist’s Manor.
  • Several of the rugs had colliders enabled on them, causing items to sometimes fall through the floor when items were throw/placed on them (on Pianist’s Manor). This has been fixed.
  • Adjusted the size and position of several Pentagrams, Surface Writings, and Surface Drawings (on several maps).
  • Adjusted the position of several objects and text boards (including the voice-wall) in the Tutorial area.

Multiplayer & Network

  • Fixed a bug which allowed players to join missions that were already started. This caused many issues.
  • Fixed several instances of the entity being easily avoided (during attacks) if you were a non-host player.

General Gameplay

  • Unconscious players can no longer sprint (or be out of breath). This may be reverted in the future, once we are able to address a few bugs with this.
  • Entities can no longer interact with the Corrupt object (the object used during exorcisms). This means that the Corrupt objects can no longer be lost due to the entity pushing them into a spot where they cannot be retrieved.

Download free Ghost Hunters Corp update for PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.