GetsuFumaDen Undying Moon Update v0.3.13 Patch Notes – Sep 24, 2021

GetsuFumaDen Undying Moon update (Sep 24, 2021) is now available to download on PC. According to the official GetsuFumaDen patch notes, the latest update brings various gameplay changes and bug fixes.

Previously, a hotfix added some minor tweaks and changes to the game. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the last major patch.

Today’s GetsuFumaDen patch will address a few of these errors.

GetsuFumaDen Undying Moon Changelog – Sep 24, 2021

Gameplay Adjustments
  • (Community) Increased the amount of rewards dropped after defeating the Final Boss.
  • (Community) Increased the drop rates of the Marine Key, Snowy Key and Dull Key.
  • Increased the duration of the player character’s invincibility after being hit by a trap.
  • (Community) The floating crossbow in Subspace Citadel can now be attacked.
    Dealing damage to the floating crossbows prevents them from moving for a set period of time.
    Note that the eyes of a floating crossbow indicate whether it is active or not.
  • (Community) The number of floating crossbows placed in the Subspace Citadel has been adjusted.
  • (Community) The interval time between the floating crossbows’ attacks has been adjusted.
  • Reduced the hitbox duration of Oni’s (Club) second attack.
  • Adjusted Daidarabotchi’s attack patterns, reducing the frequency of its movement.
  • Reduced the distance of Wanyudo’s backward wind-up before it attacks.
  • Adjusted Ravenous Demon’s hitbox so that it can hit players at point-blank range.
  • (Community) Lowered the sound effect volume when the low-vitality alert is triggered.
  • (Community) Decreased the status effect duration of the poison traps in the Cocytus.
  • (Community) Adjusted the materials’ prices in the Shop.

System Adjustments

  • Increased the maximum range of Matchlocks.
  • Reworked the functionality of Kunais so that their flight speeds are no longer reduced after bouncing back from a wall.
  • Increased the number of hits required to trigger Rupture on an enemy.
  • Status Effects will no longer be applied on enemies during their Break state.

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected Getsu Renge’s running animation when wielding Spears.
  • Fixed an issue in which Daidarabotchi would be placed in the Break state again when the game is paused and unpaused after one instance of application.
  • Fixed an issue in which certain attack effects did not trigger the correct visual feedback when applied on Daidarabotchi.
  • Fixed an issue in which the large rock placed by Daidarabotchi persists beyond its intended duration.
  • Fixed various issues regarding Tenaga-Ashinaga.
  • Fixed an issue with the Final Boss in which it being applied with Status Effects would prevent it from taking damage.
  • Fixed an issue in which Ravenous Demon would be launched off unnaturally when defeated or during their Break state.
  • Fixed an issue when in the Subspace Citadel in which the mini-map may not display correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with certain Subspace Citadel stages where items and caltrops would fall through the floor.
  • Fixed an issue with certain Frozen Graveyard stages in which your character would get stuck in a crouching position and be unable to move.
  • Fixed an issue in which enemies who do not belong in that stage would spawn in certain areas.
  • Fixed an issue in which Flash triggered on one enemy would apply to another that is suffering from a Status Effect.
  • Fixed an issue in which the incorrect sound effects played with certain functions.
  • Corrected a number of in-game guides.
  • Corrected the Tutorial for the Freeze and Parasite status effects.
  • Fixed an issue with certain languages in which the text would extend beyond their intended space.
  • Fixed an issue with certain languages in which the text would overlap with one another.

Download free GetsuFumaDen Undying Moon update for PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.