Generation Zero Update Version 1.25 PS4 Patch Notes

Generation Zero update 1.25 released on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. According to the official Generation Zero 1.25 patch notes, the latest update added various gameplay changes and bug fixes. Apart from this, Generation Zero version 1.25 also includes stability and performance improvements.

Previously, a big November update was released with brings a new expansion: Alpine Unrest and a long list of bug fixes. Unfortunately, since the last update, some players are still experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game.

Today’s Generation Zero patch 1.25 will fix these issues. Check out more details below.

Generation Zero 1.15 Patch Notes

The Resistance Update

  • The Resistance Update is landing in the world of Generation Zero. This one is big and has been a long time coming. Base building is finally here and with it comes some brand new features and challenges in Östertörn. The best part about all these? Everything except the Soviet Weapons Pack is included in the base game for all resistance fighters to enjoy. This update releases today, May 4th, for PC and PS4, and is slated to release later this month for Xbox players.
  • To kick off your first defense missions, you’ll have to find your way to the northern part of the city region and complete the “Good News” mission that triggers upon entering the area. Once completed, you’ll have access to the Command Center. It’s here you will stand your ground against the incoming machine horde.
  • Once initiated, you’ll need to gear up, build-out and prepare for the incoming fight. We will leave it to you and your fellow fighters to discover and explore what’s at your disposal to defend your new home base, and there will be more additions to your (stationary) arsenals as the year progresses.
  • Solid structures won’t be the only way to defend your newly found command center. Every successful resistance evolves along with its enemies, even with its support equipment. Experimental weapons helped you get the upper hand, and experimental items could help you go on the offensive. With each successful defense of your base, you will find new consumable items to craft and explore. These range from alternative health packs, all the way to new ammo types.
  • Base building and new craftables are not the only additions to Generation Zero this month, as we’ve made extensive revamps to the city region, adding more fun things to explore through environmental storytelling, as well as updating the challenge trees to include a new one related to base building.
  • Lastly, the Soviet Weapons Pack is also incoming as a paid addition to the game. With this weapons cache, you’ll find:
  • Kotenok Sniper Rifle – A reliable addition to your long-range loadouts.
  • AT-WAD Assault Rifle – Built to surprise your enemies with silence, and rate of fire.
  • RLG-7 Rocket Launcher – A powerful alternative to send highly explosive gifts to unsuspecting machines.
  • These will come with attachments, of course. You will have to find which combinations work best for your fighting style.


Animation, Art, & Audio

  • Fixed an issue where the spark SFX was very loud when attacking a machine with melee weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where the player character could end up in an unintended pose while riding a bicycle.


  • [Community Reported] Fixed a rare crash that could occur when the player was riding a bike.
  • Fixed a rare crash where the player would crash when joining a MP game.


  • [Community Reported] Fixed an issue where players can loot machines indefinitely by leaving and rejoining the session.
  • [Community Reported] Fixed an issue where the reapers reinforcement was.
  • Despawned prematurely after the reaper was destroyed.
  • [Community Reported] Fixed an issue where the reaper rival wouldn’t stop firing at the player.
  • Fixed an issue with machines not spawning if a client tries to start a mission while the host is away.
  • Fixed an issue where the reaper rival something wasn’t firing at the player.
  • If the player was already carrying this ammo type in its inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where the reaper rival could sometimes be spawned underground.


  • [Assignments] Fixed an issue where blowing up a machine with a gas tank didn’t count towards the assignment goal.
  • [Assignments] Fixed an issue where the “Destroy 5 cars” assignment didn’t progress.
  • [Assignments] Fixed an issue where destroying machines with landmines didn’t count towards the assignment goal.
  • [Assignment] Fixed an issue where destroying a machine while it was distracted by a machine wasn’t counting towards the assignment goal.
  • [Assignments] Fixed an issue where no progress was tracked on “Destroy 5 civilian fuel tanks”.
  • [Assignments] Fixed an issue where no progress was tracked when recycling some items.


  • Fixed an issue where long ammo names were clipping the hud.
  • Fixed multiple instances of text clipping in tutorials.


  • [Community Reported] Fixed an issue with ammo for N60 and N16 couldn’t be found.
  • Fixed an issue where the drop rate for the U.S. Weapons was too low.
  • Fixed an issue when rapidly pressing the switch ammo button and removing the weapon from the quick slot, would make the weapon unusable.
  • Fixed an issue where the vision module would still be attached to the weapon when detaching the scope before the module.
  • Fixed an issue where shock ammo would stop working correctly after using it for a while.


  • [Community Reported] Fixed an issue where the player could become stuck in a crevice in the mountain region.
  • [Community Reported] Fixed an issue where there was a hole in the bridge to Östervik that players could fall through and get stuck.
  • [Community Reported] Fixed an issue where the bike station at Boo Bruk wasn’t functional.
  • [Community Reported] Fixed multiple issues where terrain had seam holes or tears.
  • Fixed an issue where loot can be looted from a safe without opening it.
  • Fixed invisible collision at Ånnagruvan.
  • Fixed an issue where loot pick up status wouldn’t save.
  • Fixed an issue where an Incorrect amount of materials was shown after trying to build the same structure again but not having enough resources.
  • Fixed an issue where the POI would no longer show on the map after the player died.


  • [Community Reported] Fixed an issue where The Rival named ’The Invader of Tyvöleden’ was misspelled, referring to the area known as Tylöveden.
  • [Community Reported] Fixed an issue where the player wasn’t able to obtain the Archipelago collectible painting.
  • General crash fixes and stability fixes.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not join a multiplayer session via invite while in single player.
  • Fixed an issue where region level didn’t match between host and client.
  • Fixed an issue where canceling matchmaking and backing out to the main menu would result in a deadlock.
  • [PS4] Fixed an issue where the player didn’t get the full cyberpunk outfit when starting the game during the initial chunk after signing up to Apex Connect.

Generation Zero update 1.15 is now available for download

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.