Generation Zero Update 1.26 Patch Notes (Landfall Update) – February 8, 2022

Generation Zero update 1.26 released on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. According to the official Generation Zero 1.26 changelog, the latest “Landfall” update introduces the Soviets, a third faction hostile to both the Resistance (players) and the FNIX machines, opening the battlefield to new strategic possibilities as players can pit two enemy groups against one another. Apart from this, Generation Zero version 1.26 also includes stability and performance improvements.

Previously, a big January update was released with new changes and quality of life improvements. Unfortunately, since the last update, some players are still experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game.

Today’s Generation Zero 1.26 is expected to fix these issues. Check out more details below.

Generation Zero update 1.26 changelog

“Landfall” Features:

  • New Soviet War Machines:A third faction arrives with two new machine types: the Soviet Lynx and Wolf, each designed with unique ways to challenge players and dominate the battlefield.
  • Base Building Rewards:All players get a free pack containing a range of base-building items.
  • New UI Improvements:Players will discover more storage and resource capacity, as well as a new weapon wheel to quickly swap between gear, increasing the number of equipment slots.
  • New Map Revamps:The South Forest region has been redesigned with a ton of changes to enhance environmental storytelling.
New Soviet Faction Enemies:

The Wolf

The Wolf is somewhat of a hybrid machine. It transports smaller units to deploy on the battlefield but also packs its own punch depending on which model you come across in the field. There are three different classes to fight and plenty of new weak points to find.

The Lynx

The Lynx might be small, but it’s still quite formidable. Its agile design allows for it to be effective in nearly every terrain it comes across, and its speed can catch up with you quickly. So be careful when on the retreat with this one as they have quite the bite if they get close.

World Improvements

We continue our efforts with location revamps to spice up the base game for everyone to enjoy. This time around we had two targets: Southern Forest Region & Marshlands (Partial).

Here is a sneak peek at some of the work done in those areas:

With these revamps also come new Collectibles in the southern part of the Forest Region. The backstories attached expand on Resistance activities in the region and some of the mysteries found within the world as a whole. There are also new collectibles in the Marshlands Region, which could shed some light on the Soviet arrival…

Quality of Life Improvements

TheWeapon Wheelhas finally arrived with the Landfall Update as well!

We heard a lot of the feedback out there, and found this to be the best solution to address as many of the players’ needs as we could reach. With this new way to navigate loadouts you’re no longer restricted to 3 weapons at a time! You can mix and match as you see fit, bringing new strategies to any skirmish out there.

We’ve made quite a few additions to the overall arsenal this past year, with more to come in 2022. So, we found it best to finally address the capacity of your Plundra storage, as well as the Recycling Bench. With the debut of the Landfall Update, you will be able to expand your storage to your growing needs with up to 5 additional levels for each container!

There are some additional improvements to help newer players navigate game systems early on:

  • Materials you find now have descriptions to them showing where to typically find them in the world.
  • Potential schematics can now be seen in location summaries as well.
  • Ammo types and weapon matches now have better descriptors in the inventory. Giving you a better understanding of what ammo belongs where, at a glance.
  • New proportional aim system that automatically scales with the zoom level. Can be switched with the old system in the game settings.
  • In multiplayer settings it is now possible to define whenever other players can build and destroy buildings in your base.

For the explorers out there, you’ll also notice some improvements in the world to help in the Resistance efforts. Wood is now harvestable in places you would expect to find it. For example, you’ll find this sapling when running through forested areas.

This is the first step we’re taking to iterate on materials you find in the world. There will be more to come!

For those of you using your situational awareness to help turn the tides of battle, you’ll find there are more aptly tagged objects in the world. EMPs and Explosives can be triggered with these world items. While these are not exactly new, they are aimed at helping new players understand how to use the environment to their advantage more directly:

Electrical Unit

Fixed Fuel Cells

Free Building Pack

With a new iteration of the Base Defense missions, we also have some new, free buildings to go with it (Some of you might recognize these from past Dev Letters)! These should give everyone a more versatile approach to their Resistance defenses.

Reinforced Pylon

Scaffolding Platform

Scaffolding Ramp

Decorative Hedge

Tall Spotlight

New buildings aren’t the only thing that is coming to the Base Defense experience, Base Defense missions have new iterations as well! The waves of machines that attack now have much more variability. You’re also able to skip over preparation timers if you’re ready at a moment’s notice! We’ve also been observing various points of feedback about Base Defense, and have made the latter difficulties more challenging.

Not only has there been quite a few additions to the base game of Generation Zero with the Landfall Update. This is also the debut of a larger DLC we’ve had planned for a while now, one that will help you fend off Machine attacks against everything you’ve built in defense of Östertörn.

New Paid DLC: The Base Defense Pack – $3.99

With the Landfall update, we also released the Base Defense Pack, which contains a bunch of new ways to defend your bases. This includes: Missile turrets, spiked walls, spiked floors, explosive barrels, human decoys, and sandbag shooting positions.

Resistance Grenade Launcher Pillbox

Resistance Sandbag Shooting Position

Resistance Explosive Barrel

Resistance Spiked Traps (Wall and Ground) & Resistance Human Decoy

You can find out more details about these new additions to your Resistance Defenseson the store page itself.


Animation, Art, & Audio

  • Fixed an issue where footstep SFX stopped playing for clients during multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue with SMOD where no reload or footstep sounds were heard in first person


  • [Community Reported] Fixed a frequent crash in a certain area of Himfjäll
  • Fixed a crash when dismantling structures with Base Building
  • Fixed a crash on dismantling structures during Base Building
  • Fixed a continuous crash at the same spot at Skrankebol
  • Fixed a crash in multiplayer for the client when starting horde mission on hard difficulty
  • Fixed a crash where the host was crashing when far away from client playing through the “Good News” mission
  • Fixed a crash when the host and clients would crash after client teleported during horde mode
  • Fixed a crash during multiplayer where the host was crashing after Alt-tabbing
  • Fixed a crash when players would crash when pressing N to swap ammo
  • Fixed a crash where the game might crash in Farmlands region during combat
  • Fixed various crashes during combat at multiple locations


  • Fixed an issue Tanks had with their missile battery only firing 2 rockets instead of full barrage
  • Fixed an issue where a Reaper rival was incorrectly shown as interactable when it has no loot
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Rivals to spawn before the terrain, which caused them to die before you are able to reach them


  • [Community Reported] Fixed an issue where weapons disappeared into loot containers. Players should no longer be able to put items back into loot containers, corpses, etc.
  • Fixed an issue with an abnormal inventory behavior when starting a new game, which would cause weight to be displayed incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling in the Plundra, switching item categories may cause the Plundra interface to behave abnormally


  • [Community Reported] Fixed an issue that allowed infinite ammo while using Burst Fire Mode with specific weapons
  • Fix an issue where the US Weapons DLC icon only showed on the 3* weapons and attachments that come with the DLC, they should now show on all
  • Fixed an issue where shock wires from Experimental Ammo damaged and downed other players
  • Fixed an issue where Shock Ammo wires were appearing although no one had fired any shock bullets
  • Fixed an issue where Shock ammo would still deal damage after having faded out
  • Fixed an issue with Heat Ammo would show electrical effects on glass windows

Base Defense

  • Fixed an issue with Base Defense that caused mission fails if one party member fast travels away
  • Fixed an issue when some machines act passively in multiplayer during Base Defense
  • Fixed an issue with the Horde Mission where the mission gets stuck on hard difficulty
  • Fixed an issue where the Horde Mission would have some machines get stuck outside of mission area, risking the mission failing while trying to kill them
  • Fixed an issue where during Horde Mode turret base defenses could completely lock down Tank and Hunter enemies, resulting in them not attacking due to stagger
  • Fixed an issue with Base Building during multiplayer where the client was unable to repair damaged turret
  • Fixed an issue where one could never spawn at the Home Base after continuing the game
  • Fixed an issue when machines spawned before the preparation timer is up during Hard Mode
  • Fixed an exploit where materials around the Home Base would respawn every time you restart the session
  • Fixed an issue where buildings could change rotation when they are dismantled


  • [Community Reported] Fixed a floating weapon crate in barn at Stora Dyrbo safehouse
  • [Community Reported] Fixed an issue with a floating house in Östervik
  • [Community Reported] Fixed an issue where the edge of Boo Bridge lacks collision
  • [Community Reported] Part of the bridge near Sundgård Farm lacked collision
  • Fixed various locations on the map where players could get stuck on objects clustered together
  • Fixed the Uttern bunker where gas damage was damaging the player in parts of the bunker where it shouldn’t
  • Fixed a fence near Garphammar which was missing an end pole
  • Fixed a suitcase at Iron Church which had the wrong model and was unlootable
  • Fixed an issue in with some containers at Nyhamnen where one can get stuck in if going inside
  • Fixed an issue where one can get stuck in fallen debris at the ruined house in Överbyslätten in Farmlands region
  • Fixed an issue with a floating road in Östervik
  • Fixed an issue with a floating lamp near floating house in Östervik
  • Fixed an issue with an invisible gate at Måsskär Resistance Camp, where it was interactable but not visible
  • Fixed an issue with stretched terrain and seam holes at Skåleberget in the Forest region
  • Fixed floating rocks at Lindens Skepssättning near Dyrboslätten
  • Fixed stones clipping through floor in building in south coast region
  • Fixed rocks blocking stairs to safehouse at IGA facility
  • Fixed a floating mailbox and road texture south-east of home base
  • Fixed a stranded boat with floating animation in Marshlands region
  • Fixed a floating loot containers inside barn near Dyrboslätten
  • Fixed a floating props on side of IGA facility safehouse
  • Fixed a stone that was clipping inside tunnel leading to Torsberga fort
  • Fixed flickering paintings in underground facility
  • Fixed several big seam holes in terrain in Forest region
  • Fixed a big rock inside hedge at revamped church in Östervik


  • Fixed an issue where the Assignments FMTel Reward Trunk can not be interacted with
  • Fixed an issue where the “Destroy 5 ticks with handgun” assignment could not be completed


  • [Community reported] Fixed an issue that caused some players to get stuck progress with the mission “Spiking the Guns”
  • [Community reported] Fixed an issue where bullets would often remain floating after shooting
  • Fixed an issue with the Anniversary Event related to loot not dropping according to loot table design
  • Fixed an issue with Experimental Consumable Crafting where the screen flashes red when being healed by healing ammo, it should not do this now
  • Fixed an issue where selected Active Specializations would not save, and would default to last acquired specialization
  • Fixed an issue with where one was unable to pick up letter to get side mission in Ibholmen Church
  • Fixed an exploit with Ammo Packs and Paramedic Response Packs became infinitely usable by fast traveling back and forth via field radio
  • Fixed an issue where the Experimental KVM59 was not dropped by Reaper

Download free Generation Zero update 1.26 is now available for download

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.