Garden Paws Update Patch Notes – October 31, 2021

Garden Paws update (Oct 31, 2021) is now available to download on PC. According to the official Garden Paws patch notes, the latest update brings new changes, fixes, and more

Previously, a major update was released with various fixes for crashes and more. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are still experiencing issues with the game.

Today’s Garden Paws patch will address a few of these errors. Read more details below.

Garden Paws Patch Notes – October 31, 2021

Trick or Treat!

Trick or treat, we want sweets, to get effects, when we eats!

We’ll trade our wrappers, At the store, For new outfits, And decor!

The Mayor has come up with a new way to celebrate Fall in Florens! Now everyFall between 20 and 30you’ll be able to go up to everyone andask for candy. Eating the candyfrom trick or treating will give aspecial effectthat lasts a short while or even the whole day.

Save thosecandy wrappersthough becauseMiah, the new shop-keeper, will take them and give you newcostumesanddecorations! Miah can be found during the Fall Festival running around town with her Pumpkin wagon.

During this weekend we’re making the trick or treating event available all year long in Florens. Come Monday we’ll be changing it back to happen every Fall between 20-30 in-game days.

R.A.M. Printer

You can help Roman and the Mayor to acquire a great new machine for the town! TheResource Activated Machine or R.A.M. Unitcan turn100 Plant Fiber, Stone or Woodinto a beautiful item!

The catch is, each time you craft an item you need a Schematic or as Roman likes to call them, Chips!

You can purchaseR.A.M. Chipsfrom Roman for250 coinsbut they canonly be used onceso make sure to go see them if you need more.

The R.A.M. Machine can be used to create many differentnew decorationandclutter items! They look great in the shop!


A new animal has been spotted in the shores of Florens, you can now buy alarge aquariumfrom McCoy and tame the adorableAxolotls!

Download free Garden Paws update for PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.