Friday The 13th Game Update 1.28 for PS4 and Xbox One – Patch Notes

Friday the 13th game update 1.28 is now available for players onXbox OneandPlayStation 4. According to the official Friday the 13th 1.28 patch notes, the new update has added dedicated servers for XB1. In addition, the Friday the 13th version 1.28 also includes various bug fixes for stuttering, crashing as well as stability and performance improvements.

Previously, anupdatewas released with a long list of fixes and improvements. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing a number of issues with the last update when trying to play the game. Today’s Friday the 13th game patch 1.28 update is expected to fix this issues. Check out more details below.

Friday The 13th Game Update 1.28 Patch Notes for PS4 and Xbox One

Console Dedicated Servers

  • The long-awaited dedicated servers are now available for XB1.


  • Friday the 13th 1.28 for PS4 has addressed several issues that were causing players to be interaction locked


  • Fixed an issue with Part 5 Jason’s Shift Duration being lower than intended
  • Sense is no longer automatically canceled when Jason enters the water
  • Jason’s pickaxe kill “Canopener” now appears as “Neck Twisted” instead of “Decapitated on the scoreboard
  • Friday the 13th version 1.28 addressed an issue where window environment kills may temporarily become inaccessible if Jason grabs a counselor that is in the process of vaulting through the window


  • Counselors that have been pulled out of a vehicle will now display the correct struggle animation
  • Small items (medical sprays, firecrackers, etc.) are no longer usable for the counselor that is performing the sweater stun
  • Friday the 13th update 1.28 addressed an issue that would sometimes cause the player to become stuck if the player opened the map while vaulting through a window


  • Friday the 13th game update 1.28 added additional countermeasures to prevent players from being able to stand on top of cars
  • Made adjustments to the car escape volumes to prevent vehicles from falling off the map
  • Starting a boat will once again alert Jason via sound effect
  • Fixed an issue where the repair mini game prompt may temporarily not appear if the player is rapidly toggling the repair interact button repeatedly
  • Friday the 13th 1.28 fixed an issue that caused Jason to be able to walk through cars under certain conditions
  • Fixed an issue where the reverse camera on the vehicles may sometimes not be working properly

MapsChanges in Friday The 13th 1.28 for PS4


  • Friday the 13th patch 1.28 Addressed several counselor exploit locations
  • The medical spray static spawns on the Crystal Lake Large map and the Packanack Large map will once again properly spawn medical sprays

Jarvis House

  • Friday the 13th version 1.28 fixed an issue where a car battery may spawn in an unreachable location


  • Friday the 13th 1.28 addressed an issue where the boat may disappear upon exiting through any of the Pinehurst boat escape volumes

Single Player Challenges

  • Fixed an issue that caused players to become stuck when activating a stalker point while entering combat stance at the same time
  • Friday the 13th game update 1.28 PS4 and Xbox One is now available for download.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.