[Fixed] PS5 Error Code CE-100005-6 (Unable to Install Game)

Some players are reporting PS5 error code CE-100005-6 while installing the game. While trying to load and install the game disc, the PS5 console flash a message “Can’t download or copy. Something went wrong. CE-100005-6”. Try again doesn’t solve the issue. Additionally, sometimes it starts downloading or installing the game from the disc but suddenly stuck. Here are a couple of PS5 CE-100005-6 error code fixes you can try.

Please follow the steps below:

What is error code CE-100005-6?

When PS5 fails to read the game disc, it display a message “Can’t download or copy. Something went wrong. CE-100005-6”.

How to Fix PS5 error CE-100005-6

1. Reboot Your Console

  1. Press thePS buttonon your PS5 DualSense controller.
  2. It’ll open thePS5 Control Centermenu.
  3. Here you have to scroll down all the way right of the menu until you see the Power icon.
  4. Select thePower iconmenu > ChooseRestart PS5.
  5. Wait for the process to complete. Once done, try checking for the disc error.

2. Power Cycle Your PS5

  • Simply turn off the PS5 completely.
  • Once turned off, disconnect the power cable from the console and even from the power source.
  • Next, wait for around 5 minutes or so and then plug back the cable in.
  • Finally, power on the PS5 and check whether the error code CE-100005-6 is fixed or not.

If not fixed yet, try another method.

3. Check Another Game Disc

Try using another game disc. If in case, the other game discs work properly that means the particular game disc is causing the error.

4. Clean Disc Gently and Properly

Try cleaning the game disc properly and gently by using an alcoholic wipe cloth or microfiber cloth.

5. Redownload the Game

Make sure to cancel or delete the partially downloaded game from the disc on your console. Once canceled or deleted, just restart your console, and try redownloading the game again from the disc.

6. Pause Update

Some of the affected PS5 users have mentioned that pausing and resuming the game again worked for them. However, it’s not 100% guaranteed that it’ll work for all. But you can at least try it once.

7. PS5 Factory Reset

  • Go to theSettingsmenu from the PS home screen.
  • ChooseSystem> SelectSystem Software.
  • SelectReset Options> ChooseReset Your Console.
  • ChooseResetto confirm the process.
  • Wait for it to complete and reboot your console.
  • Once all done, you’ll need to sign in to your account again and install your previously installed games or apps.

A future update will fix the PS5 error code CE-100005-6 issue.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singhhttps://updatecrazy.com
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.