Firestone Idle RPG Update 7.0 Patch Notes – May 10, 2023

Firestone update 7.0 is now available on PC(Steam). According to the official Firestone patch notes, the latest adds new changes and gameplay improvements. Apart from this, today Firestone patch 7.0 also includes performance fixes.

Recently, a hotfix 6.1 added minor tweaks and changes. Unfortunately, some players are also experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Firestone patch will address a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Firestone Patch Notes – May 10, 2023

The gear and the jewel systems have been expanded. You can now upgrade your items to the Titan rarity and up to the 14th enchant level.
The mythic and the emerald chests have been added into the game. Open them to acquire the Titan seals.
The Doomfire island has been added to the world map. There you can find the Titan missions if you meet the requirements.
The warfront campaign has also been expanded up to stage 85 in the Doomfire island.
Insane difficulty has been added after the hard difficulty.
One more liberation mission has been added.
The guild level cap has been increased and there are new guild perks and guild upgrades.
The warfront campaign perks have been expanded as well.
The legendary chests and the opal chests are now being sold at the shop and at the guild shop once you unlock the mythic and the emerald chests.
The total Gear power and the total Jewel power has been added in the statistics.
Guild leaders now have the option to rename their guild.
There is a new animation when you increase your rank in the world map.
We added a leaderboard for the battle cry.

The upgrades in the Tree of life will show the soft cap instead of the hard cap.
The new battle backgrounds have been added in the war machine battles.
Goddess Aurelia has been redesigned.
The firestone researches and the alchemist experiments will not automatically complete when their timer is done. Instead you will have to claim them manually. There is a new notification for that.


Fixed an issue where unlocking a new tier would sometimes not unlock it visually and throw a server error instead.
Fixed a bug with the sorting of the seals of power.
We fixed some visual bugs with heroes or animations in the various menus.
Several other bugs have been fixed.

Download free Firestone Idle RPG patch 7.0 for PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.