Fire Emblem Heroes Update 6.0.0 Patch Notes – December 6, 2021

Fire Emblem Heroes update 6.0.0 (Dec 6, 2021) is now available to download on Android and iOS. According to the official Fire Emblem Heroes patch notes, the latest update added quality of life improvements and bug fixes

Apart from this, Fire Emblem Heroes patch 6.0.0 also includes stability fixes. Read full details below.

Fire Emblem Heroes Version 6.0.0 Patch Notes – December 6, 2021

Book VI of the main story begins

Starting 7/12/2021 7:00(UTC), Book VI of the main story will open.

As the Order of Heroes sets out to investigate a mysterious darkness plaguing a village in their homeland of Askr, they come across Princess Veronica, who reports a similar phenomenon happening in Embla. With the assistance of a new ally in the form of Ash, retainer to the Divine Dragon Askr, Prince Alfonse and the others work to track down their suspected source of the encroaching dark: the dragon Embla.

5★ Mythic Hero Ash: Retainer to Askr will join your barracks if you clear Part 5 of Chapter 1 of Book VI.

Be sure to watch the thrilling Book VI Opening Movie in which the powerful retainers to Askr and Embla clash! You can jump right into the story of Book VI even if you haven’t completed Books I through V.

And to celebrate the beginning of Book VI, starting 7/12/2021 7:00(UTC), we will be holding the Book VI Begins: Ash and More New Heroes summoning event and a Book VI Begins Celebration!

In this New Heroes summoning event, Ash: Retainer to Askr is available as a part of the 5★ focus category along with New Heroes from Fire Emblem Awakening.

Note: Because Ash: Retainer to Askr is a Mythic Hero, she does not appear in normal summoning events. The next time she is scheduled to appear in a summoning event is this month’s Legendary Hero summoning event.

You can make two copies of 5★ Hero Miriel: Rapier Intellect your ally by completing quests, and there will be Log-In Bonuses from which you can get Dragonflowers and more as part of the Book VI Begins celebratory events!

■ Summoner Duels, a synchronous PvP mode, was added

Summoner Duels, a new mode in which you can face off against summoners from around the world in synchronous one-on-one battles, has been added to the Coliseum!

Build a team using your Favored Heroes and dispatch them in Favor Battles. The Favor Level of the Hero you select as your team’s captain will increase, and you can earn Forma Souls, Dragonflowers, and more as rewards based on their level.

We introduced Favor Battles in the Feh Channel – Dec. 5, 2021 video by showing an actual Favor Battle in action.

We also released a video in which two armies led by Alfonse and Veronica clash titled Fire Emblem Heroes – Summoner Duels: Alfonse vs Veronica Play-by-Play. Be sure to give the hotly contested competition a watch!

Summoner Duels also features a Free Duel mode in which you can get matched up with specific players using passwords, and a Practice Duel mode where you can dip your toes in to test the waters of Summoner Duels. Give Summoner Duels a try and find the mode that’s best suited for you!

■ A new profile card feature has been implemented

Players can now create and show off their own profile cards!

You can use a profile card to display your Favored Heroes, Home Base, and more in addition to your name and ID to other players using the profile card feature. You can also view your friends’ profile cards in the Friend List menu.

・ Your profile card will be viewable by others when you battle for the first time or edit your profile card after updating your app.
・ You can also make your profile card private by tapping Public/Private on the Edit Profile Card screen. If you make it private, other players will not be able to see your profile card.

Your profile card can be edited and set by doing the following:
・ Tap Home, then Friend List, then the profile card icon in your section of the screen.
・ Tap Allies, then Interact with Allies, then My Summoner, then in the details screen tap the profile card icon.

There are eight elements to your profile card, all of which can be customized to your personal preference. Be sure to give customizing your profile card a try!

List of Profile Card Elements
・ Nickname

The player’s Nickname is written here. (This is not the name of the player’s My Summoner.)

Note: You can change your Nickname by tapping Misc., then FAQ/Etc., then Change Nickname.

・ ID

You can choose to make this public or private. It is set to public by default.

Note: If you view a Friend’s profile card from your Friend List, their ID will not be displayed, whether it is set public or private.

・ Arena Tier

・ Golden Thrones

・ Home Base

You can choose one from a set of options. You can also choose Secret.

・ Play Style

You can choose one from a set of options. You can also choose Secret.

・ Favored Heroes

The 3 Heroes with the highest Favor Level and their Favor Levels will be displayed.

You can also change the background to be themed after the different worlds and countries from Fire Emblem Heroes or the summoning gate.

・ You can raise your Heroes’ Favor Level be completing Favor Battles in Summoner Duels.
・ If multiple Heroes are at the same Favor Level, then the Hero with the highest number of wins will be displayed. If there are multiple with the same number of wins, then the Hero from the newest title will be prioritized.
・ The weapons that the Favored Heroes hold will always be that of the highest ranked weapon skill of those they have acquired. Also, accessories, Resplendent outfits, etc. will not be displayed.

・ Total Heroes
The number of Heroes you have met so far will be displayed. (The same number that is displayed in your Catalog of Heroes.)

You can also set your Profile Card’s style and color.

■ The Sort and Filter features have been updated

○ Duo/Har. and Version options were added to Sort and Advanced Options.

By selecting Version, you can sort Heroes by the Fire Emblem Heroes game update version number they first appeared in. The first digit in the version number corresponds to the Book number of the main story.

For example, the version number for Dagr: Sun’s Radiance, who appeared during Book V, is 5.3.

○ Hero Type and Release Ver. were added to the Filter feature.

You can now filter by five different types of Heroes—including Legendary, Mythic, Duo, Harmonized, and Heroes with Dance skills—and you can filter by the six different game version numbers. Please note that Heroes who can equip a Dance or Sing skill will be affected by the Dance filter regardless of whether or not they currently have such a skill equipped.

■ New Memento Events have been added to Heroes Journey

New Memento Events have been added to Heroes Journey!

■ The lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals has been updated

With the release of Ver. 6.0.0, players will be able to obtain Divine Codes (Ephemera 12) from events and exchange them from an updated lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals using the Compile Combat Manual feature.

Divine Codes (Ephemera 12) will be able to be exchanged for the following Combat Manuals:

・ The Combat Manuals added in this update can be compiled until 28/1/2022 6:59(UTC)
・ Divine Codes (Ephemera 12) may be obtained from events that begin after the release of Ver. 6.0.0, while Divine Codes (Ephemera 11) may continue to be obtained from events that began before the release of Ver. 6.0.0.

■ A new weapon skill and weapons to refine have been added

The following Hero can now learn this new character-specific weapon skill at 5★:

Inviolable Axe
Hero who can learn this skill: Libra: Fetching Friar

・ The weapon above can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery after it has been obtained.
・ To learn weapon skills, tap Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.

The following weapons can now be upgraded or gain additional special effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew:

Summer’s Breath
Hero who can learn this skill: Tiki: Beachside Scion

Wolf Queen Fang
Hero who can learn this skill: Nailah: Unflinching Eye

Wolf Berg
Hero who can learn this skill: Walhart: The Conqueror

Hero who can learn this skill: Loki: The Trickster

Note: To access the Weapon Refinery, you must clear Book I, Chapter 13 in the main story and then clear the second Intermission map, The Rite of Blades.

■ Aether Raids has been updated

○ Some structures have had their level cap increased.
・ Tactics Room (O/D): up to level 9

○ Aether Resort has been updated.
・ Two new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: “The Black Knight” from the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance game and “Main Theme (Hot Spring)” from the Fire Emblem Awakening game.

■ Mjölnir’s Strike has been updated

○ A mechanism has had its level cap increased.
・ Askran Seal: up to level 5

■ Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails

The following Heroes are now available to summon using Heroic Grails:

・ Sophia: Cobweb Prophet
・ Sedgar: Coyote’s Dutiful

■ Other Changes

○ A button that will take you to the Book V Ending Movie has been added.

A button that will take you to the Book V Ending Movie has been added to the Main Story Book V menu in Story Maps.

○ Duo and Harmonized Heroes who have completed their action on a given turn and can use their Duo or Harmonized skill are now displayed with a green space on the map.

○ We adjusted how the turn ends when Smart End and Excl. Pair/Duo are both turned on in settings.

If a Duo or Harmonized skill can be used, but that skill will not have an effect, turns will now end.

Note: In the Summoner Duels mode, because there are circumstances in which a Duo or Harmonized skill will have an effect depending on the opponent’s actions, this behavior will not occur.

○We adjusted how the AI behaves when it is controlling Heroes.

If there is a Hero in the team that the AI is controlling who has a skill that inflicts status effects such as Guard or Deep Wounds on foes, the AI will now move that Hero before other Heroes.

○We added Summoner Duels Combat Animations to settings.

You can select On or Off, and combat animations will play in Summoner Duels only if both players have it set to On.

○We added Duels Teams to the teams in the Equip Skill Sets menu.

  • Additional notes:none.
  • Official website: check out the links above!

Download free Fire Emblem Heroes patch 6.0.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.