[Final Fantasy XIV] FFXIV update 9.86 (v6.31) is now available on PC, PS4, and PS5 (1.000.173) players. According to the official FFXIV 9.86 patch notes, the latest hotfix resolves some minor issues with the game. Apart from this, today’s FF14 patch 9.86 also includes stability fixes.
Previously, a big update 6.3 added a number of additions and refinements to the game, including the Data Center Travel system and the new Japanese data center, Meteor. Unfortunately, since the last major patch, players are facing a long list of bug fixes and gameplay changes. Today’s FFXIV patch 9.86 will address a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
FFXIV 9.86 Patch Notes (FF14 6.31) – January 13, 2023
A countermeasure has been taken against the following issue:
・Client may freeze or crash due to heavy loads from running the client for an extended period in certain situations.
■The following issues have been addressed:
・In The Dying Gasp, the action indicator for the boss’s “Dual Strike” was not displayed.
・During Containment Bay P1T6, the server would crash under certain conditions.
・Disconnection from servers would occur due to heavy server loads during peak times causing servers to go down in certain situations.