Farthest Frontier Update 0.7.5 Patch Notes Details

Farthest Frontier update 0.7.5 details released for PC(Steam) players. According to the official Farthest Frontier patch notes, the latest update adds balance changes, bug fixes, and even some new features.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing several issues with the game. Today’s Farthest Frontier patch 0.7.5 will address a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Farthest Frontier Patch Notes – August 18, 2022

In v0.7.5, you can look forward to notifications and a sound that let you know a trader has arrived, and which trader it is. A circular icon will appear in the top left of the screen whenever a trader is in town and ready to trade. This should make it much more obvious whenever traders are available.

Trading Post

Added new notifications and a sound that let you know a trader has arrived, and which trader it is.

A circular icon will appear in the top left of the screen whenever a trader is in town and ready to trade. This should make it much more obvious whenever traders are available.

Dev Update - Trader Present

A New Starting Experience and Game Difficulty

Created a new map type: Idyllic Valley. This map is teeming with resources of every variety. If you’ve been looking for a place to settle in the frontier where everything is provided for (well except Heavy Tools, those do not grow on bushes), this should be your go to selection. This is now the default map type when you select New Settlement.

In addition, the game devs updated the map descriptions and added difficulty indicators to make it more clear what kind of a challenge you’re setting yourself up for.

Moar Resources

The latest update significantly increases the resources within mineral deposits. Trees will regrow faster and produce more wood. This should make Work Camps with 2 workers able to chop trees without any additional micromanagement for a long time, if not indefinitely. Full Work Camps focused on trees will still likely make quick work of a forest, but the assumption there is that you need lots of wood and fast.

Added anew megarock, this behemoth should sate hungry cities for generations. It is however just a (massive) stepping stone to a long-term solution…

Quarries, Deep Mines and Forestry

For endgame resource generation, we would like to add several new types of buildings: Quarries and Deep Mines. These new endgame structures will serve the purpose of generating an endless supply of resources for your town so that you can work on perfecting your creations for as long as you see fit.

Production and Storage Management

There are currently some limitations for resource management that we’d like to address in future updates:

  • There is no method to transfer resources between storage.
  • There is no way to set quotas.
  • There is no way to set production limits
  • Finally, we are planning on adding a way to check/uncheck entire categories of resources in your storage buildings. Just a small quality of life change, but a valuable one nonetheless.

Bug Fixes

Addressed an issue where some resources, such as herbs and willow, were generating outside of the pathable area. No more confusion about what resources are accessible to your villagers.

A New Starting Experience and fixed Game Difficulty issues related to the following.

  • Hitching when opening UI windows
  • Hitching when the desirability overlay is displayed
  • Hitching when buildings are finished
  • Hitching when cows are fenced in
  • Performance degradation at high population
  • Excessively long loading times
  • Memory use accumulates when rerolling/restarting maps frequently

Barns and Cows

There are a number of issues with Barns and Cows that we are working through. Slaughtering cows stops working, milk production stops working, cows stop generating new cows, upgrading to a tier 2 barn or relocating/rebuilding your barn can cause cows to vanish into the void.

Download Farthest Frontier patch 0.7.5 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.