Farthest Frontier Update 0.7.4 (Hotfix 2) Patch Notes – August 12, 2022

Farthest Frontier update 0.7.4 (Hotfix 2) is now available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Farthest Frontier patch notes, the latest update added gameplay tuning, bug fixes and much more.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing several issues with the game. Today’s Farthest Frontier patch 0.7.4 will address a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Farthest Frontier Patch Notes – August 12, 2022


  • UI scale now goes up to 2x. This is at least a step towards improving the experience at 4k resolution that could be done in short order.
  • Various UI fixes and adjustments, such as text clipping UI elements.
  • UI text tweaks to accommodate longer words in some languages.
  • Fixed blurry images on some building UI.


  • Fixed a major issue when loading a game related to game pause occurring while the load screen was not yet gone.
  • Fixed a major issue where farmers would not work on fields.
  • Fixes for improperly displayed tooltips.
  • Fixed incorrect item counts with deceased villagers.
  • Fixed crop field outlines in certain odd cases when intersecting with roads.


  • Scrolling the camera far from the Town Center and into Fog of War now causes the Center on Town Center button to become highlighted.
  • Declined Immigration events no longer have a chance to turn hostile and pillage your storage. The ability to fight them was not working as intended and ultimately this old mechanic did not feel good as you are likely declining immigrants to avoid overpopulation and would sometimes be punished for it.
  • Pacing of villager Entertainment demands significantly reduced / delayed to smooth out how quickly your turn needs to provide entertainment to maintain happiness.
  • Clay Deposit generation rates and sizes increased for some biomes. In short: moar clay. This change is not retroactive.
  • Building select SFX now correctly affected by UI audio slider.
  • Added/updated some missing/incorrect translations.


  • Waste accumulation in lower tier houses has been reduced.
  • Disabled the supply wagon construction button. The Supply Wagon is the starting point for your people and is not intended as a storage method beyond that point. In the future, we plan for a way to convert your starting wagon into something more useful.
  • Apothecary Shop relocated on building menu from Food to Amenities and Services.
  • Armory can now produce Shields without Iron Ingots. This allows armorers to produce items in Tier 2 even if Iron Ingots are unavailable, which can be produced in town in a Tier 3 Foundry.
  • Pub has moved to Tier 3 so that it now coincides with Brewery, which produces beer to use at the Pub. This change also aligns with the adjustments to entertainment needs.
  • Rat Catcher monthly costs reduced.
  • Theater monthly costs reduced.
  • Well water alert now only displays when well is empty.
  • Wind Mill flour production speed has been halved, but the number of Millers has been raised from 1 to 2, for more GRAINular control over how fast flour is generated.


  • Honey no longer spoils.
  • Taxes generated by Pottery and Candle luxury goods in homes boosted from 3 to 4 gold per year.
  • Taxes generated from Spices and duration before they are consumed in homes boosted significantly.


  • Tower and Soldier monthly upkeep costs reduced.
  • Raiders are now a bit more stabby but less likely to destroy certain buildings, such as Root Cellars.
  • Reduced armor on some raiders.
  • Reduced melee weapon damages slightly all around.
  • Regular villager attack boosted slightly.

Download Farthest Frontier patch 0.7.4 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.