Farthest Frontier Patch 0.9.0 Notes (V0.9.0 ) – August 3, 2023

Farthest Frontier update 0.9.0 is now available to download on PC. According to the official Farthest Frontier patch notes, the latest update 0.9.0 addresses some bugs and crashes.

Previously, a major update 0.9.0 added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Farthest Frontier version 0.9.0 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Farthest Frontier Patch 0.9.0 Notes – August 3, 2023

[Major New Features]

  • A new Spirituality system has been added to the game. Villagers now demand spiritual fullfilment, which can be managed through the construction of shrines and the all-new Temple. Relics can be excavated, traded for, and stolen from raiders and combined to create a faith unique to your town.
  • The paper industry has been added to the game. Villagers can now process flax into paper and combine that with leather to create books, a new luxury item. Construct grand libraries to provide entertainment based on the books stored.
  • The Guild Hall has been added to the game. The Guild Hall consumes paper to manage and improve your settlement’s industries.
  • The population cap of 1000 has been removed. You can now set your own population cap in the game settings if you wish.


  • Optimized Farmer AI for improved framerate.
  • Farmers now prioritize fields more intelligently and will begin their work sooner.
  • Farmers now tend to fields in their spare time, reducing travel time when planting/harvest needs to be done.
  • Villagers now prioritize dropping off carried items at a nearby storage before moving on to other high priority tasks.
  • Fixed an issue guard, soldier and raider health would reset to a lower value on game load.
  • Fixed an issue where inputing numbers into the Trading Post UI could alter the game speed.
  • Fixed an issue where relocating a building would temporarily remove workers from other instances of the same building.
  • Fixed an issue where the Town Center would count homes stocked with luxury items incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where the annual report would not track Beer consumption.
  • Fixed an issue where Raiders and Soldiers would hold Crossbows incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where Merchants would be missing torsos.
  • Fixed an issue where the Town Center UI tabs could become stuck.
  • Fixed an issue where Graveyards and Crop Fields could be built over Fruit Trees and Apiaries could be built inside Graveyards.
  • Fixed an issue where declining an immigration event could result in a follow-up immigration event of 0 villagers.
  • Fixed an issue where town would report needing excessive quantities of clothing, shoes and coats.
  • Fixed an issue where the Structural Integrity tutorial would not trigger.
  • Fixed an issue where villagers would perform tasks with invisible tools.
  • Fixed an issue where villagers end up with soldier portraits, and vice-versa.
  • Fixed an issue with villagers seeking medicine or getting treated indefiniely at a Healer’s House that has no healer.
  • Fixed an issue where the Healer’s House would count more patients than it treated.
  • Fixed an issue where raider notifications sometimes display the incorrect raider count.
  • Fixed an issue where adding 2 workers to a tower if another tower is vacant would not correctly add both to the same tower.
  • Fixed an issue where the work area circle would disappear while trying to move it.
  • Fixed an issue where extended Crop Fields would not generate a honey bonus.
  • Fixed an issue where removing buildings from the work area of a tier 2 Work Camp would not allow trees to be planted in the vacated space.
  • Fixed an issue where the the notification for rotted crops would display incorrect numbers.
  • Fixed an issue where you could relocate a blueberry bush onto another blueberry bush relocation site, causing one to vanish.
  • Fixed an issue where building a crop field over other build sites and then cancelling those build sites would result in a larger field for less work. The field generated now matches the originally placed shape before the build sites were cancelled.
  • Fixed a rare issue where a dead villager could continue to occupy a work slot.
  • Fixed an issue where some building windows did not correctly light up in the winter.
  • Fixed an issue where traps do not get relocated when a Hunter Lodge is relocated or has its work area moved.
  • Fixed an issue where a Hunter Lodge could get stuck in full storage limbo.
  • Fixed an issue where audio settings could reset.


  • Improved UI scaling of the Town Center windows.
  • The Intro Cinematic is now correctly on the Master audio layer.
  • Resources with no remaining valid storage are now marked in the Resource Window.
  • Hints can now be individually disabled in the interface settings (ex. low laborers warning).
  • Defense buildings now show their Armor value when selected.
  • The Destroyed Building notification now only jumps to buildings that are still not rebuilt.
  • Hunter Traps now have a penalty to how frequently they produce when an excessive number is stacked in one area.


  • Increased base water refill rate in Wells and reduced refill bonus from rain. On average, wells should generate more water.
  • Fixed an issue where some workers would go idle at the Blacksmith when making weapons or heavy weapons exclusively.
  • Granary window now correctly displays Barrel UI.


  • Adjusted the balance between Wheat, Rye and Buckwheat to make each more distinctly appealing.

Download Farthest Frontier update 0.9.0 on PC.

Renu specializes in Japanese games, from cult-classic JRPGs to niche indie titles. A lifelong fan of Japan’s gaming culture, she combines deep industry knowledge with a passion for storytelling. Follow her for updates on Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, and hidden gems.