Far Cry 6 Update 1.09 Patch Notes for PS4, PS4, PC & Xbox – Official

Far Cry 6 update 1.09 is now available to download on PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox. According to the official Far Cry 6 1.09 patch notes, the latest title update 3 brings various quality of life fixes and gameplay changes. Apart from this, FC6 update 1.09 also contains various bug fixes and gameplay changes.

Previously, a day one update was released with quality of life improvements. Recently, a hotfix was also released.

Unfortunately, some players are experiencing issues with the game.

Today’s Far Cry 6 patch 1.09 will fix all these issues. Check out more details below.

Far Cry 6 Title Update 5 Download Size

PC: 6.53 GB without HD Texture Pack, 7.69 with HD Texture Pack
Xbox One: 8.57 GB
Xbox Series X | S:11.08 GB
PlayStation 4:~15 GB, depending on selected language pack
PlayStation 5:13.14 GB

Far Cry 6 patch 1.09 notes – March 22, 2021

Gameplay updates:

  • Ammunition Swapping
    • Players are now able to swap ammunition types for weapons via the weapon wheel (can be key bound on PC) without having to visit a workbench (you will need to have the ammunition type unlocked previously).
  • Introducing Loadouts
    • Players will have the ability to create and modify 4 loadouts. The loadouts include sets of weapons and gear that can now be easily swapped via the arsenal menu for adapting to any situation.
      • Loadouts unlock after the Libertad Rises mission.
  • Outpost resets
    • Once players finish the Far Cry 6 main campaign, they will gain the ability to abandon previously secured FND Bases.
      • Players can hover any completed FND Base and have an additional option available: Abandon FND Base.
      • Abandoning the FND Base reverts it to Military control. The FND Base is then available for the player to tackle again.
      • Abandoning the FND Base increases the level of enemies inside the FND Base to Player Level +4.
      • After abandoning the FND Base, the rewards offered are increased, granting additional Moneda.
  • New difficulty mode: Guerrilla Mode
    • Overall combat difficulty is increased (including AI detection and reaction to the player).
    • Ammo, gadget counts, and pickups have been reduced.
    • Major UI/HUD elements are disabled when you start Guerrilla Mode, which will test your skill and cunning. (To ensure the games’ accessibility levels remains high, the options can be turned on again via the settings menu).
    • Guerilla Mode requires a new game start, and you are not able to reduce the difficulty once you have started Guerilla Mode.

Bug fixes:

· Fixed an issue that caused the “Lock-on Aim” option to stay active even if the setting was turned off, while “Aiming Assist” was active.
· Fixed an issue that could cause a Snowshoe-110D8569 error after fast travelling to Guerilla Hideout Conjunto during the “Intervention” mission when playing in co-op.
· Fixed an issue that caused the option HUD Elements to automatically reset to “All On” after setting it to “All Off”.
· Fixed an issue that could cause players to get stuck and not be able to move if they triggered the cinematic during the “Blood Ties” mission while being in a helicopter.
· Fixed an issue that could cause a Snowshoe-D15BE00A when matchmaking into co-op, leaving the co-op session and immediately matchmaking for co-op again.
· Fixed several localization, grammar, and subtitle issues.
· Adjusted enemy respawn for the Acunana Farmland, Cayo Villa Real and Tabacco Valley areas to reduce the likelihood of enemies respawning too quickly.
· Fixed several missing icons for trophies on PlayStation 5 and achievements on PC.
· Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite death loop when an auto-save happened as soon as the player died.
· Fixed an issue that could cause Chorizo to float when riding in the car with you.

· Fixed an issue with a weird door sometimes blocking progress during the “Cull the Herd” challenge when playing the Joseph: Collapse DLC.

· Fixed an issue that could cause the Field of View scaling to become stuck at 75 when forfeiting a Gran Premio race.
· Fixed an issue that could prevent players from launching Far Cry 6 if sound devices were disabled or not present in their operating system.

· Fixed an issue that could cause a black screen for both the host and the co-op partner when launching the Joseph: Collapse DLC for the first time on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.
· Fixed an issue that caused available DLC to be shown as “Coming Soon” when players had purchased the Season pass.
PlayStation 5
· Fixed an issue where the system music wouldn’t properly loop.
· Fixed several issues that could cause the game to crash under rare circumstances on Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S.
· Fixed an issue that caused several graphical glitches when playing the Joseph: Collapse DLC.
· Fixed an issue that could cause a co-op session to be disbanded when the client would vote on an activity first.

The following changes were added previously.

Quality-of-Life updates

  • Made several adjustments to reduce the instances where HUD elements would be blocked or hidden, e.g., when changing region.
  • When starting a Special Operation, the player joining the Co-Op session will now be informed which Special Operation is being started.
  • Increased Mission tracker icon and font size when using the “Increased” option for UI and Fonts Scaling under the Vision option menu.
  • Added MSI Mystic Light RGB support to the game.

New Utility Packs –Coming December 16:

Materials Pack

  • Basic Materials Pack: 300 Far Cry Credits
  • Advanced Material Pack: 1000 Far Cry Credits
  • Specialist Materials Pack: 2000 Far Cry Credits

Yaran Pesos Pack

  • Small Yaran Pesos Pack: 300 Far Cry Credits
  • Medium Yaran Pesos Pack: 500 Far Cry Credits
  • Large Yaran Pesos Pack: 1000 Far Cry Credits

Bug fixes:


  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPC models to become corrupted for player joining a co-op session, after an extended co-op playtime.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause enemies to not be shown on the minimap during the “Cocodrilo” Special Operation.

Vaas: Insanity

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the host to be stuck in a black screen after pressing “Save and Quit” in the final scoreboard.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the “Self-Help”, “Dear Diary” and “Freudian Field Day” achievements to not correctly unlock after meeting the required conditions.


  • HD Texture Pack — Some assets appearing blurry

Developer comment:We have made some changes for the HD Texture Pack on PC that should decrease the blurriness that appeared for some players when using the HD Texture Pack. When looking into these reports, we are seeing players using graphics cards with less than 12 GB of VRAM available. When using the HD Texture Pack with less than the minimum required VRAM available, the performance and the look of the game can be worse than without the pack.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the “Aim Type” and “Weapon Wheel Interaction” options to reset to default when restarting the game.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Vaas: Insanity DLC to become unavailable when signing-out and signing-in to the same Xbox Live profile.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to constantly be prompted with a “Quit Game” message after restarting from Rest mode.

Xbox One

  • Fixed an issue that could cause weapons and weapon attachments to disappear.

Xbox Series X|S

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Menu cursor to get stuck on screen when opening the military escalation popup after loading a save.

Download free Far Cry 6 version 1.09 on PS4, PS5, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.