Eternal Return Update 0.59.0a Hotfix Patch Notes – May 27, 2,022

Eternal Return update 0.59.0a patch notes released for PC (Steam) players. According to the official Eternal Return patch notes, the latest hotfix brings some minor fixes and balancing to the game.

Previously, a big update added new changes, fixes, and more. Unfortunately, since the last update, players are still experiencing a number of issues with the game.

Today’s Eternal Return patch 0.59.0a will address a few of these issues. Read more details here.

Eternal Return May 27 Update Patch Notes


  • Items taken from players during dying motion effects have been fixed to remain after revival. (Duo/Squad)
  • Restricted area timers have been fixed to work properly in temporary safe zones. (Duo/Squad)
  • Purchasing ‘Emma’s Magic Show’ lobby screen from the EP Token store has been fixed to properly show your state of purchase.
  • Numbers for certain augments in ‘Loadout’ > ‘Augments’ are fixed to now be displayed properly.
  • The attack power of mutant bears and wolves has been fixed to be stronger than that of normal bears and wolves.
  • Rozzi – Visual effects are now normally displayed when shooting an extra projectile with Dual Wield (P) when there already is a projectile in the air.
  • Fixes in some of Markus’s tooltip errors
  • Hart – Right clicking the enemy before Peacemaker (R) ends no longer causes Hart to move before attacking.
  • Fixes in incorrect stats of Mount Slicer and Carnwennan


  • Attack Power per Level 2 ->2.5
  • Per Axe Weapon Mastery Level
    • Basic Attack Amplification 3.5% ->4%
    • Skill Amplification 1.4% ->2%
  • Violent Swing(W)
    • Cooldown 22/20/18/16/14s ->18/16.5/15/13.5/12s


  • Base Attack Power 48 → 44

There has been lots of feedback about balance with the start of the new Ranked season. We’re continuously monitoring statistics and data related to issues that are receiving intensive feedback.However, there are some differences with the feedback we collected and some of the statistics for the first 20 hours of the season in both the upper ranks and lower ranks. (Although we would need to collect more data for it to be more reliable)Since it’s only been a day before the season started and a lot could change with more data, we’ll address issues with certain statistic abnormalities for now and will follow up with more fixes as we monitor and gain additional data and feedback.

Download free Eternal Return update 0.59.0a on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.