Enderal Forgotten Stories Update 2.0.10 Patch Notes – December 13, 2021

Enderal Forgotten Stories update 2.0.10 released on PC (Steam). According to the official Propnight patch notes, the latest update added a long list of bug fixes and gameplay changes.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are still experiencing several issues. Today’s Enderal Forgotten Stories patch 2.0.10 will address a few of these errors.

Read full details below.

Enderal Patch Notes – December 13, 2021

  • Integrated mods have been updated: SKSE to version 2.0.20, SSE Engine Fixes to 5.8.3 and SSE Display Tweaks to version 0.5.6b.
  • Removed code for upgrading from pre-1.6.2 versions.
  • Fixed CTD, caused by the Slowdown effect, attempting to run on non-actors (Ice Spike, Psychosis), reported by OverDev.
  • Fixed inability to talk to Jespar in Every Day Like the Last, Part II, if player arrives to the roof before him. Fixed force-greeting with a generic line.
  • Fixed possible music disappearing and weather getting stuck after The Voice from the Water.
  • Fixed mud elementals and trolls fleeing from enemies.
  • Fixed hitboxes of the [spoiler]Burned Flesh and Father[/spoiler].
  • Fixed the [spoiler]Burned Flesh[/spoiler] not attacking the player.
  • Fixed inability to lure [spoiler]Maxus to dinner with Aurora[/spoiler] after talking to another NPC.
  • Fixed Jespar not following player in the beginning of “The Word of the Dead”.
  • Fixed Yaela getting stuck in front of the Starling tablet with directions, when the scouting party has weapons out.
  • Fixed the Strengthen Apparition spell not being applied to summoned creatures (regression since 2.0.8, reported by reee).
  • Fixed map marker to Old Sotyris in “Hidden in the Puzzle”.
  • Fixed Calia not equipping her sword correctly in the Forbidden Tunnel.
  • Restored revised book texts, overridden by old editions in FS.esm at some point before the final LE patch.
  • Starling Bird is now marked essential instead of protected, it can’t be killed anymore.
  • Yero’s diaries can be turned in before visiting Alfrid first.
  • Yero’s Powerful Mud Elemental no longer respawns, supplying unlimited amount of Yero’s Last Words.
  • Revised costs of equipment spectralizing. Spell costs now directly correlate to their magicka costs. Increased importance of base damage and tempering for weapons.
  • Quest objectives in the Elixir automatically marked as completed when required quantity is collected (reported by 0570). Refactored ingredient tracking, removed scripts from the elixir ingredients.
  • Disabled respawning of ore veins, world-placed items in uninhabited locations, and valuable items in inhabited locations.
  • Changed a pit fighter’s package in the Dust Pit to sandboxing, so he doesn’t stand on Yuslan’s path, forcing him to teleport.
  • Ryneus now wears his amulet.
  • Added the “Don’t Havok Settle” flag to all world-placed books.
  • Fixed incorrectly loading ground textures in front of the Abandoned Temple.
  • Map lighting no longer depends on the time of the day.
  • Fixed the intro track getting stuck between game loads.
  • Made Tiwon protected to prevent his accidental death before finishing his quest.
  • Improved NPC sandboxing in Ark Market. Fixed idle markers sinking into the ground.
  • Significantly reduced repetitive idle chatting of NPCs.
  • Fixed Varnhvar’s sleeping package pointing to an already occupied bed.
  • Fixed invalid ragdoll data of multiple corpses and skeletons causing them to stalk the player.
  • Converted root node of 27 tree models from BSFadeNode to BSLeafAnimNode. This will get rid of the warnings in the Creation Kit.
  • Flatter pebble meshes (Shorter Grass by Fhaarkasmod was integrated).
  • Fixed a non-activatable warehouse door in Silvergrove.
  • Added dependency checks for SKSE, fs.dll, and JContainers.
  • Properly integrated Enderal inventory icons into SkyUI, it is now possible to switch between 5 icon themes in the MCM.
  • Integrated theGhost Item Bug Fix for SkyUI by EdmanSA.
  • Updated Korean and Russian translations.

For the Greater Good fixes:

  • Fixed the explanation scene getting stuck if Tealor is not on his marker.
  • Fixed Papyrus out-of-bounds errors due to non-matching count of keepers and quest aliases.
  • Fixed the apothecarii missing during interrogation.
  • Fixed additional spectators never arriving to Tealor’s speech.
  • Fixed CTD while talking to Tealor in his chamber.


  • Reworked house furnishing system, see the help message for updated controls. Controllers are now supported.
  • Placeable alchemy workbenches now support creating potions for The Elixir and Cuthbert’s Legacy.
  • Allowed werewolf transformation and apparitions in inhabited locations with hostiles, like UpperHaystacks, basements on the Farmer’s Coast, etc. And vice versa – disallowed them in multiple non-hostile locations in cities.
  • Added empty music track to the _NONE playlist, unused in Enderal, but sometimes reused in mods and causing CTD due to being empty.
  • Tweaked confidence and melee reach values of some creatures.
  • Fixed the 50% chance in the “Infiltrator: Bloodlust” perk.
  • Added missing Fortify Enchanting and Fortify Alchemy effects to Soul Caller.
  • Fixed enemies teleporting to the player after breaking free from the Arctic Wind.
  • Fixed Half-Aeterna characters gaining height after “Black Light, Part III”.
  • More gradual weather switching in Ark outskirts during [spoiler]the siege[/spoiler].
  • Fixed visibility of [spoiler]Nehrimese[/spoiler] ships.
  • Sound volume of Koppophone can be set to 25%. It no longer stops all music in the game, when muted.
  • Fixed an exploit, allowing health regeneration of apparitions in combat.
  • Fixed headtracking of werewolf apparitions.
  • Fixed pipe smoking, sometimes starting on reading some receipts and opening some containers.
  • Fixed melee buffs sometimes not applying correctly.
  • Fixed idle movements of frozen enemies.


  • Fixed scale and collision of mud elementals.
  • Bigger stairs and bridge in Yero’s cave.
  • Converted and integrated the moddrunk sinking head idle fix by KnightRangersGuild, this fixes the sinked in head during the animation of drunk NPCs.
  • All mosses, fog sponges, and glimmerdust no longer can be looted in Lishari’s memory, to unify it with the other non-lootable items.
  • Fixed a hole in the Old Starling Workshop underwater in which you could swim through and leave the level bounds.
  • Fixed the texture/UV map of the two lower common tables.
  • Fixed Starling Cuirass, closed the holes at the neck and arms + unified their look, the shoulder plates also don’t clip anymore.
  • Fixed texture placement on the Wandering Mage set.
  • Male version ofHeart of the Swashbuckler scales now properly with the weight.
  • Fixed textures of the female Heart of the Swashbuckler version.
  • Fixed clipping of the first person robes.
  • Fixed mismatched robe colors in first and third person.
  • Fixed clipping hands in first person for most robes.
  • Fixed gaps between hands and sleeves in FarmerClothes02.

Hans Halber:

  • Fixed positioning of candles in Riverville.
  • Properly working soul trap effect on bound weapons.


  • Fixed vendor keywords on many book recipes, ingredients, and misc items.
  • Fixed food effects, inconsistent with other items or with their appearance.
  • Removed vendor keywords from decayed items. Decayed food can’t be sold anymore.
  • Added VendorItemRecipe to recipes to allow alchemists to buy/sell them.
  • Made the leveled list _00ETraderAmmo actually leveled. Merchants now sell the correct ammo for the player level, added missing ammo types.
  • Fixed blue glowing on the stone near Yero’s house.

Download free Kenshi update 2.0.10 for PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.