Elite Dangerous Update 17.01 Patch Notes

Elite Dangerous update 17.01 (Odyssey) patch notes details are now available for PC players. According to the Elite Dangerous patch notes details, the latest update adds significant improvements and fixes, enhancing gameplay experience. Apart from this, Elite Dangerous patch 17.01 also addressed various issues related to missions, environments, graphics, AI, and more.

Previously, a big Elite Dangerous update 16 added the Scorpion, Multi Limpet Controller Modules, and much more. Recently, a hotfix was also released. Unfortunately, some players are experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Elite Dangerous update 17.01 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Elite Dangerous Update 17.01 Patch Notes – December 12, 2023

Community Issues of note addressed:
  • After accepting a mission from the mission board, players will now be returned to the previously selected mission category screen, rather than the ‘all categories’ screen.
  • Fixed issues with transferring cargo to fleet carriers and SRVs requiring a relog. You no longer need to break the laws of reality to get your goods.
Locations and Environments:
  • Fixed Spire sites that are no longer under Thargoid control having a different masslock impact to fully functional Spire sites.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hybrid Compound Bin was allowing duplication of the Spire Refinery Compound.
  • Fixed an issue stopping the SRV from teleporting to the Spire landing pads whilst parked underneath one.
  • The player will no longer receive a “Mission Updated” HUD prompt telling them to collect Spire site resources if they’re arriving with all the necessary resources already.
  • Mission details are now correctly displayed when accepting passenger missions at burning stations. We still don’t recommend standing in the flames though.
  • Fixed issue with mission boards not always displaying the correct destination name and distance.
  • Spire mission resources taken from other players will now be accepted at mission hand-in.
AI and Enemies
  • Stopped the Banshees from sometimes jittering sideways in multiplayer.
  • Fixed Thargoid Scouts sometimes clipping through the planet surfaces. We appreciate stealth tactics but that was a bit much.
  • Fixed issue where being interdicted near a Titan cloud could result in no Thargoids being present. They have now been given better SatNavs.
  • Orthruses engaged in scanning at Spire sites will now seek to jump out if attacked.
Ships, Suits, and Modules
  • Fixed recalled ship arrival clouds sometimes appearing in a different location to the ship.
  • Fixed an issue transferring cargo that had recently been bought from ships to SRVs.
  • Removed an unnecessary navigation panel entry after scanning organics on foot.
  • Stopped some Spire site terrain boundary edges being shown in ship landing schematic when above a planet surface.
  • Improved appearance of organic objects when viewed from certain angles.
  • Fixed an issue with rectangular shadows covering large portions of terrain being shown sometimes when approaching Spire sites.
  • Fixed terrain objects sometimes turning black when exiting the system map. They have got over their goth phase.
  • Fixed some emissive materials not changing colour correctly at Spires.
  • Fixed some missing exobiology decals at Spires.
  • Improved the lighting and emissive material blends at the Spire console
  • Adjusted some clipping meshes at a Spire where it was possible to sink into the floor. You should no longer find yourselves in the backrooms.
  • Various paintjob fixes and adjustments for some cosmetic items to make them look extra snazzy.

Download free Elite Dangerous update 17.01 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.