Elite Dangerous PS4 version 1.36 Patch Notes (September Update)

Elite Dangerous version 1.36 is now rolling out on PS4 and Xbox One. According to the official Elite Dangerous 1.36 patch notes, the new September update brings a new starter experience, new Livery System, new virtual currency: ARX and much more. In addition, the Elite Dangerous update 1.36 also includes stability and performance improvements.

Previously, an update was released with a long list of fixes and improvements. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing a number of issues while playing the game. Today’s Elite Dangerous patch 1.36 update is expected to fix these issues. Check out more details below.

Elite Dangerous version 1.36 PS4 patch notes (September update)

New Features

New Starter Experience

  • Added a curated experience for new players that will guide them through the basics of ship control, combat, travel and docking
  • The experience has localised voiceover in all supported languages
  • Certain UI elements are highlighted at key points during the flow
  • Players are given a mission once the flow has been completed, that introduces them to the mission board (with voiceover)
  • Added the experience to the ‘Training Simulations’ list, accessible from the internal cockpit panel
  • Updated the throttle UI to better show the players current direction of travel (the rectangular blocks are now chevrons, and added a subtle pulse animation)
  • Pre-flight checklist is now off by default when starting a new game (it can be turned back on)


  • Added new option to the Flight Assist tab to allow the Supercruise Assist module to control the throttle automatically
  • Supercruise ‘Safe to Disengage‘ message has been updated to include the binding that will disengage Supercruise


  • ARX is the new currency that takes over from Frontier Points and real money transactions across all platforms
  • Players purchase a pack containing a number of ARX that are then used to purchase in-game cosmetic items (Game Extras) for their ship, SRV, fighter or Holo-Me
  • Players can purchase ARX from in-game links that direct either to an external Frontier Store or site
  • Any outstanding Frontier Points will be converted to ARX the first time the player logs into the game after the update

Rewarding ARX

  • Players can earn ARX through standard gameplay (up to a 400 weekly cap) based on in-game activities within Combat, Trade and Exploration and more!
  • Players are notified of their previous session earnings on the main menu

Livery Update

  • Refreshed livery layout
    • Icons denote the different categories (general, decals, cockpit decorations, etc.)
    • Updated vessel selection screen
    • Separate UI for ship name and ID
    • Preview mode that reduces the amount of on-screen UI, giving a clearer view of the chosen item
  • Players now purchase items, with ARX, directly from livery, without being redirected to an external store
  • Players can now access livery from the main menu


  • Players can now purchase items, with ARX directly from the Holo-Me section, without being redirected to an external store

New Store

  • Added a new customisation store
  • Players can browse the entire catalog of customisation items for any available ship
  • Preview Modeallows players to see any cosmetic items on a vanilla version of any ship, as well as use camera controls to view it from different angles
  • The store is accessible from either the main menu or major starports in-game
  • Players purchase cosmetic items directly from the store, without being redirected to an external site

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed being unable to scroll through Tourist Beacon text in the archive section if it was longer than one page
  • Fixed an issue where HOTAS users couldn’t scroll through the right hand side of the archive section


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when logging into the game
  • Fixed an issue where players were getting stuck on the loading screen, due to being close to an asteroid ring
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when looking at the Powerplay screen during a hyperspace jump


  • Fixed some issues with incorrectly reversed decals

Diamond Explorer

  • Fixed an issue where the outfitting camera was clipping into the hangar floor


  • Fixed an issue where body data wouldn’t show up first time when using the Full Spectrum Scanner (FSS)
  • Fixed an issue where the blue scan visual effect can appear on a nearby planet that you’re not trying to scan
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn’t scroll through the right-hand side panel when selling Exploration Data
  • Fixed an issue where the word ‘next’ was partially cut off in the Navigation Tab of the External Panel


  • Added a cooldown when using hotkeys to give fighters orders, and prevented allowing players to repeat an order that has already been given to the fighter (multiple orders were creating network lag, resulting in an exploit during combat)


  • The correct Elite rank will now show when targeting your own ship from your SRV
  • Fixed an issue where a player’s ship name/ID plates was being incorrectly censored when on the main menu
  • Fixed a restock issue for vessels when the player has multiple bays fitted


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the AI ship not to appear after they interdicted a player

Krait Phantom

  • Fixed holes in one of the Ship Kit pieces


  • Fixed missing Cyrillic letters inSquadron CreationandRank Names
  • Corrected spelling of ‘nonhuman’ in the Knowledge Base


  • Fixed landing gear still appearing to be deployed even after the player had retracted it


  • Decreased mine rearm time from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.The increase in time was an attempt to fix an issue where long ships were being hit by their own mines. However, the updated arming time was too long, making them ineffective. This new arming time should balance it.


  • Fixed missing ‘mission target’ tags from certain ships, meaning Massacre and Assassination missions should now have appropriate target ships for the players to attack
  • Fixed missing text in some VIP Passenger missions


  • Corrected the date of Atticus Obellan Duval’s ascension to the throne in its Tourist Beacon


  • Correctly display which network adapter is being used by the game in the network options, as well as preferring a wired network connection over a wireless one if both are found
  • Fixed edge cases where players were being placed in the same instance as players they had blocked
  • Elite Dangerous update 1.36 added unique error codes to disconnections, for players to use when reporting issues


  • Fixed Companion API authentication for players with linked Steam accounts


  • Elite Dangerous 1.36 fixed some level of detail issues with its Ship Kit


  • Fixed an issue where the SRVs weapon were firing slightly offset when used from the driver’s seat


  • Fixed an issue with the demand icon overlapping when demand is high
  • Fixed an issue with the displayed price at a Black Market for contraband goods
  • When a player is comparing market to buy/sell at, changes have been made to ensure that a selected marker is included in the “consumed by” list (if applicable), even if another market in the same system offers a better price

Training Simulations

  • Elite Dangerous version 1.36 fixed an issue with the Mining Simulation where players could fire the Mining Laser at nothing and the tutorial would play incorrect voiceover
  • Fixed an issue with the Advanced Combat Training Simulation, where players could cycle fire groups too early in the flow of the simulation

Unidentified Signal Sources (USS)

  • Increased the spawn rate of High Grade Emissions
  • Increased the spawn rate for Non-Human Signal Sources

Viper MkIII

  • Fixed some level of detail issues with its Ship Kit

Elite Dangerous update 1.36 for PS4 is now available for download.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singhhttps://updatecrazy.com
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.