Easy Red 2 Update 1.0.1 Patch Notes (New Features) – January 14, 2022

Easy Red 2 update 1.0.1 (January 14, 2022) is now available to download on PC. According to the official Easy Red 2 patch notes, the latest update added new vehicles, new uniforms, new features, and many improvements.

Previously, a major update was released with various fixes for crashes and more.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are reporting various bug fixes in the game. Today’s Easy Red 2 patch 1.0.1 will address a few of these issues. Read more details below.

Easy Red 2 Patch Notes – January 14, 2022

New features:

•New USMC marine uniforms.

•Added Fiat 626 truck.

•Added Jeep Willys with MG mount.

•Is now possible to switch squad member anytime holding Y (rebindable)

•Added higher max AI count for singleplayer.

•Added new buildings and props for Kos.

•Added visibility settings in Map Editor.


•Fixed M3 Half-Truck’s MG.

•Improvements in AI movements.

•Improved vehicle’s AI pathfinding.

•Improved Plane’s AI fight behaviour.

•Fixed extracted bullet caliber in firing animation.

•Reoworked sounds in some weapons (many more coming soon)

•Improved castle props collisions.

•Fixed Aircraft refill zone indicator in Mission Editor.

•Better reload animation for static MGs.

•Improved Quadmount collisions.

•Other smaller fixes.

Download free Easy Red 2 update 1.0.1 for PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.