Dying Light Version 1.36 Patch Notes (Dying Light 1.36)

Dying Light update 1.36 patch notes released for PlayStation 4and Xbox One players. According to the official Dying Light 1.36 patch notes, the latest update added story mode to Hellraid, a new Hellraid rank: Vanquishe and more. Apart from this, Dying Light version 1.36 also added new sounds and animations.

Previously, a big update was released with a new player variant, a new game mode, a new enemy, a new weapon, and more.

Unfortunately, players are still facing a number of issues with the game. Today’s Dying Light patch 1.36 will address a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Dying Light Patch 1.36 Notes

Final Hellraid Update

  • A new weapon has made it to the dungeon. Complete the Loaded for the Undead bounty, and wreak havoc in the temple like never before with Deathbringer—the one and only firearm available in Hellraid!
  • Enjoy the reworked armory. Now it will store all of your Hellraid weapons and items!
  • Discover new Crystal consumables in the Raid Mode! Each offers a unique, strong buff, but remember.
  • Purchase wands and the Shock Bearer in the Hellraid Shop, and carry them to Harran.
  • Complete bounties to get all thirteen new Hellraid weapon blueprints. You’ll craft them with Weapon Remnants found in the Hellraid chest.
  • Experience the Hellraid mode with improved balancing and smoother gameplay! Now the dungeon encounters are even more satisfying!
  • Added story mode to Hellraid
  • Now players can choose between story mode and raid mode upon entering Hellraid
  • Introduced a new Hellraid rank: Vanquisher
  • Added new sounds and animations
  • Level’s contours now appear on the minimap
  • Added new weapons—a bow (in story mode) and a two-handed hammer, and a stamina potion
  • Players will now encounter a new enemy—a skeleton with a large shield
  • Players no longer need to stash and retrieve their equipment upon entering and leaving Hellraid
  • Balance and visual changes
  • Fixed game crashing issues.

Download free Dying Light update 1.36 for PS4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.