Dying Light 2 Update 1.058 Patch Notes (Version 1.058.000)

Dying Light 2 update 1.058 is available to download on PS5 and Xbox Series X. According to the official Dying Light 2 version 1.058 patch notes, the latest update brings essential fixes to Tower Raid: Halloween Run, enhancing loot, gameplay, and menu functionality. Apart from his Dying Light 2 patch 1.058 also resolves several visual and performance issues, improving the overall experience across language and save compatibility.

Dying Light 2 1.058 Patch Notes (1.19.2) – November 14, 2024

Dying Light 2 patch 1.058
Dying Light 2 patch 1.058

Key Fixes and Improvements:

  • Fixed menu access issues after quitting to the main menu in Halloween Run.
  • Improved floor indicator accuracy for elevators.
  • Addressed loot visibility issues for teammates in chests.
  • Enhanced loot quality in chests before the final battle.
  • Resolved Rapid Recovery perk issues with boosters.

Tower Raid: Halloween Run Updates

Menu and Accessibility Fixes

  • Blocked Menus on Reload: Fixed issue where Inventory, Journal, and Map menus were inaccessible when quitting to the Main Menu and reloading a saved game from Halloween Run.

Visual and Loot Adjustments

  • Elevator Floor Indicator: Fixed elevator display to show the correct current floor.
  • Team Loot Visibility: Resolved issue where players couldn’t see chest loot if opened by a distant teammate who partially loots it.
  • Improved Pre-Boss Loot: Upgraded loot quality in two chests before the final fight to provide better rewards.
  • Duplicate Lobby Chest: Fixed duplicated chest instances in the lobby, removing clipping issues.

Perk and Gameplay Fixes

  • Rapid Recovery Perk: Resolved issue with Rapid Recovery perk not affecting regeneration boosters as intended.

Endgame Screen and Performance

  • Ending Screen Glitch: Fixed bug where the ending screen disappeared if the player spammed the Inventory button.
  • GPU Crash Fixes: Resolved occasional GPU crash dumps for smoother gameplay.

Other Fixes

  • French NPC Lipsync: Implemented missing lipsync for NPCs when using the French language setting.
  • Save Compatibility: Fixed compatibility issues with saves created on Patch 19 or earlier, ensuring they load correctly in the current version.
  • Fire Mode Widget: Corrected Fire Mode display widget for firearms to show accurate mode information.

Download free DL2 update 1.058 on PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 5.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.