Dungeon Defenders Awakened Update 1.24 Patch Notes

Dungeon Defenders Awakened update 1.24 is rolling out on PC (Steam), PS4 and Xbox. According to the officialDungeon Defenders Awakened patch notes, the latest update adds balancing changes. Apart from this, Dungeon Defenders Awakened patch 1.24 also includes tweaks and improvements.

Previously, a major update that added a new hero (The Countess) to the game. Unfortunately, since the previous update, many players were experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game.

Today’s Dungeon Defenders Awakened patch 1.24 will fix all these issues.

Dungeon Defenders Awakened Patch 1.24 Notes – April 26, 2023

  • Renamed Attack Rate to Reset Time, as this is the time it takes for the Owl to start flying again after returning to the perch.
  • Holy Cannon
    • Fixed issue with base damage not applying to enemies on hit.
  • Radiant Outbreak (Holy Cannon Rune)
    • Increased chance ranging from 5% to 60% at max rank instead of 2.5% to 40% prior.
    • Added additional stat that allows it to spread to multiple enemies at once, ranging from 1 to 3 at max rune rank.
Bugfixes & Changes:
  • Fixed issue with Empowering Shrine buff to go away if you swapped heroes.
  • The Dune Eater should no longer target Towers with projectiles unless all players are dead.
  • The Dune Eater should now spawn in Endless Survival Boss Waves.
  • The Dune Eater health on massacre campaign has been fixed.
  • Fixed issue with Double Edge and Guardian Reflect Rune combo causing crashes.
  • Fixed issue with Poison Dart Tower projectiles stopping inside of Siren Reflect Bubbles.
  • Transmog Limit has been increased from 25 to 30.
  • Removed localization on tooltip values causing weird issues with numbers.
  • Next map on Foundries and Forges now goes to Bazaar
  • Next Map on Lost Metropolis goes to The Forsaken Temple.
  • Powerful Gemstones no longer target Overclock Beams and Empowering Shrine.
  • Overdrive Rune no longer counts Empowering Shrine and variations of Reflects Field.
  • Fixed description error on Siren Reflect Rune.
  • Updated front and back side lanes on Castle Armory to have better navigation.
  • Fixed name issue on multiple default offhands.

Download free Dungeon Defenders Awakened update 1.24 on PC (Steam) and PS4.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.