Dungeon Defenders: Awakened (DDA) Update 1.06 Patch Notes

Dungeon Defenders: Awakened update 1.06 is available to download on PS4, PC and Xbox. According to the official Dungeon Defenders: Awakened patch notes, the latest update added controller support for the emulator. Apart from this, DDA patch 1.06 also includes stability and performance fixes.

Previously, a major update that added a new hero (The Countess) to the game. Unfortunately, since the previous update, many players were experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game.

Today’s Dungeon Defenders 1 patch 1.06 will fix all these issues.

DDA Patch 1.06 Notes – October 8, 2022


  • Added controller support for the emulator that allows the player use a controller to control all emulated characters (Keyboard key binds still apply for spawning)


  • Fix for accessories being able to spawn with more upgrades than intended
  • Fixed Spooktacular Bay not giving random rewards to players besides host
  • Fixed an issue where the anti cheat was kicking people with certain colors on character skins
  • Fixed some emulator would break some key bind commands
  • Fixed an issue where the map selection UI would update client UI’s
  • Fixed an issue where the map selection wouldn’t recover from adding players
  • Fixed an issue where the gargoyle accessories were rolling lower than intended
  • Fixed an issue where the elf accessories wouldn’t show the number of upgrades when on inventory
  • Fixed an issue where the elf crown icon was too large
  • Fixed an issue where the core drops were not correct on then new maps

Download free Dungeon Defenders: Awakened update 1.06 on PC (Steam) and PS4.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.