Dungeon Defenders 2 Update Patch Notes – August 28, 2021

Dungeon Defenders 2 update (August 27, 2021) is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Dungeon Defenders 2 patch notes, the new hotfix added some minor changes and fixes. In addition, Dungeon Defenders 2 patch also includes stability and performance improvements.

Previously, a major update was released with various fixes. Unfortunately, since the previous update, many players were experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game.

Today’s Dungeon Defenders 2 patch will fix all these issues.

Dungeon Defenders 2 Patch Notes – August 27, 2021

  • Made some changes to prevent HP getting stuck at -1.
    • Let us know if you continue to run into this issue after downloading the patch.
  • Fixed an issue where the Shroomy wasn’t playing their spawn animations properly.
  • Addressed a bug where NPC Dialogue and Summary UI windows had buttons that couldn’t be navigated or pressed on gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue where only the default transmog list was being selected and you couldn’t select other loadouts.
  • Fixed issues in the Transmog UI with where certain fusion weapons and non-fusion weapons weren’t appearing properly.
  • Addressed a bug where “Create Hero” in the Hero Deck options wasn’t navigable with gamepad.

Download free Dungeon Defenders 2 update on PC (Steam) and PS4.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.