Dungeon Defenders 2 update 2.18 is rolling out on PC (Steam), PS4 and Xbox. According to the official Dungeon Defenders 2 patch notes, the latest update added new Halloween Event to the game. Apart from this, DD2 patch 2.18 also includes various stability fixes.
Previously, a major update that added a new hero (The Countess) to the game. Unfortunately, since the previous update, many players were experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s Dungeon Defenders 2 patch 2.18 will fix all these issues.
Read more details below.
DD2 Patch 2.18 Notes – October 14, 2022

The spooktacular theme is now back to DragonFall with all the spookiness you know and love.
- New Chaos 10 Shard
- Festive Carnival Fireworks
- Dragonfall Popcorn Machine
- Trust me Disguise
- Lucky Bunny Mask
- Rainbow ‘fro
- Snow Liger
- Imperial Grin
- Hastening Salve
- Strongman Salve
- Enduring Salve
- Spellcasting Salve
- Tower of Power Salve
- Enduring Salve
- Impactful Tower Salve
- Impactful Hero Salve
- Lucky Tower Salve
- Lucky Hero Salve
The upcoming update details
Chaos 10 is going to take a different direction this time compared to the other chaos tiers. While Assassins will be absent this time around, there will be three new enemies to take on instead of just one. We won’t be going into much detail about chaos 10 for now as it will be explained further at a later date.
Hidden Caverns Region
Along with C10 this next update will be introducing a new region to the game with 2 new maps.
New Map : Crystal Mines
Download free Dungeon Defenders 2 update 2.18 on PC (Steam) and PS4.