Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (DBXV 2) update 1.28 is now available to download on PS4 and Xbox One. According to the official Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 version 1.28 patch notes, the new patch has added new DLC, new Dual Ultimate attacks, and much more. In addition, the latest DBXV2 patch 1.28 also contains various bug fixes and changes.
Previously, abig update was released with fixes and gameplay improvements. Unfortunately, since the last patch, many players are experiencing a number of issues when trying to play.
Today’s Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 version 1.28 will fix all these issues. Check out more details below.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (DBXV2) 1.28 Patch Notes – November 4, 2021
[DLC] Kale (Super Saiyan 2) added to the game.
The Universe 6 Saiyan-ess Kale has been confirmed as playable in the new DLC. Finally suppressing her rage and harnessing its overwhelming power, Kale bursts into Xenoverse 2 in her Super Saiyan 2 form!
Ultimate Attack “Blaster Stream”
Kale focuses her Ki before unleashing it as a devastating beam attack!
If the initial blast connects, Kale will fire off another, even more, powerful beam.
You can also charge up Blaster Stream by holding down the fire button.
Super Attack “Blaster Cannon”
Blaster Cannon is a series of Kidan fired in a wide area.
If you hit your opponent while they’re being knocked back, Kale will teleport behind them and kick them away before throwing out another round of blasts!
The range of the initial blasts is small right after you fire them, but they’ll do some serious damage if they manage to find their target!
Super Attack “Blaster Bomb”
Kale fires a Kidan in a straight line that breaks apart after a short time to become a wide area attack!
Gogeta (DB Super)’s “Comet Strike” and “Meteor Explosion” attacks can also be used by SSGSS Gogeta, so you can even recreate the exhilarating battle scenes from the “Dragon Ball Super: Broly” movie.
[Free Update] New Dual Ultimate Attacks.
All-new Dual Ultimate Attacks – A move where you launch your Ultimate Attack together with an ally are now added to Xenoverse 2.
Check them out in the TP Medal shop!
There’s a ton of other content being added in the free update, so be sure to check it all out in the launch trailer!
[Free Update] Conton City Votes
New voting events for all players are set to be held in November.
The most popular content as voted by players will be added to the game in a future DLC.
Download free Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 update 1.28 on PlayStation 4.