Download Minecraft Update 1.21.30 (Bedrock)

Minecraft update 1.21.30 download is now live on PC, PS4, Xbox, and Switch. According to the official Minecraft 1.21.30 patch notes, the latest update brings significant block changes include fixes for waterlogged blocks, block splitting, and consistency updates across logs, walls, and kelp placement. Additionally, the Minecraft patch 1.21.30 update also address issues like boats disappearing on ice, lectern crashes, and vehicle dismounting.

Previously, a big Microsoft update 1.19.10 added new changes and fixes to the game. Unfortunately, players are still facing issues with the game. Today’s MCPE patch 1.21.30 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

MC 1.21.30 Patch Notes – September 17, 2024

A Minecraft trial chamber, with banners and a trial spawner


A Bundle is an item that lets you stack different blocks or items together in the same inventory slot. Different items normally don’t stack together, so you can end up wasting space by only having a few items in each slot. A Bundle lets you pack those items together so there is no wasted space.

  • Bundles are an experimental feature – to use them, you must turn on the Bundle experiment when creating a new world
    • Please note: Bundles are still being polished in the Preview and Betas with bug fixes and tweaks, so you might spot some slight differences in this experimental version!
  • A Bundle is an item that can pack different items together into the same stack
  • A Bundle only fits one stack (usually 64 items) but it can be a mixture of many different item types
  • You can insert items into a Bundle directly in the inventory
  • Bundles have a tooltip that shows the items inside
    • The tooltip fits 3 rows and can always show at least 8 item types
  • You can select any of the visible items to pull out of the Bundle
    • Use the scroll wheel on mouse, the right stick on a game controller, or tap on a touch device
  • When selecting an item to remove, the Bundle icon shows that item poking out of the Bundle
  • When holding a Bundle in hand, you can empty it onto the ground
    • In the latest Beta & Preview version, when a Bundle is used in the hotbar, one group of items is emptied at a time instead of everything being emptied at once
  • The Bundle is crafted with one String above one Leather
  • Bundle recipe is now unlocked by obtaining Leather or String
  • Known Issues:
    • When moving items on touch devices, the wrong item icon may appear briefly
    • Bundles put in Decorated Pots, given to an Allay, or moved through Hoppers and Droppers may lose their conten


  • Vertically retracting waterlogged blocks with a Piston no longer creates “ghost water” on the client (MCPE-144222)
  • “purpur_block” block is now split into unique instances “purpur_block”, and “purpur_pillar”; the previously unused chiseled and smooth purpur blocks were renamed to “deprecated_purpur_block_1” and “deprecated_purpur_block_2” for backwards compatibility, but are hidden from creative inventory and commands
  • “structure_void” has had its block state removed and “air” variants will be converted to the base block
  • Added new vanilla block and item tags to support vanilla item tier level destruction speeds for data driven blocks
  • All Logs, Stripped Logs, Woods, and Stripped Woods are now treated consistently across various scenarios:
    • Flying mobs that can land on trees will now recognize these blocks as suitable landing positions
    • Parrots will now prefer these blocks as landing spots
    • Previously, these behaviors applied to only a subset of these blocks
  • Kelp can no longer be placed on any type of Fence, instead of just a subset of them
  • Seagrass can no longer be placed on any type of Fence, instead of just a subset of them
  • Turtle Eggs can no longer be placed on any type of Fence, instead of just a subset of them
  • “cobblestone_wall” block is now split into unique instances “cobblestone_wall”, “mossy_cobblestone_wall”, “granite_wall”, “diorite_wall”, “andesite_wall”, “sandstone_wall”, “brick_wall”, “stone_brick_wall”, “mossy_stone_brick_wall”, “nether_brick_wall”, “end_stone_brick_wall”, “prismarine_wall”, “red_sandstone_wall” and “red_nether_brick_wall”
  • “granite_wall”, “diorite_wall”, “andesite_wall”, “stone_brick_wall”, “mossy_stone_brick_wall” and “prismarine_wall” now have a destruction time of 1.5
  • “sandstone_wall” and “red_sandstone_wall” now have a destruction time of 0.8
  • “end_stone_brick_wall” now has a destruction time of 3.0
  • “sponge” block is now split into unique instances: “sponge” and “wet_sponge”
  • Colored Torch block instances, “colored_torch_rg” and “colored_torch_bp”, are now split into unique instances “colored_torch_red”, “colored_torch_green”, “colored_torch_blue”, and “colored_torch_purple”


  • When crafting a Firework, adding or removing items from the grid will update the output item appropriately (MCPE-183455)

Full Keyboard Gameplay

  • Added Q and E as left and right click equivalents in JSON UI menus (including inventory menus) when playing in Full Keyboard Gameplay mode.


  • Now Ominous bottle with lower level can still apply Bad Omen effect of lower level, if player had one active before
  • Boats will no longer disappear while sliding on Ice (MCPE-180432)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a Lectern while a Sticky Piston was moving it. The Lectern now closes the book screen when moved (MCPE-183508)
  • Dismounting a vehicle no longer puts the player inside the ground on some platforms (MCPE-184363) (MCPE-182448)
  • Fixed the collision shape for Trial Spawners; it is now the same size as an ordinary block (MCPE-178305)
  • Added a new death message for when players are defeated by a Mace smash attack
  • Fixed an issue where End Gateway Portal would teleport some players near their End Portal (MCPE-66061)
  • The ‘/camera set’ command will now run in the correct order when an existing camera interpolation is running (MCPE-183986)


  • Fixed a bug that caused placeholder textures to appear after minimizing and then restoring the game window
  • Adding input glyph support in the name tags displayed over the entities


  • Fixed an issue where Banners were rendered before other transparent objects regardless of their positions (MCPE-130262)
  • Renamed the maximum framerate slider “Framerate Limit” and added a tooltip to better describe its purpose

How to Play

  • Added line break ability for How to Play topic labels instead of having it add “…” when the line gets too long


  • Each Banner Pattern item now includes their pattern type in their name instead of as a subtitle (MCPE-182508)
  • Smithing Template items are now named after their template type instead of the generic “Smithing Template” name
    • They instead specify that they are a Smithing Template through a subtitle in the hover text
  • Unique item textures have been given to each Banner Pattern item to better distinguish between each other
  • Illager Banner has been renamed to Ominous Banner to match Java Edition
  • Fixed block items turning into an incorrect variant when importing worlds older than 1.5.0 (MCPE-181944)
  • EDU: Fixed Material Reducer recipes not working with some flattened blocks such as Andesite or Terracotta


  • Fixed custom entity’s name not appearing correctly in death messages (MCPE-158447)
  • The Breeze no longer has a minimum distance required to attack a target (MCPE-183011)
  • Parrot can now imitate Endermite
  • Parrots now imitate Drowned (MCPE-46302)


  • Fixed an issue where the invite screen in-game would not show the correct substatus

PlayStation VR

  • Our ability to support PlayStation®VR has come to an end, and will no longer be supported in updates after March of 2025. After you receive the final update, you will still receive updates on your PlayStation® and be able to play without PlayStation®VR. From this point on you can keep building in your worlds, and your Marketplace purchases (including Tokens) will continue to be available. You will no longer be able to use your PlayStation®VR with Minecraft as it will no longer be supported in the latest updates.


  • Various items and blocks have had their assigned rarities changed (MCPE-182414)
    • Once these rarity changes come to Java Edition in a future snapshot, all item and block rarities will be in parity across both platforms
  • Rarity is a set of categories which determine the color used to display the name of an item or block
    • It has no gameplay impact, but is used to signal how difficult something is to obtain
    • By default, unless specified otherwise, all items and blocks have a rarity of Common which displays their name in the color white
  • We have re-evaluated the rarity of all items and blocks in the game to more accurately reflect the current challenge of obtaining them, given the following guidelines:
    • Items and blocks become more rare depending on the following factors:
      • The chance of finding it in a loot table, including mob drops
      • The amount of travelling required to obtain it
      • The difficulty of any obstacle which must be overcome to obtain it
      • The possible amount of that item or block which exists in the world
    • Any item or block which can be crafted must inherit the highest rarity of its crafting ingredients
      • For example, a Mace has an Epic rarity because one of its ingredients (the Heavy Core) has an Epic rarity
      • Likewise, any crafted item which has only Common crafting ingredients must also be Common
  • The lists below detail the items and blocks which have changed to that rarity category


  • End Crystal
  • Golden Apple


  • Elytra
  • Dragon Head
  • Silence Armor Trim


  • Enchanted Golden Apple
    • Enchanted Golden Apples have become more common in recent years due to being accessible in both Ancient Cities and Trial Chambers, warranting a demotion to Rare instead of Epic
  • Trident
    • We recently increased Trident’s rarity up to Epic from Common, but after re-evaluating we felt that it was easier to obtain than other items in the Epic category such as Heavy Cores or Elytra
  • Nether Star
  • Ward Armor Trim
  • Eye Armor Trim
  • Vex Armor Trim
  • Spire Armor Trim
  • Wither Skeleton Skull
  • Skull Charge Banner Pattern
    • Now that Wither Skeleton Skulls are Rare, these banner patterns should be Rare as well
  • Thing Banner Pattern
    • Now that Enchanted Golden Apples are Rare, these banner patterns should be Rare as well
  • The following Music Discs:
    • Pigstep
    • otherside
    • Creator


  • Sniffer Egg
  • Chainmail Helmet
  • Chainmail Chestplate
  • Chainmail Leggings
  • Chainmail Boots
  • Recovery Compass
  • Disc Fragment 5
  • Nautilus Shell
  • Echo Shard
  • Goat Horns
  • Pottery Sherds
  • Ominous Bottles
  • Ominous Banner
  • Netherite Upgrade
  • Sentry Armor Trim
  • Dune Armor Trim
  • Coast Armor Trim
  • Wild Armor Trim
  • Tide Armor Trim
  • Snout Armor Trim
  • Rib Armor Trim
  • Wayfinder Armor Trim
  • Shaper Armor Trim
  • Raiser Armor Trim
  • Host Armor Trim
  • Flow Armor Trim
  • Bolt Armor Trim
  • The following Music Discs:
    • 13
    • Cat
    • Blocks
    • Chirp
    • Creator (Music Box)
    • Far
    • Mall
    • Mellohi
    • Stal
    • Strad
    • Ward
    • 11
    • Wait
    • Relic
    • 5
    • Precipice


  • Realms Stories content is no longer cropped when scrolling
  • Text no longer overlaps screenshots in Realms Stories on Galaxy Z Flip devices on any UI size
  • Gamepad legend no longer overlaps with UI elements when choosing a preview realm to create a world on
  • In split screen mode, the subscriptions tab of the settings menu is now only shown to the primary player
  • Realm ID is now displayed in the debug text for preview/beta builds while connected to a Realm or while on associated screens
  • The Realms backup list now displays the date that the backup was created, instead of the age of the backup


  • Sculk charge particles now have sound
  • Wither Skeleton now has its own “step” sound (MCPE-174857)
  • Basalt Deltas now has a moody ambient sound again

Stability and Performance

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading texture data (MCPE-184728)

Touch Controls

  • Improved new d-pad for touch controls. It is now more compact, includes back strafing buttons and a slightly extended zone outside where camera input is not received in order to prevent unexpected camera movement. When customizing controls, the diagonal buttons are visible as well.
  • Fixes bug where the hide hud command would not hide the dpad touch control

Trial Chambers

  • Replaced the empty chests at the entrance of chamber with a Hopper and Barrel to better show the players that these are meant for disposal and inventory management!

User Interface

  • Fixed a softlock that could occur when purchasing subscriptions
  • Fixed a bug where the ‘Drink’ interaction prompt was not displayed when the player was holding an Ominous Bottle
  • Fixed a bug where player health would be rounded down instead of rounded up, causing the HUD to sometimes only show empty health icons (MCPE-183157)
  • The chat output’s scroll position keeps its position after the game screen re-gains focus
  • Shortened the URL for signing in on another device
  • Added a button in the game menu to take a screenshot. You can view your screenshots in the screenshot gallery on your profile page
  • Beacon title text is no longer different from the other containers in Pocket UI (MCPE-176186)
  • Fixed a bug where crafting category tabs would not be visible in Pocket UI after hiding the recipe book in Classic UI (MCPE-183825)
  • The arrow from the Stonecutter screen is now visible all the time, just like in the other similar screens (MCPE-160236)
  • Fixed an issue where items durability and storage bar was incorrect size and placement on certain screens
  • Added hotkeys to take screenshots in game on controller and keyboard. On mouse/keyboard: F2. On controller: LB+RB, L1+R1, L Button+R Button
  • The icons for the effects will now change size depending on the GUI scale (MCPE-180238)
  • Fixed an issue where the world seed template button may be missing in the Create New World screen

Vanilla Parity

  • Snow Golems with Fire Resistance no longer take damage in warm biomes (MCPE-94448)
  • Uncarved pumpkin blocks can no longer be used to create Snow Golems and Iron Golems (MCPE-33801)
  • When an item is enchanted, their rarity status is now increased depending on their base rarity
    • If the base rarity of an item is Common or Uncommon, it will become Rare when enchanted
    • If the base rarity of an item is Rare, it will become Epic when enchanted
    • If the base rarity of an item is Epic, it will stay Epic when enchanted
  • Entities falling into water now make the same splashing sound as in Java Edition (MCPE-44120)
  • Fixed a bug where a standalone Scaffolding block could not be placed on top of a Structure Block (MCPE-169818)
  • Enchantments which only have one possible level no longer display their level “I” in their name
  • The names of many items and blocks were brought to parity with Java Edition. The following list details the old names to the left, and the new names to the right: (MCPE-101388)
    • Book & Quill -> Book and Quill
    • Chain Helmet -> Chainmail Helmet
    • Chain Chestplate -> Chainmail Chestplate
    • Chain Leggings -> Chainmail Leggings
    • Chain Boots -> Chainmail Boots
    • Enchanted Apple -> Enchanted Golden Apple
    • Cooked Beef -> Steak
    • Melon -> Melon Slice
    • Glistering Melon -> Glistering Melon Slice
    • Milk -> Milk Bucket
    • Seeds -> Wheat Seeds
    • Snow -> Snow Block
    • Top Snow -> Snow
    • Grass -> Short Grass
    • Double Tallgrass -> Tall Grass
    • Sugar Canes -> Sugar Cane
    • Clay Block -> Clay
    • Clay -> Clay Ball
    • Sea Turtle Spawn Egg -> Turtle Spawn Egg
    • Sea Turtle Egg -> Turtle Egg
    • Brick Block -> Bricks
    • Nether Brick Block -> Nether Bricks
    • Red Nether Brick -> Red Nether Bricks
    • Prismarine Bricks Slab -> Prismarine Brick Slab
    • Stone Bricks Slab -> Stone Brick Slab
    • Bricks Slab -> Brick Slab
    • Infested Stone Brick -> Infested Stone Bricks
    • Daylight Sensor -> Daylight Detector
    • Enchantment Table -> Enchanting Table
    • Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) -> Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate
    • Weighted Pressure Plate (Light) -> Light Weighted Pressure Plate
    • Slightly Damaged Anvil -> Chipped Anvil
    • Very Damaged Anvil -> Damaged Anvil
    • Head -> Player Head
    • Light Block -> Light
  • The name of the Stone Mason villager profession has been renamed to Mason to match Java Edition
  • Mooshrooms now spawn at light level 9 and above (MCPE-66830)
  • Fixed Mushroom Farms in Woodland Mansions that incorrectly spawned Dirt instead of Coarse Dirt
  • The following blocks have been brought to parity with Java Edition for Redstone power:
    • minecraft:mangrove_roots -> now powered (MCPE-153838)
    • minecraft:beacon -> no longer powered
    • minecraft:tnt -> no longer powered
    • minecraft:sea_lantern -> no longer powered (MCPE-79271)
  • When mining Top Snow with a Silk Touch enchanted Shovel, Top Snow is now dropped in an amount corresponding to the number of layers of the block (MCPE-59729)
    • If there are 8 layers, a Snow Block will be dropped instead
  • Players can now craft two Cyan Dye from one Pitcher Plant (MCPE-171061)
  • Foxes now have 10 health (MCPE-48233)
  • Villagers no longer make idle sounds when sleeping

Download free Minecraft update 1.21.30 and apk files.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.