Dota 2 update 7.38b is available to download on PC. According to the official Dota 2 7.38b patch notes, the latest update includes multiple bug fixes, improving hero abilities, item interactions, and Ability Draft functionality. Amplification. Additionally, Dota 2 patch 7.38b also addresses Clinkz’s Burning Army, Sven’s talent, Ability Draft issues, and various visual or mechanical inconsistencies.
Dota 2 7.38b Patch Notes – March 5, 2025
Hero Fixes
Fixed Burning Army skeletons incorrectly auto-casting Tar Bomb.
Templar Assassin
Fixed Hidden Reach effects being visible to enemies.
Fixed Roshan Timer breaking when Third Eye innate is active.
Fixed Level 10 Talent (+10% Vanquisher Bonus Damage) not working properly.
Drow Ranger
Fixed Precision Aura from illusions overriding her own bonus agility.
Fixed Sidestep Facet not triggering Silencer’s Last Word when Multishot finishes.
Ancient Apparition
Fixed Ice Blast Shatter Threshold flickering when clicking on an affected enemy.
Doom (Ability Draft)
Devour no longer causes the first ability slot to be permanently lost.
Fixed Devour permanently granting a passive aura from neutral creeps.
Fixed Nosedive causing model orientation issues, which could be exploited by Rubick and heroes in Ability Draft.
Fixed Liquid Fire not functioning in Ability Draft.
General Fixes
Fixed Mark for Sell items not being collected by the courier if it did not start in the fountain.
Fixed Mark for Sell items being returned to the hero when delivered with other items.
Refined alt-click chat messages for Roshan Timer and Madstone indicator to match other alerts.
Fixed Spell Lifesteal Amplification from Kaya and its combined items not working.
Since the last Dota 2 patch 7.33, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s D2 patch 7.38b will fix a few of these issues.