Dota 2 update 7.38b is available to download on PC. According to the official Dota 2 7.38b patch notes, the latest update includes multiple bug fixes, improving hero abilities, item interactions, and Ability Draft functionality. Amplification. Additionally, Dota 2 patch 7.38b also addresses Clinkz’s Burning Army, Sven’s talent, Ability Draft issues, and various visual or mechanical inconsistencies.
Dota 2 7.38b Patch Notes – March 5, 2025
Hero Fixes
- Fixed Burning Army skeletons incorrectly auto-casting Tar Bomb.
Templar Assassin
- Fixed Hidden Reach effects being visible to enemies.
- Fixed Roshan Timer breaking when Third Eye innate is active.
- Fixed Level 10 Talent (+10% Vanquisher Bonus Damage) not working properly.
Drow Ranger
- Fixed Precision Aura from illusions overriding her own bonus agility.
- Fixed Sidestep Facet not triggering Silencer’s Last Word when Multishot finishes.
Ancient Apparition
- Fixed Ice Blast Shatter Threshold flickering when clicking on an affected enemy.
Doom (Ability Draft)
- Devour no longer causes the first ability slot to be permanently lost.
- Fixed Devour permanently granting a passive aura from neutral creeps.
- Fixed Nosedive causing model orientation issues, which could be exploited by Rubick and heroes in Ability Draft.
- Fixed Liquid Fire not functioning in Ability Draft.
General Fixes
- Fixed Mark for Sell items not being collected by the courier if it did not start in the fountain.
- Fixed Mark for Sell items being returned to the hero when delivered with other items.
- Refined alt-click chat messages for Roshan Timer and Madstone indicator to match other alerts.
- Fixed Spell Lifesteal Amplification from Kaya and its combined items not working.
Since the last Dota 2 patch 7.33, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s D2 patch 7.38b will fix a few of these issues.
Download Dota 2 update 7.38b on PC.