Dota 2 Update 7.36a Patch Notes (D2 7.36a)

Dota 2 update 7.36a is available to download on PC. According to the official Dota 2 7.36a patch notes, the latest update introduce a series of updates, fixes, and adjustments to gameplay mechanics, hero abilities, and item attributes. These changes aim to enhance balance and gameplay experience within the Dota 2 environment. Additionally, Dota 2 patch 7.36a also includes stability fixes.

Since the last Dota 2 patch 7.33, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s D2 patch 7.36a will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Dota 2 7.36a Patch Notes – May 27, 2024

Ability Adjustments

  • Force Staff and similar abilities can no longer be used on Leashed targets (e.g., Slark Pounce, Puck Dream Coil, Time Zone).

Crash Fixes

  • Fixed crashes related to the following abilities:
    • Lich’s Chain Frost
    • Lycan’s Shapeshift
    • Mars’ Arena of Blood
    • Morphling’s Replicate
    • Silencer’s Glaive of Wisdom
    • Venomancer’s Plague Ward

Bug Fixes

  • Light Collector: Corrected the penalty from 25% to the intended 75%.
  • Quelling Blade: Corrected damage values for Melee/Ranged.
  • Blademail: Fixed reflection of Witch Doctor’s Scepter Death Ward bounce damage back to him.
  • Yasha and Kaya: Fixed Cast Speed stacking.
  • Skadi: Corrected slow values for Ranged vs Melee.
  • Disperser: Fixed double dispels when cast on self.
  • Radiance: Ensured dynamic updating with changes to AoE Bonus.
  • Shiva’s Guard: Ensured dynamic updating with changes to AoE Bonus.
  • Gris-Gris: Fixed tooltip errors.
  • Axe Shard: Corrected to grant Counter Helix Cooldown instead of the Scepter.
  • Axe One Man Army: Fixed HP loss issue when continuously dispelled.
  • Abaddon’s Curse of Avernus: Ensured attack speed bonus is given to allies.
  • Ancient Apparition’s Chilling Touch: Fixed strength increment per level.
  • Batrider’s Sticky Napalm: Corrected first application damage.
  • Clinkz’s Burning Barrage: Ensured auto-application of Tar Bomb.
  • Clinkz Skeleton Archers: Fixed Burning Barrage application when cast.
  • Dawnbreaker: Fixed Gleaming Hammer effects.
  • Dragon Knight’s Corrosive Dragon: Fixed Wyrm’s Wrath application to buildings in Elder Dragon Form.
  • Faceless Void’s Distortion Field: Fixed undesirable interactions.
  • Huskar: Fixed inability to attack ethereal targets with Revenant’s Brooch.
  • Invoker’s Mastermind: Ensured proper functionality.
  • Invoker spell lifesteal effects: Fixed erroneous display.
  • Leshrac Level 15 Talent: Corrected movement speed stacking with Yasha-based items.
  • Lich: Fixed inability to cast Frost Shield during Sinister Gaze.
  • Lion: Ensured Finger of Death stacks when killing a hero with Cleave.
  • Lone Druid Unbearable Facet: Fixed BAT effect.
  • Lone Druid Level 20 and Level 25 Talents: Ensured proper application to the bear.
  • Lycan Spirit Wolves: Corrected attack behavior.
  • Mars: Fixed regen from invisible/FoW targets, preventing reveal.
  • Meepo Pack Rat: Fixed Moon Shards sharing and cooldown issues.
  • Meepo’s More Meepo: Ensured players don’t miss a stat or talent point.
  • Muerta: Fixed respawning issue with Aegis and Dance of the Dead tooltip inaccuracy.
  • Nyx Assassin Burrow: Fixed non-stacking with Aether Lens.
  • Nyx Assassin Mana Burn: Corrected interaction with Spirit Vessel.
  • Ogre Magi’s Learning Curve: Ensured players don’t miss a stat or talent point.
  • Phantom Assassin Level 25 Talent: Fixed +10% Crit Chance.
  • Phantom Assassin’s Mark of Death: Fixed double appearance and critical strike application.
  • Phantom Assassin Illusions: Corrected Methodical charges behavior.
  • Phoenix: Fixed blind instances applied by abilities.
  • Pudge: Ensured health gain from Flesh Heap stacks.
  • Puck’s Curveball: Corrected projectile speed.
  • Puck Puckish: Fixed mana and health gain from disjointed projectiles.
  • Shadow Demon’s Level 25 Talent: Ensured 2 Charges of Disruption work properly.
  • Silencer’s Aghanim’s Shard: Fixed INT steal increment.
  • Slark shard Depth Shroud: Ensured ally healing.
  • Sniper: Fixed taunts canceling with Take Aim expiry.
  • Spirit Breaker’s Planar Pocket: Fixed undesirable interactions.
  • Storm Spirit’s Ball Lightning: Corrected mana cost.
  • Storm Spirit’s Shock Collar: Fixed kill counts as denies.
  • Storm Spirit: Ensured Galvanized charges aren’t lost when dying with Aegis of the Immortal.
  • Templar Assassin’s Blink Dagger: Fixed muting issue when blocking damage with Refraction.
  • Timbersaw’s Whirling Death: Corrected attribute reduction.
  • Timbersaw’s Chakram: Fixed missing effects.
  • Timbersaw’s Exposure Therapy: Ensured proper functionality.
  • Tiny Grow Toss: Fixed bonus damage application.
  • Undying’s Ceaseless Dirge: Fixed triggering when dying with Aegis of the Immortal.
  • Venomancer’s Level 25 Talent: Ensured 2.5x Plague Ward HP/Damage works with Plague Attachment.
  • Venomancer: Fixed mini-stunning if Venomous Gale is dispelled without shard.
  • Vengeful Spirit Soul Strike: Corrected Abyssal Blade values.
  • Warlock’s Black Grimoire: Fixed early consumption.
  • Warlock Champion of Gorroth: Corrected burn damage stacking from multiple Hearts of Tarrasque.
  • Warlock Shadow Word: Fixed tooltip to explain AoE effect.
  • Windranger’s Whirlwind: Fixed disabling by Disarm during Debuff Immunity.
  • Wraith King’s Spectral Blade: Corrected tooltip damage type.

Turbo Mode

  • Gris-Gris: Passive gold now ticks twice as fast.

Ability Draft

  • Fixed abilities granted when they shouldn’t be.
  • Corrected wrong keybinds.


Download Dota 2 update 7.36a on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox.