Dome Keeper Update 2.6.2 Patch Notes

Dome Keeper update 2.6.2 is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Dome Keeper patch notes, the latest update addresses exploits, cheat detection, and modding updates for better game modes support. Apart from this, Dome Keeper patch 2.6.2 also includes fixes for achievements, gadget pickup, music cycles, and prestige score display.

Previously, a major Dome Keeper Springloaded patch added adds three completely new gadgets to add to your arsenal: the Spire, the Autocannon and the Prospection Meter. Unfortunately, since the release, players are experiencing several issues since the last major patch. Today’s Dome Keeper patch 2.6.2 will address a few of these errors.

Read more details here.

Dome Keeper Patch Notes – July 12, 2023

  • Fixed achievement “Thorough” for mining map completely not triggering
  • Fixed assessor not being able to pick up dropped gadgets inside dome
  • Fixed music cycles being one-off
  • Fixed prestige score hud showing 0 as total when multiplier was zero (for countdown)
  • Fixed prestige score hud adding a plus sing in front of negative changes (like +-2 instead of -2)
  • Fixed exploit around friendly mode
  • Fixed some false positives of cheat detection in countdown mode
  • Modding: updated mod loader to v6.1
  • Modding: fixed existing upgrades appearing twice if they were changed through a mod
  • Modding: better support for adding your own game modes
  • Modding: whitelisted HelloWorld-RunLogger and Ste-Petmagotchi for prestige runs

Download free Dome Keeper update 2.6.2 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.