DOA Xtreme Venus Vacation Update Patch Notes – Nov 3, 2021

Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation update released for PC players. According to the official DOA Xtreme Venus Vacation patch notes, the latest update added new event and fixes.

Previously, a big update was released with character balancing, gameplay changes and a long list of bug fixes. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing a number of issues while playing the game.

Today’s DOA Xtreme Venus Vacation patch will address a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

DOA Xtreme Venus Vacation patch notes – November 3, 2021

    • Time Limited Gacha “Trendy Outfit Gacha (Secret Class)” was added.
    • Time Limited Gacha “Nostalgic Outfit Gacha (Secret Class)” was added.
    • Time Limited Event “Private Lesson ~Can’t Leave Tonight~” was added.
    • Time Limited Event Shop “Silver Lesson Trophy Bonus Exchange” was added.
    • Tsukushi’s SSR accessory “Cat Whiskers Watch (Tsukushi)” was added to the “SSR Accessory Shop.”
    • Time Limited Owner Shop “New Owner Support Pack (POW)” and “Secret V Stone Set” was added.
  • The translation of Honoka’s SR swimsuit “Navy Blue Blazer” has been updated as follows:
    English:Navy Blue Blazer ⇒ Purple Blazer
    Korean:진분홍빛 블레이저 ⇒ 퍼플 블레이저
    Simplified Chinese:深蓝樱花西装夹克 ⇒ 绀樱西装夹克
    Traditional Chinese:粉藍輕便外套 ⇒ 紺櫻輕便外套

■ Fixed bugs

  • Fixed a graphical glitch with the 1st Swimsuit Contest “Cute” category swimsuit.
  • Fixed a display issue where the upper limit of billing due to age restrictions in VND was incorrect.
    Wrong:VND 42000
    Correct:VND 4200000
    ※ The above-mentioned issue was a graphical display issue and did not affect any functionality related to this feature.

■ About action taken against accounts found to have violated EULA

With regard to accounts found to have violated the End User License Agreement, we have suspended the privileges of the accounts in question on 2021/11/03 (Wed) 05:30 UTC.

Related Clause:

End User License Agreement, Section 3 “Prohibitions,” Point 1
(13) Use of software or devices with automated tools and the like (tools intended to automate play for the purpose of gaining experience values, money, or other in-game points) not approved by the Company


1. Regarding accounts to be taken measures against for the first time

    • Privilege to play the game will be suspended for one (1) week.


2. Regarding accounts to be taken measures against for the second time

    • Privilege to play the game will be suspended for fifty (50) days.


3. Regarding accounts to be taken measures against for the third time

  • These accounts will be regarded the same as all parties who disagree with the terms set out by the End User License Agreement, hence all privileges to play the game will therefore be indefinitely suspended. 

4. For all accounts stated in points 1 ~ 3 

    • All accounts with game play privileges suspended will not be included in Star Ranking entries.
    • All accounts with game play privileges suspended will not be given any Ranking rewards.


For the purpose of allowing all players to safely enjoy their gaming experience, all parties are hereby reminded thatany future disruptions, including but not limited to actions in violation of the EULAwill also be dealt with severely without any prior notice or warning.
This is a sincere request for all players to continue following the terms and conditions as set forth inside the End User License Agreement.

■ Maintenance Compensation

To thank you for your cooperation regarding the maintenance, the following items have been sent to your Post.


  • V-Stones × 100

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.