Disney Dreamlight Valley frequently adds more updates to the game, adding more characters and biomes. Similarly, they have released three new biomes in their newest expansion called A Rift in Time. Additionally, they have added critters to the game which can be found within these three biomes.
Disney Dreamlight Valley Cobra is one of the three new critter additions found in the Eternity Isle biome. The Cobra is an elusive critter that constantly hisses and slithers around the map.
Hence, players must be on alert as soon as they spot one because finding one is very hard. However, players can befriend this cobra to make it join them after a successful encounter.
Disney Dreamlight Valley Cobra Locations
Finding the cobra is a daunting task as it only spawns in certain biome locations in the isle. Specifically, players can find the cobra in the biome named the Glittering Dune: a new biome addition.
How to Find the Cobra in Dreamlight Valley
The Glittering Dune is the habitat of the cobra in Dreamlight Valley. Additionally, the cobra spawns around the west side of the dune around the swamp region. Players can easily spot the cobra as it constantly stands up to scan its surroundings. Also, players should listen to the hissing sound in the dune to easily track it down.

However, approaching one is very difficult, as it was designed to run away as much as possible.
How to Befriend Cobra in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Players must learn some in-game mechanics to successfully approach the cobra by following some steps. Also, they must learn about the cobra’s favorite food to befriend it in the game.
Here are some steps that players must follow to approach and befriend the cobra:
- Firstly, players must learn that the cobra has two phases: thealert phaseand therelaxed phase.
- During the alert phase, the cobra elongates its neck toscanfor the surroundings. Hence, players should not move andstand stilluntil the cobra ends this phase.
- The cobra willrun awayto a further distance if it is alerted during this phase.
- On the other hand, the cobralays flaton the ground during its relaxed phase.
- Furthermore, the cobra does not run away, even if players approach it during this phase.
- The cobra frequently switches between these two phases. Hence, they must time these sequences until they get close to the cobra.
Afterward, when a player successfully approaches a cobra, it will curl up, triggering the player inventory screen. Finally, players must give a Scorpion to the cobra (its favorite food) to befriend it quickly.
Moreover, players must master the aforementioned steps to tame cobras whenever they see one in the game.
How to Catch the Cobra in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Catching the Cobra can be tricky due to how swiftly it moves. Here are some tips to catch the Cobra efficiently:
- Stalk areas around theGlittering Duneduring both day and night cycles when the Cobra is active.
- Listen for a hissing sound which indicates the Cobra is nearby.
- Equip theBeacon of Trusttool to reveal spawn locations of the Cobra on the mini-map.
- Sprint and dive to catch the Cobra before it senses your presence.
- Stand completely still when the Cobra enters its alert stance to avoid frightening it.
- Have Scorpions on hand once approaching the Cobra to instantly befriend it.
Master these tips, and catching the elusive Cobra becomes much more achievable.
How to Take a Picture of the Cobra for Merlin’s Photo Quest
Capturing a perfect picture of the DDV Cobra for Merlin’s photo quest can be tricky. Here are some tips:
- Use stealth and move slowly when approaching the Cobra to avoid startling it.
- Allow the Cobra to enter its relaxed phase when coiled before taking a picture.
- Activate the photo mode and use the zoom feature to get a closeup of the Cobra.
- Make sure to capture the Cobra’s unique scales and hood details.
- Adjust filter settings like contrast for better lighting.
- Take multiple photos to get the best possible shot!
Following those guidelines results in a high-quality Cobra photo Merlin will happily accept.
What are the Rewards for Befriending the Cobra in Disney Dreamlight Valley?
Befriending the elusive Cobra has worthwhile rewards for players in Dreamlight Valley:
- The Cobra becomes a permanent resident who randomly spawns around the valley.
- Players gain a large amount of Dreamlight for taming the rare Cobra.
- Unique decor items like a Cobra statue become available to craft and place in the valley.
- Players earn special achievements for befriending all the new critters.
- Photographing the loyal Cobra unlocks new quest rewards after befriending it.
The Cobra also occasionally brings players gifts after reaching max friendship level!
The Cobra’s Appearance in Dreamlight Valley
The cobra in Dreamlight Valley sports vibrant scales with purple and yellow stripes running across its body. It has a distinctive hood with two beady eyes constantly surveying the surroundings.
Furthermore, the cobra was designed to showcase swift movements like real cobras. It constantly erects itself to get a better view while scanning for threats.
When a player gets too close, the Cobra rears its neck back and opens its hood as a defensive stance. Afterward, it tries to make a quick getaway using its fast reflexes.
The Cobra’s Favorite Food in Dreamlight Valley
The Cobra’s favorite food in Dreamlight Valley is the Scorpion. Players can collect Scorpions from various Scorpion dens located around the Glittering Dune.
Feeding a Scorpion to the Cobra drastically increases friendship level, allowing players to easily befriend it.
Make sure to stock up on Scorpions before trying to befriend the Cobra for a guaranteed success.
The Cobra’s Behavior in Dreamlight Valley
The Cobra was designed to mimic how real Cobras behave in the wild. It is easily frightened and avoids confrontation whenever possible.
When a player enters its proximity, the Cobra rears its hood and emits a loud hiss as a warning sign. Then it tries to escape by slithering away swiftly.
However, the Cobra exhibits docile behavior once players befriend it. The Cobra lowers its hood, indicating it is no longer threatened by the player’s presence.
Occasionally, the Cobra coils around the player’s feet as a sign of affection after nurturing their friendship.
Conclusion – December 6, 2023
The Cobra is a challenging but rewarding critter for players to locate and befriend in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Master the tips in this guide regarding tracking, approaching, and feeding the Cobra to successfully add it to your expanding roster of valley residents. Once tamed, the Cobra makes for a loyal companion roaming the valley. Keep an eye out for this elusive reptile during your next visit to the Glittering Dune!
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