Diablo 4 patch 1.70 is available to download on PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox consoles. According to the official Diablo 4 1.70 patch notes, the latest update resolves game crashing issues. Apart from this, today’s D4 update 1.70 also includes general stability fixes.
Diablo 4 Version 1.70 PatchNotes

Bug Fixes
- Various stability improvements.
- Addressed game crashing issues.
Upcoming Fixes in Diablo 4 patch 2.0.3
- The crafting notification for Runes now displays what’s being crafted instead of the Runes used.
- The recipes for crafting random Runes at the Jeweler now include what Runes are needed for each recipe.
- The tooltip for swapping Runes and Gems in sockets now says “swap” instead of “socket” when in that context.
- Tooltips for Runes and Runewords have been updated to better communicate their effects.
- The tooltip for Masterworking now indicates that the item must be Tempered twice before it can be Masterworked.
- Various tooltips and icons for crafting materials have been updated for improved readability.
- Infernal Hordes and Kurast Undercity will now be at the top level of activities in the Party Finder menu, alongside activities such as the Pit and Dark Citadel.
- The icon for Glyph Sockets has been adjusted to make it more visually distinct in Paragon Boards.
- The Non-Physical damage stat has been removed from the Character Stats window.
Previously, Diablo 4 patch 1.12 introduced new unique items and legendary aspects. Unfortunately, since the last patch 1.21, players are experiencing error codes and bugs. Today’s D4 patch 1.70 will address a few of these issues.
Download free Diablo 4 update 1.70 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.