Diablo 4 Patch 1.75 Patch Notes (D4 Update 2.1.1)

Diablo 4 update 1.75 (2.1.1) is available to download on PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox consoles. According to the official Diablo 4 1.75 patch notes, the latest update resolve addresses issues related to Dark Citadel, Witch Powers, Headhunts, Rootholds, Occult Gems, Seasonal Quests, Armory, and gameplay mechanics. Apart from this, today’s D4 update 1.75 also includes accessibility improvements and UI/UX fixes.

Diablo 4 1.75 PatchNotes – February 4, 2025

Diablo 4 1.75 Patch Notes
Diablo 4 1.75 Patch Notes

Game Updates

  • The tooltip for the Qax Rune has been updated to more accurately describe its functionality.
  • The icons for various Unique Spiritborn Rings have been updated to make them more visually distinct from each other.

Bug Fixes

Dark Citadel

  • Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck outside the maze during the Faeroch encounter.
  • Fixed an issue where Incenses of Fortitude and Rushing Wind did not persist after dying.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bosses Vorshok and Hurstt could target players in stealth.
  • Fixed an issue where players could infinitely revive themselves during the Impending Doom wipe with Scrolls of Generosity.
  • Fixed an issue where loot could disappear when returning via a party member’s portal.


  • Fixed an issue where Witch Powers could be swapped during a Kurast Undercity run.
  • Fixed an issue where the description for Resolute Tributes did not inform players that it does not affect the whole party.
  • Fixed an issue where the Qua Rune was listed as a Rare Rune at the Jeweler when it is a Magic Rune.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hireling Commander achievement wouldn’t be granted when playing on Console if it was first earned on PC.
  • Fixed an issue where Tempering a Glaive or Quarterstaff did not contribute towards the Potent Alterations Achievement.

Base Game

Game Updates

Season of Witchcraft

  • The spawn rate for Forgotten Altars has been increased.
  • More Ravens of the Tree will now appear in Headhunt Zones. Some have been saying there’s now more unkindness in the area.
  • Additional UI elements have been added for tracking Headhunt progress.
  • Two new Whisper bounties have been added.
  • New Icons for Headhunts have been added for visual distinction.
  • All existing UI elements have been adjusted to better convey progress of activities and where important points of interest, and notable monsters are.
  • An additional UI element has been added to track progress towards spawning Headrotten Bosses.


  • A new button has been added to easily delete loadouts.
  • Various other miscellaneous updates to the overall User Experience for the Armory.
  • Armory locations in multiple cities have been adjusted to make them easier to interact with.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where the Screen Reader did not properly function in the Witchcraft Powers tab.
  • Fixed an issue where some icons in the Party Finder menu would not be read by the Screen Reader.
  • Fixed an issue where the names for Trade chat and Clan chat would not be read by the Screen Reader.
  • Various fixes for the Screen Reader not functioning properly in the Armory, Wardrobe, and Witchcraft windows.

Season of Witchcraft

Witch Powers

  • Fixed an issue where Doom Orb would take longer than expected to return to the player if the Orb’s target died while the Orb was travelling towards it.
  • Fixed an issue where Learned Grimoires acquired after the first one could not be consumed or removed from your inventory.

Developer’s Note:They can now be sold to vendors to free inventory space.

  • Fixed an issue where the Decay Augmentation tooltip mentioned Base Damage when it should just state “Damage”.
  • Fixed an issue where Aura of Lament did not trigger with certain other powers, such as Breath of the Coven.
  • Fixed an issue where learning a Forgotten Power through a Forgotten Altar did not unlock the power in the Witchcraft tab.
  • Fixed an issue where Firebat Servants couldn’t trigger Hex of Whispers.
  • Fixed an issue where the Visual Effect for Life Link could link to more than 3 enemies.
  • Fixed an issue where Vengeful Spirit would not disappear when un-equipping the associated Witch power.
  • Fixed an issue where some Witch Powers did not display properly in the Fields of Hatred.
  • Fixed an issue where swapping between the Witch Powers tab when viewing your inventory could malfunction on Controller.
  • Fixed an issue where Firebat Servants spawned every 2 seconds instead of every 3 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue where the Sorcerer’s Primordial Binding passive did not function with any Witch Powers with Summon tag.
  • Fixed an issue where the Grow power could cause summoned minions to grow multiple times when transitioning between zones. (No one could stand in the path of the swole Golem. The Swolem)

Headhunts and Whispers

  • Fixed an issue where the circle during the Dispel Whisper bounty would disappear before all relevant enemies were defeated.
  • Fixed an issue where Wisps could fail to spawn during the Whisper bounty of the same name if the Whisper was previously completed while having 10 Grim Favors.
  • Fixed an issue where Elite monsters spawned by Seeker Frogs and Entangled villagers would run away from the player when first spawned.
  • Fixed an issue where Large Cocoons could block projectiles.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies could spawn inside the town of Backwater when a Headhunt was active in the area.
  • Fixed an issue where the Lost Wisp Whisper bounty could fail to complete if all monsters linked to the Wisp were defeated at the same time at the end of the encounter.
  • Fixed an issue where Exposed Roots could fail to spawn when completing a Dispel Whisper bounty.
  • Fixed an issue where Scouring Cauldrons associated with the Scour Whisper could disappear before intended.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn’t interact with the Raven of the Tree if the player teleported to the Tree of Whispers and back.
  • Fixed an issue where the radius on the Map when hovering over the Seek Whisper was inconsistent between Headhunt regions.
  • Fixed a rare issue where an excessive number of monsters could spawn in Headhunt zones.


  • Fixed an issue where Exposed Roots could block projectiles when morphing into cocoons.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip for Ritual of Futility did not mention the Boss would be Unstoppable.
  • Fixed an issue where using the last revive while in a party, and while multiple other members were still dead, would not allow the last revived player to re-enter the boss arena.
  • Fixed an issue where exiting a Roothold would always take the player to the Silent House instead of directly outside the Roothold.
  • Fixed an issue where the game could freeze if the player died while the game window was not open and there were no revives left.
  • Fixed an issue where Wicked Thralls of Rot could fail to attack the player when in close proximity.
  • Fixed an issue where the Rite of Torn Flesh ritual didn’t properly display as active.
  • Fixed an issue where Ceremony of the Ticking Clock could cause players to trigger their own lucky hits on themselves.

Occult Gems

  • Fixed multiple issues where the Dust Stone Occult Gem did not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip for the Elder Sigil Occult Gem incorrectly stated it was used with Incarnate skills instead of Potency skills.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vile Phylactery Occult Gem granted double stats when a Witch Power was equipped.

Developer’s Note:They can now be sold to vendors to free up inventory space.

  • Fixed an issue where Moonlight Ward’s effect did not immediately activate when the Occult Gem was equipped.

Seasonal Questline

  • Fixed an issue where Ouna did not follow the player into the boss fight during the “A Friend in Need” quest.
  • Fixed an issue where certain quest objectives referenced incorrect Roothold locations.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Whispers in the Wind” quest would automatically be tracked when completing other quests.
  • Fixed an issue where the Enraged Headless Husk during the “Oaths and “quest had more health than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where the Headless Husk bosses during the “Oaths and Debts” quest could fail to damage the player if they stood in certain locations.
  • Fixed an issue where the Headless Husk boss could get stuck in certain locations.
  • Fixed an issue where the Season Journey objectives for increasing your standing with the Coven would not be completed if you skipped the specified rank.

Developer’s Note:Any players affected by this will now complete any previously missed Season Journey objectives when advancing to a new Coven’s Favor Reputation Rank. For players already at maximum reputation with The Coven, we are investigating a solution to retroactively fulfill the missed objectives when progressing the repeatable Tier 20 Coven’s Favor reputation rank.


  • Fixed an issue where Armory would load Sorcerer Enchantments that are not unlocked in some cases.
  • Various fixes for missing or inaccurate icons and text.


  • Fixed an issue where Bone Breaker Legendary Paragon Node was not stacking as fast as intended while weapon swapping.
  • Fixed an issue where Druid Spirit Offerings didn’t drop from Elite monsters.
  • Fixed an issue where Elemental Synergies would not update if a Familiar changed elements.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltips of the Necromancer’s Minion damage Paragon nodes were not displaying the actual values of the stats they were granting when modified by the Deadraiser Glyph.
  • Fixed an issue where rank 5 of Wrath of the Berserker could still Knock Back enemies but not always pull them to the player.
  • Fixed an issue where Concealment could grant immunity to Poison pools and Poison explosions.
  • Fixed an issue where Grasp of Shadow did not properly grant bonus skill ranks to Marksman and Cutthroat Skills while in town or mounted.
  • Fixed an issue where the Affix for Hewed Flesh Grants X% Maximum life, present on the Mortacrux, did not increase with Masterworking.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could move while channeling Lacerate.
  • Fixed a rare issue where changing your Mount in certain locations could teleport the player to random locations.
  • Fixed an issue where Elemental totems in Nightmare Dungeons couldn’t be targeted.
  • Fixed an issue where the Scents of the Desert Afternoon Incense granted 80 Thorns instead of 400.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tree of Whispers Collection of Chaos rewards could drop only one type of equipment instead of a variety.
  • Fixed an issue where Screaming Hell Veins did not guarantee Forgotten Souls in Torments III and IV.
  • Fixed an issue where the effect of a Lethal Shrine also affected Thorns damage.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck if they constantly try to move while on a Traversal.
  • Fixed an issue where Spur could increase a player’s Movement Speed after they dismounted.

User Interface and User Experience

  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip for Okun’s Catalyst had a redundant [x] indicator in the description for the power.
  • Fixed an issue where Forgotten Altars were referred to as Lost Altars in certain instances.
  • Fixed an issue where loot was difficult to pick up when playing on controller if it dropped on top of Boss Summon Altars.
  • Fixed multiple issues where the “New Item Available” icon could appear when it should not, and didn’t appear when it should in some cases.
  • Fixed a rare issue where the Wardrobe could become unresponsive in Local Co-Op play.
  • Fixed an issue where using Leave Dungeon to exit the Iceworn Cellar during the Prologue could cause the game to freeze.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tooltip for Sorcerer’s Permafrost Passive only stated Frost Skill damage was increased when actually it increases all sources of damage.
  • Fixed an issue where Greater Collections of Materials did not display with the word “Greater”.
  • Fixed an issue where Herbs could appear to still be interactable after harvesting them.
  • Fixed an issue where the Elemental Totem Nightmare Dungeon Affix displayed as Elemental Spike.
  • Fixed an issue where the Echo Destroyer challenge did not display properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Skill tooltips would not properly display while using Skill Assignment on controller.
  • Fixed an issue where Controller navigation could malfunction in the Season menu.
  • Fixed an issue where longer tooltips could not be scrolled through on Controller.


  • Fixed an issue where Forgotten Altars did not spawn as expected in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed an issue where defeating Echo of Lilith for the first time on an Eternal Character did not reward a Resplendent Spark.
  • Fixed an issue where the NPC associated with the “Late Shipment” quest could unexpectedly disappear.
  • Fixed an issue where the Achievement for getting to Level 300 Paragon could not be acquired on an Eternal character if the player had previously gotten a character to level 100 prior to Season of Hatred.
  • Fixed an issue where the Living Nightmare achievement could be unlocked in Torment I difficulty instead of Torment II or higher.
  • Various performance, stability, visual, audio, and UI fixes

Previously, Diablo 4 patch 1.12 introduced new unique items and legendary aspects. Unfortunately, since the last patch 1.21, players are experiencing error codes and bugs. Today’s D4 patch 1.75 will address a few of these issues.

Download free Diablo 4 update 1.75 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.