Diablo 3 Update 1.44 (v2.7.5) Patch Notes (Season 28 Update)

Diablo 3 update 1.44 (Season 28) release notes are now available for PS4, PS5, PC and Xbox console players. According to the official Diablo 3 1.44 patch notes, the Diablo Season 28: Rites of Sanctuary update (Patch 2.7.5) adds a new seasonal theme. Using the ancient Altar of Rites, curious Nephalem can follow the instructions, sacrificing various materials for unspeakable power that lasts the entire season. Apart from this, the new Diablo 3 version 1.44 also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a big update season 25 added a long list of new changes and fixes. Unfortunately, after the last patch, many players encounter a number of problems when trying to play the game on the consoles. Today’s Diablo 3 patch 1.44 will solve all these problems.

Check out more details below.

Diablo 3 1.48 Patch Notes (2.7.5) – February 21, 2023

Season 28: Rites of Sanctuary

For Season 28, Rites of Sanctuary, we’re travelling deep into the mysterious ruins of the Festering Woods. Amid a mining expedition, citizens hailing from New Tristram stumbled across an ominous Altar carved from an archaic material bearing cryptic markings. Shaken to their core by the eldritch aroma of the monolith, they’ve enlisted the assistance of brave Nephalem willing to investigate this sinister discovery that was once left to time—theAltar of Rites.

Seal and Legendary Potion Powers

AYour Kill Streak timer duration and reward bonus are doubled.
BPools of Reflection last for the entire Season and are not removed by death.
CItems have no level requirement.
D+200 Damage
E+25% Missile Damage Reduction
F+25% Movement Speed (Uncapped)
GIncrease damage against elites by 15%.
HPicking up Health Globes grants a shield for 5% of your maximum health for 7 seconds. Max stacks 5.
I+25% Melee Damage Reduction.
JIncreases your highest elemental skill damage bonus by 10%.
KIncrease damage against elites by 20%.
L+10% Damage+20% Damage
MDouble the amount of Death’s Breaths that drop.
NCritical hits grant resource: Mana: 15, Hatred: 5, Wrath: 5, Arcane Power: 3, Fury: 3, Spirit: 5, Essence: 5.
ODouble the amount of Bounty Caches that drop from completing bounties.
PProgress orbs from Nephalem and Greater Rifts are automatically picked up.
Progress orbs from Nephalem and Greater Rifts are automatically picked up within 60 yards.
QReduces the damage taken from elites by 25%.
R15% Damage+30% Damage
SGain immunity to crowd-controlling effects.
TGain passability.
UPets pick up Death’s Breath.
VElite packs drop one additional progress orb.
WIncrease damage done to Bosses by 25%.
XPets pick up and salvage common, magic, and rare items.
YIncrease your chance to Dodge by 15%.
ZDouble the chance to find a legendary item purchased from Kadala.
Potion AAWhen you drink your health potion, you manifest one of three runic circles on the ground that grant increased damage, increased cooldown reduction, or increased resource cost reduction.
Potion ABWhen you drink your health potion, all enemies within 25 yards deal 25% less damage.
Potion ACWhen you drink your health potion, gain a random shrine or pylon effect.
When you drink your health potion, gain a random shrine or the Dimensional Power pylon effect.
ADWhen a primal item drops, a second random primal item drops as well.

Bug Fixes

Altar of Rites

  • The power description for Seal N has been updated for increased clarity.
  • Pets will no longer pick up and salvage other players’ common, magic, and rare items because of the power from Seal X.
  • Fixed an issue where Seal V caused more progress orbs to drop than intended.

Monk Skill Changes

  • Combination Strike Passive Skill:
    • Each Spirit Generator you use increases the damage of your other Spirit Generators by 100% for 10 seconds.
  • Crippling Wave Skill:
    • Every third hit also dazes enemies within 11 yards, slowing their movement speed by 30% and attack speed by 20% for 10 seconds.
      • Concussion Rune: Enemies hit by Crippling Wave deal 20% less damage for 10 seconds.
      • Breaking Wave Rune: Enemies hit by Crippling Wave take 10% additional damage from all attacks for 10 seconds.
  • Deadly Reach Skill:
    • Foresight Rune:Every third hit also increases the damage of all your attacks by 15% for 10 seconds.
  • Way of the Hundred Fists:
    • Assimilation Rune:Each enemy hit with the third hit increases your damage by 5% for 10 seconds.

Item Changes


  • Horde of the Ninety Savages (6-piece bonus):
    • Frenzy deals 2,000% increased damage per stack.

Demon Hunter

  • Chanon Bolter:
    • Your Spike Traps lure enemies to them and deal 150-200% increased damage. Enemies may be taunted once every 10 seconds.
  • The Demon’s Demise:
    • Each blast from Spike Trap will damage all enemies again after 1 second and deals 150-200% increased damage.
  • Natalya’s Slayer:
    • Increases Spike Trap Damage by 10 -15%.
  • Natalya’s Vengeance (2-piece bonus):
    • Hitting an enemy summons a Spike Trap if it is on your action bar. Each Spike Trap detonation restores 1 Discipline.
    • Spike Trap deals 100% increased damage to enemies affected by Caltrops. Spike Trap now instantly refreshes charges on use, no longer cost resources, and each detonation restores 2 Discipline.
  • Natalya’s Vengeance (4-piece bonus):
    • Laying a Spike Trap grants 60% damage reduction. The duration of this bonus is always equal to the number of already laid traps in seconds.
    • Spike Trap explosions will blast affected enemies towards the nearest set Caltrops. Laying a Spike Trap grants 75% damage reduction. The duration of this bonus is always equal to the number of already laid traps in seconds.
  • Natalya’s Vengeance (6-piece bonus):
    • Spike Traps deal 10,000% increased damage, and each consecutive blast from the detonation chain reaction will deal 10% more damage than the previous blast.
    • Spike Trap deals 10,000% increased damage, and each consecutive explosion from the detonated chain reaction will deal 25% more damage than the previous blast.
  • Gears of Dreadlands:
    • Your primary skills deal 15,000% increased damage.
    • Your primary skills deal 27,500% increased damage.
  • The Shadow’s Mantle (2-piece bonus):
    • While equipped with a melee weapon, the damage of your Bolas, Chakram, Fan of Knives, and Impale is increased by 6,000%.
    • The Shadow’s Mantle 2-piece bonus no longer benefits Spike Trap.
  • Trag’oul Coils:
    • Spike Traps gain the Scatter Rune, are deployed twice as fast, and deal 150-200% increased damage.
  • Unhallowed Essence (6-piece bonus):
    • Hatred generators, Vengeance attacks, and Multishot deal 1700% increased damage per point of discipline the Demon Hunter currently has.


  • Patterns of Justice (6-piece bonus):
    • Hitting with Tempest Rush while Sweeping Wind is active increases the size of Sweeping Wind as well and increases all damage dealt by 20,000.
  • Raiment of Thousand Storms (4-piece bonus):
    • Dashing Strike spends 25 Spirit but refunds a Charge when it does.


  • Masquerade of the Burning Carnival (6-piece bonus):
    • Bone Spear deals 9,000% increased damage. Simulacrums gain triple this bonus.

Witch Doctor

  • Spirit Barrage:
    • Manitou Rune: Summon a specter that hovers over you, unleashing spirit bolts at nearby enemies for6,000%14,000% weapon damage as Cold over 20 seconds.


  • The Typhon’s Veil (6-piece-bonus):
    • Hydras deal 4,000% increased damage for each Hydra head alive.

Download free Diablo 3 update 1.44 on Sony PlayStation 4, PS5, PC and Microsoft Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.