Deep Rock Galactic Update 1.18 Patch Notes – June 8, 2022

Deep Rock Galactic update 1.18 (1.000.018) is now available to download on PS4, PC, and PS5. According to the official Deep Rock Galactic 1.18 patch notes, the latest update resolves some minor issues with the game. Apart from this, today’s Deep Rock Galactic patch 1.18 also includes performance fixes.

Recently, a major update added a fix to an ammo-exploit for the Nishanka Boltshark, and a fix to wave music that was not playing during the Hacking Event in Industrial Sabotage missions.

Unfortunately, since the last patch. players are experiencing several issues. Today’s Deep Rock Galactic version 1.18 will address a few of these changes. Read more details below.

Deep Rock Galactic Patch 1.18 notes (Season 02: Patch 5)

  • Fixed low res textured materials such as Bismor and Croppa
  • Fixed characters blinking in and out of existence when wearing some headwear that hides most of the head.
  • Fixed exothermic reactor triggering inconsistency for clients, now works same as host
  • Making initialization of mods already on the system independent from the modio system.

Download free Deep Rock Galactic game patch 1.18 on PlayStation 4, PC, and PlayStations 5.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.