Deceit December 2nd Update Patch Notes (Legendary Base Cosmetics)

Deceit update is now available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Deceit patch notes, the latest update added new Legendary base cosmetics to the game.

Check out more details below.

Deceit Patch Notes – December 2, 2021

New Cosmetics

We have added a large number of new legendary base cosmetics for every innocent character in the game.

  • Each new cosmetic below (Hair, Accessories, Clothes)
    • Alex: Short Beanie, Hacktivist Mask, Hacktivist
    • Chang: Spiked Mohawk, Cigarette, Casino
    • Lisa: Short Bob, Catena, Jumpsuit
    • Rachel: Updo, Bull Ring, Dungarees
    • Hans: Flick Up, Beard, Dapper
    • Nina: Cat Earphones, Plaster, Gamer Girl

New Challenges

There are 9 new Normal Challenge series for each item you can collect in-game. These are unlocked by default (once you have access to the Challenges) and contain 5 challenges in each series.

These 9 challenge series are: Camera, Armour, Torch, Inspection Kit, Lethal Injection, Antidote, Tracker, Shotgun, Trap

Alongside this, we added 2 new unlockable emblems for completing every challenge. One is permanent once you hit 100% once, the other is only unlocked whilst you have 100% (meaning as new challenges come out you have to re-obtain it).

General Patch Notes

  • Significantly improved the doors leading to the next floor:
    • Teleporting between areas has been tweaked to be a smoother experience
    • Players will no longer spawn in the air when reaching the next floor
    • Doors, in general, will open faster and will be less likely to shut directly in your face
    • Players should no longer behave as if they’re still in the gas after teleporting
    • Fixed players falling out of the map when transitioning to the top floor of the Asylum
  • The Labyrinth has had several improvements, including:
    • The rabbit will now hop when moving
    • The Labyrinth’s exit has been made clearer once it’s open
    • The Labyrinth now takes less time to load
    • You can now queue up rabbit movements by holding shift when clicking
    • Bug fix: You will inadvertently level up if you stand on the tile in front of the exit
    • Bug fix: You can’t move the Rabbit back to the center tile

Added a new Item Upgrade: ‘Paparazzi Camera’. Item description: Using the camera will cause multiple flashes, dealing less damage per flash but more overall.

  • A new ranked season has begun, and rewards have been distributed to ranked players for the November season. The new season will end on the 6th of January.
  • Significantly reduced the download size of the game (will cause a larger than usual update this time)
  • In-Game translations have been updated, thanks to our Community Translators.
  • Bug fix: Daily challenges incorrectly contribute to your Challenge completion percentage
  • Bug fix: Menu option for setting default item as pickup instead of upgrade doesn’t work

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.