Dead by Daylight Update 2.94 Patch Notes (Ver. 7.200.200)

A new Dead by Daylight update 2.94 (version 7.200.200) is available to download on PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox consoles. According to the official Dead by Daylight 2.94 patch notes, the latest update improved turret placement and reduced tail attack cooldown speed. Apart from this, DBD patch 2.94 also adjusted perk descriptions and numerous bugs were fixed, while audio, UI, character, and environment issues were addressed for an overall game enhancement.

Previously, DBD update 2.90 added a new killer and a new survivors. Unfortunately, players are experiencing bugs and other issues with the game. Today’s Dead by Daylight version 2.94 will address a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Dead by Daylight Version 2.94 Patch Notes (7.200.200) – September 13, 2023

Xenomorph Adjustments:

  • Reworked the placement logic for Remote Flame Turrets to enhance deployment flexibility.
  • Reduced the cooldown movement speed of the Tail Attack from 2 to 1.2 m/s when it misses or encounters obstructions.

Perk Updates:

  • Altered the descriptions of Blast Mine, Chemical Trap, and Wiretap for consistency.
  • Added a visual effect (VFX) when the Chemical Trap self-disappears.

Bug Fixes:

  • The Xenomorph can no longer detect Idle Crows when emerging from a tunnel.
  • Players can now correctly make progress towards The Onryo’s “Viral Video” achievement.
  • Fixed the issue where the Xenomorph could turn invisible indefinitely during a Trial.
  • The Xenomorph can now effectively destroy turrets when they malfunction.
  • Resolved an issue where the Xenomorph’s regular movement speed could persist after downing a Survivor with the Tail Attack.
  • Addressed rare instances where the Xenomorph could become trapped in tunnels without the ability to exit.
  • Fixed rare occurrences where the Xenomorph could fall through the ground.

Perk Fixes:

  • The Adrenaline Perk now properly grants a bonus health state after self-unhooking.

Audio Improvements:

  • The Skull Merchant’s footsteps sound effects (SFX) are no longer missing when she is inspecting the radar.
  • Spark bursts in the Nostromo map are no longer silent.

UI Adjustments:

  • Resolved the issue causing the UI to disappear when rapidly pressing the ESC key while ending a match.

Character Enhancements:

  • The Pig’s right hand animations are no longer missing while carrying a Survivor and moving.
  • Fixed the issue causing the Camera to move backward when leaning and stalking with Ghost Face.
  • Corrected the misalignment of Vaulting Survivors during window vault animations.
  • The Hag’s Camera no longer gets obstructed when looking upward while wearing any outfit.

Environment/Map Fixes:

  • Fixed the problem in the Garden of Joy map where trees lost texture and appeared as dark silhouettes when Survivors were sacrificed on the hook.
  • Addressed the issue in Ormond where Bear-Traps would disappear under the snow.
  • Resolved the problem in RPD where players could climb Wesker’s supply crate.
  • Fixed one-sided collisions on the Nostromo Wreckage.

Download free Dead by Daylight update 2.93 on PS4, PS5, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.