Dead by Daylight (DBD) Update 2.88 Patch Notes (v7.100.001)

Dead by Daylight update 2.88 is rolling out on PS4, PS5(version 7.100.001), PC, and Xbox One. According to the official DBD 2.88 patch notes, the latest update introduces a new Survivor, Nicolas Cage, along with three unique Perks: Dramaturgy, Scene Partner, and Plot Twist. Apart from this, DBD patch 2.88 also includes various bug fixes and improvements to gameplay and reporting feedback.

Previously, DBD update 2.75 added adds a new killer – The Skull Merchant, new survivors (Thalita Lyra and Renato Lyra). Unfortunately, players are experiencing bugs and other issues with the game. Today’s Dead by Daylight version 2.88 will address a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

DBD Update 2.88 Patch Notes (v7.1) – July 25, 2023

Arrival of a New Survivor – Nicolas Cage

The acclaimed actor Nicolas Cage enters the realm as a new playable survivor, bringing his dramatic flair through three unique perks. Dramaturgy allows stunning poses and screams to gain boosts and random items. Scene Partner reveals the killer’s aura when locking eyes and screaming. Plot Twist enables silently entering the dying state for an instant recovery boost later.

The Onryo’s Powers Adjusted

Changes were made to the ghostly killer The Onryo’s projection and condemnation abilities. Projecting to TVs now quicker applies condemnation stacks to all survivors not carrying a tape. Cursed tape mechanics have been updated to remove passive condemnation gains. Dematerialization received tweaks to prevent stuns and increase elusiveness.

Updated Killer: The Onryo


  • Projecting to a TV now applies ¾ of a stack of Condemned to all Survivors not carrying a Cursed Tape (was 1 stack to nearby Survivors).
  • The time a TV is disabled after The Onryo Projects to it has been reduced to 45 seconds (was 100 seconds). This can be further reduced using Add-ons.
  • The time a TV is disabled after a Survivor removes the Cursed Tape has been increased to 70 seconds (was 60 seconds).
  • Projection now has a 10 second cooldown. Since there is no longer a range limit on the Condemned effect, a limit is required for how frequently this can happen.

Cursed Tapes:

  • Getting hit with a Basic Attack while carrying a Cursed Tape applies 2 stacks of Condemned, and the tape is destroyed.
  • Being hooked while holding a Cursed Tape destroys the tape.
  • Holding a Cursed Tape no longer passively builds Condemned.
  • Cursed Tapes can now be placed in any TV other than the one they were retrieved from.


  • The Onryo can no longer be stunned while Demanifested.
  • Chases are prevented when Demanifested, making it more difficult to keep track of The Onryo’s position.
  • Demanifesting now removes Bloodlust, similar to other Killer Powers.


  • Videotape Copy: TVs used for Projection turn back on 10 seconds sooner.
  • Cabin Sign: TV turn on time after a teleport is reduced by 4.5 seconds.
  • Well Stone: TV turn on time after receiving a tape is reduced by 7 seconds.

Killer Perks Revamped

Multiple killer perks had their functionality expanded or replaced. Hangman’s Trick is now a scourge hook perk granting aura reading benefits. Coup de Grace becomes stronger as more generators are completed. Claustrophobia dynamically blocks windows and doors after generators are finished.

Killer Perk Updates:

  • Coup de Grace:
  • Each time a generator is completed, Coup de Grâce grows in power. Gain 2 tokens, with a maximum of 5 tokens at one time. Consume one token to increase the distance of your next lunge attack by 70%/75%/80%.
  • Claustrophobia:
  • Every time a generator is completed, all windows and vault locations are blocked for all Survivors for the next 20/25/30 seconds. You see the aura of the vault locations blocked by Claustrophobia for the duration.
  • Hangman’s Trick → Scourge Hook: Hangman’s Trick:
  • Gain a notification when someone starts sabotaging a hook. While carrying a Survivor, see the aura of any Survivor within 10/11/12 meters of a scourge hook.
  • Territorial Imperative:
  • Unlocks potential in one’s aura reading ability. Survivors’ auras are revealed to you for 4/5/6 seconds when they enter the basement and you are more than 24 meters away from the basement entrance. Territorial Imperative can only be triggered once every 45 seconds.
  • Remember Me: You become obsessed with one survivor. Each time your Obsession loses a health state, gain 1 token, up to 2/3/4. you increase the opening time of the exit gates by 6 seconds up to a maximum of 12/18/24 additional seconds. The obsession is not affected by Remember Me.
  • Hex: Crowd Control:
  • The Entity blocks a window for 40/50/60 seconds after a Survivor performs a rushed vault through it. The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.
  • Trail of Torment:
  • After kicking a generator, you become Undetectable until the generator stops regressing. During this time, the generator’s yellow aura is revealed to survivors. This effect can only trigger once every 80/70/60 seconds.

Survivor Perks Redesigned

Various survivor perks also gained new effects or mechanics. Prove Thyself rewards grouping up on generators for repair speed. Blast Mine and Wiretap add generator traps with different triggering conditions. Spine Chill now grants speed bonuses when the killer is facing a survivor’s direction.

Survivor Perk Updates:

  • Prove Thyself:
  • For every other Survivor working on a generator within a 4 meter range, gain 6%/8%/10% repair speed bonus. This same bonus is also applied to all other Survivors within range. Survivors can only be affected by one Prove Thyself effect at a time.
  • We’re Gonna Live Forever:
  • Adjusted description to indicate that it works for ALL blinds, not just flashlights.
  • Blast Mine:
  • Blast Mine activates after completing a total of 50% worth of repair progress on generators. After repairing a generator for at least 3 seconds, press the Active Ability Button 1 to install a trap which stays active for 100/110/120 seconds. Affected generators will be revealed to all Survivors by a yellow aura. Only one trap can be active on a generator. When the Killer kicks a trapped generator, the trap explodes, stunning them and blinding anyone nearby. Blast Mine is then deactivated.
  • Wiretap:
  • Wiretap activates after completing a total of 50% worth of repair progress on generators. After repairing a Generator for at least 3 seconds, press the Active Ability Button 1 to install a spy trap, which stays active for 100/110/120 seconds. Affected generators will be revealed to all Survivors by a yellow aura. Only one trap can be active on a generator. When the Killer enters within 14 meters of the trapped generator, their aura is revealed to all Survivors. Damaging the generator destroys the trap.
  • Saboteur:
  • See hook auras in a 56-meter radius from the pickup spot if a Survivor is being carried. Scourge Hooks are shown in yellow. Unlocks the ability to sabotage hooks without a toolbox. Sabotaging a hook without a Toolbox takes 2.3 seconds. The sabotage action has a 70/65/60-second cooldown.
  • Clairvoyance:
  • Clairvoyance activates whenever you cleanse or bless a Totem. When empty-handed, hold the Ability button to unlock your full aura-reading potential. For up to 8/9/10 seconds, you see the auras of exit gate switches, generators, hooks, chests and the Hatch within a 64-meter range.
  • Breakout:
  • When within 5 meters of a carried Survivor, you gain the Haste status effect, moving at 5%/6%/7% increased speed. The carried Survivor’s wiggle speed is increased by 25%.
  • Buckle Up:
  • While healing a Survivor in the dying state, you both can see the Killer’s aura. When completing healing a Survivor from the dying state to injured, both you and the healed Survivor gain Endurance for 6/8/10 seconds.
  • Smash Hit:
  • After stunning the Killer with a pallet, break into a sprint at 150% your normal running speed for 4 seconds. Causes the Exhausted status effect for 30/25/20 seconds. This perk cannot be used while Exhausted.
  • Spine Chill:
  • Get notified when the Killer within a 36-meter range. If the Killer is within range and is looking at you with a clear line of sight, your speed while repairing, sabotaging, healing, unhooking, cleansing, blessing, opening exit gates and unlocking is increased by 2%/4%/6%. The effects of Spine Chill linger for 0.5 seconds after the Killer looks away or is out of range.

Ongoing Improvements to Core Gameplay

Other changes are focused on smoothing out gameplay inconsistencies. Audio and map fixes address lingering bugs. The reporting system is being improved to better confirm action against toxic players. Addon balance passes trimmed some of the most powerful options.

Killer Tweaks

The Executioner:

  • If he comes within 10 meters of a cage, it will disappear and reappear elsewhere on the map (used to be 5).

The Spirit:

  • Mother-Daughter Ring – the movement speed bonus has been reduced to 25% (was 40%).
  • Dried Cherry Blossom – the Killer Instinct range of Dried Cherry Blossom has been reduced to 3 meters (was 4 meters).
  • Yakuyoke Amulet, Shiawase Amulet and Kaiun Talisman – these Add-ons will no longer cause Yamaoka’s Haunting to recharge faster.
  • Origami Crane – Origami Crane now increases the recovery rate of Yamaoka’s Haunting by 20% (was 10%).
  • Rusty Flute – Rusty Flute now increases the recovery rate of Yamaoka’s Haunting by 40% (was 25%).

The Hag:

  • Waterlogged Shoe – the movement speed boost has been increased to 7.5% (was 4.5%).
  • Mint Rag – the teleport cooldown has been reduced to 10 seconds.
  • Half Egg Shell and Cracked Turtle Egg – Half Egg Shell now increased Phantasm Trap duration by 45% (was 30%), and Cracked Turtle Egg now increases Phantasm Trap duration by 55% (was 35%).


Disconnected Survivor Bots

  • Replaced disconnected survivors with bots.
  • Bots can now use Dramaturgy and Plot Twist.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where the Cenobites ‘I came’ quote upon completing a teleport is missing.
  • Fixed an issue where some survivors’ hooked screams last longer than intended.


  • Fixed an issue where bots keep getting caught in the same trap if a pallet is not broken.
  • Fixed an issue that cause survivor bots repeatedly restart the use of their flashlight when attempting to Blind a Killer.


  • Fixed an issue that caused injured Survivors that getting hit while they are entering in a locker to being seeing in the Dying State for a brief moment before getting out of the locker.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some killers to not follow the rule of looking down when damaging a generator.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Trapper, The Wraith, The Hillbilly, The Shape and The Doctor to not follow the rule of looking slightly down when vaulting.
    • We will update the vaulting animation of The Huntress, The Cannibal, The Clown, Ghostface and The Hag in an upcoming release.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Singularity model to slide backward when vaulting over obstacles.
  • Survivors no longer exit the Locker in the wrong direction when dying.
  • The FOV increase from Blinks can no longer be seen on the Tally screen when leaving a match during a Blink as The Nurse
  • The Knight no longer sees both the Special Item and the Regular Item in a Survivor’s hand after having used his Power.

Events & Archives

  • Fixed an issue where the localization of the “Adrenaline Overflow” challenge did not correctly display the target number of progress required.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Alternative Medicine” challenge requirements were not updated to match the currect version of the Boon: Circle of Healing perk.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Mark My Prey” challenge would gain unintended progress when playing as The Huntress and throwing hatchets at a hooked Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue where the Pink Glyph of the “Glyph Prowler” and “Glyph Snatcher” challenges did not function properly while Survivors were performing certain interactions.
  • The challenge Out Isn’t An Option can now be completed when an hatch escape occurs.
  • Progress for the Huntress Challenge “Mark my Prey” can no longer be gained by throwing hatchets at hooked Survivors.


  • Fixed an issue where a collision would block the projectiles in the The Thompson House.
  • Fixed an issue where the Trapper could place a trap on a broken bench in RPD.
  • Fixed an issue where The Skull Merchant could place a drone in an unreachable spot in the Coal Tower map.
  • Fixed an issue where all of The Clown’s projectile gas would go through the ceiling of the Fractured Cowshed main building.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Biopods of The Singularity to attach on invisible collisions in the Toba Landing map.
  • Fixed an issue where the Nurse could blink out of the world in the Toba Landing map.
  • Fixed an issue in the Treatment Theatre map a survivor in a dying state could not be picked up by the killer.
  • Fixed an issue where the crows of Dead Dawg Saloon could not be visible for some players.
  • Fixed an issue in Midwich Elementary School where the Skull Merchant could place a drone unreachable to the survivors.
  • Fixed an issue in Family Residence map where the Zombie or Guards could not navigate.


  • The Killer perk “Play With Your Food” now correctly displays the cooldown when gaining a token.


  • Fixed an issue that caused trophies don’t get updated properly when changing device of PS4 or PS5.
  • Fixed an issue where cause incorrect cells expiring timer in Japan on Xbox.
  • Fixed an issue that cause trial can be seen when entering tally by disconnecting the controller, waiting a short time then reconnecting.
  • Fixed an issue that cause AoT charm not being given on Switch.
  • Fixed an issue where cause game crash with error code 2622-9511 when region set to Japan on Switch.
  • Tentatively fixed an issue that caused error 8,001 happens on Windows Store.


  • Fixed an issue where the loadout page is reset when the host changed the match management setting.
  • Fixed an issue that prevents from adding a 4th bot due to overlapping player lists over the button.
  • Fixed an issue where icons are visible that should not be visible while observing other players.
  • Fixed an issue where the challenge tracker is dismissed too fast.
  • Fixed an issue where the wallet tooltip is behind survivor names in the lobby.
  • Fixed an issue with back button being disabled when searching for a match while a panel tab is opened.
  • Fixed an issue with active challenge not appearing in the archives widget.
  • Fixed an issue where the game crashes when you are switching survivors in spectate mode, with some boon effect.
  • Fixed an issue where the game sometimes crashes on console when going from store to lobby after purchase.


  • Fixed an issue where shows wrong error message of “Host unreachable”.
  • Fixed an issue where shows corrupted data error popup improperly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused loadout sometimes are equipped in Trials when all Match Management settings are set to None in custom game.
  • Fixed an issue that caused bloodweb automatic purchase get more expensive items before selecting event rarity.
  • Tentatively fixed an issue that some players aren’t able to unlock Adept achievements when meeting the requirements.
  • The Spirit’s The Wakizashi Saya Add-on’s prompt is now properly translated.
  • The Drop Firecracker prompt no longer appears when the Survivor holds a Flash Grenade.
  • Pink Glyphs no longer fail to stare at Survivors performing interactions.

Download free DBD update 2.88 on PS4, PS5, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.