DBD Update 2.37 Patch Notes (DBD 2.37) for PS4, PC & Xbox

DBD update 2.37 is now available to download on PS4 and Xbox One. According to the official DBD 2.37 patch notes, the latest update added a long list of gameplay improvements and bug fixes. Apart from this, DBD patch 2.37 also includes gameplay optimizations.

Previously, a major update was released which added a new Killer (The Cenobite), a large text setting, UI improvements, and more.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game. Today’s DBD version 2.37 is expected to fix a few of these issues.

DBD 2.37 Patch Notes



  • Added a new Killer – The Artist
    • Perks – Grim Embrace, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, and Hex: Pentimento
  • Added a new Survivor – Jonah Vasquez
    • Perks – Overcome, Corrective Action, and Boon: Exponential
  • Added a new map – Eyrie of Crows
  • Loadout and Customization menus now have Page Markers
    • Markers include the number of the page
    • Markers can be directly selected to jump to the desired page
  • Added a New/Sale badge to the Store
  • Added Subtitles to the HUD
    • Can be toggled in the options
    • Only applies to in-game speech (just The Trickster at this time)


  • Re-enabled location restriction when snuffing Boon totems
  • Updated the character portraits for Meg, Dwight, Adam, and Laurie.
  • Updated the character background images in the Character Info and Store menus for Quentin, Feng, Kate, David, Jake, Nea, Adam, Meg, and Dwight.
  • Added input prompts for the Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe, Styptic Agents, and Glass Beads add-ons
  • The Store DLC Purchase Popup now specifies the character associated with exclusive items

Cenobite Addon Update

  • Add-on – Liquified Gore
    • Decreased solving time modifier to 1 second (was 2 seconds)
  • Add-on – Torture Pillar
    • Decreased Chain Hunt activation time to 5 seconds (was 10 seconds)
  • Add-on – Larry’s Remains
    • Decreased solving time modifier to 2 seconds (was 4 seconds)
  • Add-on – Chatterer’s Tooth
    • Increased Undetectable status to duration 25 seconds (was 12 seconds)
  • Add-on – Engineer’s Fang
    • Added effect: When hitting an injured Survivor with a possessed chain, only 1 additional chain will spawn
  • Add-on – Iridescent Lament Configuration
    • Increased range to 24 meters (was 16 meters)

Dev Note: The Cenobite has been overperforming since he came to DbD. These addon changes are intended to bring his five best performing addons more in line to reduce his overall power, accompanied with a buff to his worst performing addon.


  • Optimized The Spirit’s performance

Dev Note: The Spirit has the largest impact on performance of any Killer, technically speaking. These performance optimizations should help alleviate that on all platforms.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the broken Game Manual tab on the Tutorial screen.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed survivors to consume other survivor’s Clairvoyance perk.
  • Fixed an issue that caused blessing a totem not to disable Decisive Strike.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Clairvoyance perk not to be deactivated when speared.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Boon Totem vignettes to disappear when moving between overlapping Boon ranges.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the Boon Totem vignette to linger when the survivor who applied a Boon leaves the match.
  • Fixed an issue where skill checks would be absent when self-healing with the Self-Care or Boon: Circle of Healing.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the sound notification for the 4th generator completed not to trigger.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause items, including medkits and toolboxes, with charge modifier add-ons to only apply 99% of their charge.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a hitch to occur at the end of vaults with the Legion.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Hag traps set in the Asylum’s entrance not to get triggered.
  • Fixed an issue that let The Nightmare place Dream Snares which would not be seen from below on top of stairs.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the Afterpiece Tonic gas not to match the affected area when the bottle explodes high above ground level.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause survivors to be attacked by the Chain Hunt while they are solving the Lament Configuration.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a placeholder icon to be seen when affected by another player’s Leader perk.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a gun SFX to be heard when entering into the tally screen as The Deathslinger.
  • Fixed an issue that caused non-lethal interruptions not to grant progress towards the Quick Draw achievement.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the camera in the Killer lobby to be off center.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause a hitch to occur after vaulting when using the Lithe perk.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause a hitch to occur when unhooking a survivor or entering a closet.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause The Cannibal to lose the ability to use his power after getting stunned.
  • Fixed an issue that caused clients de-synchronizations after running in the main buildings of various maps (Yamaoka, Macmillan, Ironwork of Misery, Coal Tower).
  • Fixed an issue that caused archives progress to be shareable between different accounts by switching accounts in the main menu.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the end game music to stop playing after using the Legion’s Feral Frenzy.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mori music not to play for killers playing the Nemesis.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the wrong VFX and SFX to play when a Hex Totem was destroyed by a survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented a Gateway’s SFX from stopping after it is closed while playing against The Cenobite.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Chainsaw SFX from playing after The Cannibal’s Tantrum impacts an object.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented repair sfx from playing when repairing generators in the Survivor tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor to crawl into a corner near a totem to prevent being picked up by the Killer in the main building of Yamaoka Family Residence.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor to get on top of some cars near the Azarov Office.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crouching Survivor get stuck near the stairs of one of the house in Dead Dawg Saloon.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors and Killers to climb on top of a cart near the gallows of Dead Dawg Saloon.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Killers to be unable to walk through a doorway on RPD if the hatch spawned in that location.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors to not interact with one of the Nightmare’s clocks in RPD map on XSX only.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the “health line” visual in The Nemesis’s power effect behind the Survivor HUD portraits to disappear.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to remain stuck in the result screen after a game.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a wireframe to be visible on Survivors on some platforms.

Known Issues

  • There are missing Meat Barrels in the Thompson House Bathroom causing an invisible collision.
  • A couple of Trickster voiceover lines are not localized.
  • Type of currency (KWD) is displayed incorrectly on Windows Store
  • The New and Sale flags on the Store buttons do not properly disappear when clicking on the Store buttons.
  • Addressed a bug where Steam Family Share to no longer share DLC.
  • Addressed a bug where Cross Progression between Steam and Stadia to no longer share DLC.
  • Fixed and issue that caused DLC to disappear on PS4 and PS5 accounts.
  • Addressed a bug where all survivors to hear the Chain Hunt starting notification sound when it starts only for the survivor holding the Lament Configuration.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause chains to hit the Cenobite when creating a gateway too close to himself.
  • Addressed a bug where the “Remove Chains” text to appear in english in all languages.
  • Addressed a bug where the Cenobite to gain bloodpoints when hitting a downed survivor with his chains.
  • Addressed a bug where the Lament Configuration to clip with the survivor’s hand when performing the Remove Chains action.

Addressed a bug where the Gateway screen effect to remain when spectating the Cenobite while opening a gateway and switching to a survivor.

  • Addressed a bug where the player name not to change properly when switching to spectating the Cenobite while he possesses a gateway.
  • Addressed a bug where survivors to be able to stun the Nightmare with a Dream Pallet.
  • Addressed a bug where the killer to be unable to pick up survivors downed while working on one of the short sides of a generator.
  • Addressed a bug where the killer to be unable to pick up a survivor downed while trying to enter an occupied locker.
  • Addressed a bug where the Locked & Found challenge not to track depleted keys.
  • Addressed a bug where progress towards the Punch Drunk achievement not to be tracked.
  • Addressed a bug where Feral Frenzy, Shadowborn and Monitor & Abuse not to change the player’s FOV.
  • Addressed a bug where the vault block duration to be incorrect for tier 1 of the Hex: Crowd Control perk.
  • Addressed a bug where the item lost SFX to play when performing some actions in the tutorial.
  • Addressed a bug where the item lost SFX to play when the Trapper places a bear trap.
  • Addressed a bug where a red wireframe to appear after the Nemesis uses his Tentacle Strike.
  • Fixed an issue where survivors could be seen loading into public lobbies a second time when equipped with a Legendary Outfit.

Fixed an issue where entering the store from the Play as Killer screen would cause the killer to revert to the default outfit if the user bought an outfit for another killer.

  • Fixed an issue where the Plague’s Foul Gown cosmetic effects were clipping into the camera when vomiting.
  • Fixed an issue where a completed generator’s lights disappeared at certain camera angles.
  • Fixed an issue where the Oni’s Fire Moon Warrior pattern would remain red when not in Demon Mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the Clown’s speed vignette was yellow instead of purple when using the VHS Porn AddOn.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cenobite’s Bloody Hook and Chain still appeared in the menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cenobite’s blue outline would stay on screen when spectating him and switching to a Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue where survivors can get blocked by the collision of a rock at the stone structure in Red Forest.
  • Fixed an issue where there’s an invisible collision blocking the flow of a chase at any drops from the 2nd floor in Ormond.
  • Fixed an issue where a Plague’s fountain collision prevents going up a set of stairs in Hawkins National Laboratory.
  • Fixed an issue where one of the main hall generators doesn’t count toward Raccoon City Recruit.
  • Fixed an issue where the survivors can use dead hard to jump over garbage bags in Haddonfield.
  • Fixed an issue where a hatch in RPD cannot be opened with a key.

Fixed an issue where survivors could escape the Trial by forcing collision with a rail near the stairs while healing another Survivor in the helicopter area of RPD.

  • Fixed an issue where survivor can’t interact with one of the Nightmare’s clocks in Raccoon City Police Station.
  • Fixed an issue where the killers snap on top of a sink when kicking a generator in RPD.
  • Fixed an issue where there is an invisible collision for survivor and killer when falling off one side of a Hill.
  • Fixed an issue where Claudette’s Patrol cap sinks inside her head while repairing generators.
  • Fixed an issue where the chase music stops abruptly when killer interrupts survivor fixing a generator.
  • Fixed an issue where a drop item sound was playing incorrectly in the killer tutorial.

Download free DBD update 2.30 on PS4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.