DBD 1.71 Patch Details, Stranger Things Update adds New Killer, New Survivors

A new Dead by Daylight (DBD) update 1.71 released for PlayStation 4 players. According to the official DBD 1.71 changelog, the new update added Stranger Things contents to the game. The new Stranger Things contents include a new Killer (The Demogorgon), new Survivors (Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington) and a new map (The Underground Complex – Hawkins National Laboratory). Apart from this, DBD 1.71 also includes a long list of bug fixes and improvements.

Previously, a big update was released with Badham Preschool map changes, Bloodpoint balancing, Survivor perk changes, Killer score events, and more. Unfortunately, since the last update, many players were experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s Dead by Daylight patch 1.71 is expected to fix a few of these issues.

DBD update 1.71 changelog


New Content

Added a new Killer (The Demogorgon)

A blooming mouth full of needle-like teeth for a face, large, curved, razor-sharp claws, and powerful legs to pounce on victims, make the Demogorgon a frightening monster to face in any dimension. It is a nightmare of unrestrained, feral rage as it hunts down its prey and rips it to pieces, devouring every last morsel of flesh and gore, leaving nothing for scavengers.

The creature is untouched by any sense of compassion or restraint. Looming over its victim, it shows no doubt or mercy, just the pure instinct of its insatiable bloodlust as it delivers the deathblow. A perfect hunter, the Demogorgon is a macabre testament to the horrors lurking in the Upside Down and why it was choice pickings for The Entity. A blooming mouth full of needle-like teeth for a face, large, curved, razor-sharp claws, and powerful legs to pounce on victims, make the Demogorgon a frightening monster to face in any dimension.

It is a nightmare of unrestrained, feral rage as it hunts down its prey and rips it to pieces, devouring every last morsel of flesh and gore, leaving nothing for scavengers. The creature is untouched by any sense of compassion or restraint. Looming over its victim, it shows no doubt or mercy, just the pure instinct of its insatiable bloodlust as it delivers the deathblow. A perfect hunter, the Demogorgon is a macabre testament to the horrors lurking in the Upside Down and why it was choice pickings for The Entity.


OF THE ABYSS – The Demogorgon impacts the environment close to generators, affects nearby Survivors, and uses Portals to travel quickly. The Demogorgon starts with a limited number of Portals that can spawn on any flat floor or ground.


SURGE – Your eerie presence charges the air and interferes with technology. Downing a Survivor instantly explodes and places a regression effect on any generators within range. The generator is also instantly regressed.
CRUEL LIMITS – Your ties to the otherworldly manifest when your prey attempts to get away. Each time a generator is fixed, vaulting is blocked for the Survivors close to that generator for a short time.
MINDBREAKER – Your distressing presence drains and weakens your prey. While repairing a generator, Survivors are afflicted by the Exhaustion Status effect. The Exhaustion Status effect pauses while fixing a generator and re-starts after ending the repair action.

Added a new Survivor (Nancy Wheeler)

Studious and rebellious, Nancy Wheeler is a stubborn investigator with an instinct for a good story. When her closest friend, Barb went missing, she did everything she could to unravel the truth and secure justice. A brilliant journalist, she chases stories and follows leads despite the inequality and chauvinism she encounters at the workplace. Pursuing a lead one evening, she fearlessly approaches the Hawkins National Laboratory before suddenly losing consciousness. A moment later she awakens in a strange misty realm with the sound of a familiar roar echoing through the air.

Survivor Perks

BETTER TOGETHER – You seek justice and uncover the truth no matter what obstacle stands in your way. The aura of the generator being repaired is revealed to other Survivors within range. If the Killer downs a Survivor while you are repairing a generator, the Killer’s and Survivors’ auras are revealed to you briefly.
FIXATED – When you have a goal in mind, there’s no turning back: better to ask forgiveness than permission. You can see your own scratch marks at all time. When your health is full, you can walk faster than normal.
INNER STRENGTH – You look inward and trust your instincts when you feel lost and alone. When you complete a cleanse Totem action, the Perk activates. Once activated, you self-heal when entering a locker.

Added a new Survivor (Steve Harrington)

Popular and arrogant, yet compassionate, Steve Harrington is an unlikely mentor and leader. He often acts as a surrogate big brother to a younger boy named Dustin. He even helped him find his slimy inter-dimensional pet Demogorgon, D’Artagnan. His reputation as a protector grew and he soon became a sort of ‘babysitter’ for a group of kids in Hawkins with a knack for messing around with strange and dangerous things. His courage is unmatched so that he was even able to fend off a Demogorgon when it threatened his friends.

One evening he received a call for assistance from his friend Nancy Wheeler. He drove all the way to the Hawkins National Laboratory to see if she was okay. He searched the area but only found her notebook. Before he realized what was happening, the ground opened up and a swirl of black mist filled his eyes. When he awakened, he was in a strange place that seemed familiar but unfamiliar at the same time.

Survivor Perks

BABYSITTER – While you have a reputation for being self-centered, you risk it all to help those in need. The Survivor you unhook leaves no blood trail or scratch marks for a short amount of time. Also, both you and the Killer can briefly see each other’s aura.
CAMARADERIE – Life has taught you the importance of friendship which has given you strength. If a Survivor comes within range of your hook while you are struggling, the Struggle Phase timer pauses briefly.
SECOND WIND – You have learned to avoid awkward situations with parents. Part of you still thinks your best option is to run away and hope things will take care of themselves. Heal a Survivor to activate this perk. Once activated you self-heal after unhooking yourself or being unhooked by a Survivor when you are outside the Terror Radius. Once fully healed the perk deactivates.
  • Added a new map (The Underground Complex – Hawkins National Laboratory).
  • Added support for 2 new languages: Latin American Spanish and Turkish.

Feature – Added 2 new Status Effects:

  • Oblivious (Survivor) and Undetectable (Killer). Currently, these status effects are applied to the new Killer, The Demogorgon, and The Nightmare.
  • Oblivious: The Survivor is oblivious to the imminent danger of a nearby Killer. They do not hear The Killer’s terror radius and they are not considered as being within the terror radius for power or perk effects.
  • Undetectable: The Killer enters a stealth-like mode which suppresses their red stain and terror radius, and blocks all Survivor aura-reading abilities.
  • Feature – Dedicated Servers are enabled.

Party Management & Friends List

  • Merged “Survive With Friends” grouping functionality into “Play As Survivor” flow.
  • Friends List – See who is online and invite them to play or request to join an existing party, all from within the game.
  • In-Game Notifications – Notifications for incoming invites, requests to join, and players joining / leaving your party.
  • Survivor Parties now stay together between games – No need to re-invite after each match!


Misc Gameplay changes

  • DBD 1.71 added a debuff icon, similar to The Trappers Honing Stone add-on, when affected by The Nightmare’s Red Paint Brush, Swing Chains, Jump Rope and Outdoor Rope add-ons.
  • Added 2 new score events when escaping and dying as the Obsession in the Survival category.
  • Increased the amount of perks available in the players Bloodweb, starting at level 40.
  • Added a new glow effect to Survivors’ health bar when bleeding out, carried and hooked. This is used to indicate that the health bar depletion is paused.
  • Adjusted the distance at which the player hears the Entity window blocker audio from 16 meters to 8 meters.

Art changes

  • Reworked the hair on Meg’s Game Set Match head customization items.
  • Adjusted the dynamic animation on the pony tail for Meg’s Teen Angst head customization item.
  • DBD update 1.71 added the band aid on Meg’s knee for the Tempo Runner outfit. Icons have also been updated to reflect this.
  • Reworked the hair on Jake’s Sharp Mustache Jake and Old Man Jake head customization items.
  • Optimization of hair materials.
  • Reworked the Close Hatch animation

Survivor perk changes

  • Left Behind: When you are the last Survivor alive in the trial, the hatch aura is revealed to you within a 24/28/32 meter range.
  • Dark Sense: Now triggers from any generator completion instead of only generators completed by the perk owner.

Killer perk changes

  • Dying Light: You become obsessed with one survivor. Your obsession gains a 33% action speed bonus to unhooking and healing other survivors. Each time you hook a Survivor other than the Obsession, if the Obsession is alive, gain a token. If the Obsession is alive, all Survivors who are not the Obsession get a 2%/2.5%/3% penalty to Repair, Healing and Sabotage speed for each token.

Bug Fixes in DBD update 1.71

  • Fixed an issue that caused Killers to retain collision when being stunned by Head On.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors affect by The Clown’s gas to only scream the first time they’re affected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when exiting the Tutorials.
  • Fixed an issue that caused cosmetics equipped in a public lobby not to be displayed in a match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the host to become stuck in the Custom Game lobby after attempting to leave the party.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when pulling the Ethernet cable and attempting to leave the match result screen in a public match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused no audio cue when receiving a Toast notification.
  • DBD version 1.71 fixed an issue that caused two friends accepting a game invite at the same time to cause either a crash or an Unknown Error.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Friends List to duplicate if the player accepts a friend request in Steam.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the plus signs on the silhouettes not to be displayed.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the spectator in a Custom Game lobby to send invites to players.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Feng Min’s face to disappear depending on camera angle in-game.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a spectator in a Survive With Friends party not be brought back to the IIS when disconnecting the Ethernet cable.
  • Misc localization improvements.

Killer related

  • Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to become permanently Exposed when directly hit by The Clown’s bottles twice in a row with the Redhead’s Pinky Finger add-on.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Hag’s Dead Fly Mud add-on not to have the correct teleport range.
  • DBD 1.71 fixed an issue that caused The Hag’s add-ons to have the wrong power name displayed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Shape’s add-ons to have the wrong power name displayed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Wraith’s weapon to hide auras while Cloaked.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Spirit’s weapon to hide auras when it was deconstructing and invisible.
  • DBD version 1.71 fixed an issue that visually caused The Ghost Face’s model to shrink for a few frames at the end of his mori.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Ghost Face and The Shape to be unable to see exit gate auras while stalking.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress’ head to be misplaced in her shadow.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse’s arm not to fully appear when looking up and blinking.

Map specific

  • DBD update 1.71 fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision blocking player movement on the right side of the basement stairs.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors’ to become momentarily stuck after canceling the cleanse totem action on specific totems in the Badham Preschool maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused improper lighting on some translucent materials in one of the preschool rooms in the Badham Preschool IV map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused ground shadows to end abruptly in the Treatment Theatre map.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Killers to climb a small brick wall and debris asset in the Crotus Prenn Asylum maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision on either side of a stair case leading up to the temple building in the Temple of Purgation map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision on the broken bricks on the side of the warehouse building in the Coal Tower map.
  • Dead by Daylight 1.71 fixed an issue that allowed Survivors to cleanse the totem near the combine harvester from above in the Coldwind Farm maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Killers to be able to hit Survivors on the other side of the fences inside the slaughterhouse building in the Rancid Abattoir map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision on the back wall of the garage building in the Wretched Shop map.
  • Minor map bug fixes.
  • Misc LOD fixes and improvements.


  • Fixed an issue that caused Hex: Huntress Lullaby to have no effect on Toolbox repair skill checks.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Hex: Huntress Lullaby not to show or apply the Cursed effect on any non-repairing skill checks.
  • Dead by Daylight 1.71 fixed an issue that caused Hex: The Third Seal to visually cap at 3 tokens.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Alert not to trigger an audio cue.
  • The value shown for tier 1 on Shadowborn did not match the actual value used, we’ve updated the text to match the value.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Infectious Fright to have no effect on Survivors in the dying state.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the stun zone from Head On not to last for the full animation.


  • Dead by Daylight patch 1.71 added more logging to better help understand and track the issues where players are unable to successfully escape the trial through the exit gates, or perform certain actions.
  • Added more logging to better help understand the issue where players would see their friends’ in default customization despite having customization items equipped.
  • Added a retry mechanism for updating the Rank after a Match is completed. We additionally implemented more analytics to track the “Rank Update Error” message some players are encountering and will keep a close eye on the result of this fix.
  • Tentatively fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck in collisions. Added analytics to detect when this happens.
  • Dead by Daylight version 1.71 fixed an issue that made it impossible to cancel the healing action when pressing pressing or holding the sprint action.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the a case of infinite End Game Collapse when being forced to drop a Survivor near assets or collisions.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the hatch not to spawn correctly if it spawned underneath a dead corpse.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players at Rank 15 or above to lose more than 1 pip when disconnecting.
  • Fixed an issue that caused no points in the Malicious Emblem for catching a Survivor in a locker.
  • Fixed an issue that caused no points in the Chaser Emblem for interrupting a Survivor, ending the chase.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors upper bodies to rotate when moving the camera while being mended.
  • Fixed an issue that caused female Survivors to use the male Survivor wake up animation when waking up another Survivor.
  • DBD update 1.71 fixed an issue that caused female Survivors to use the male Survivor animation when entering and exiting lockers.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to become offset from the Killer’s shoulder when they hit a surface.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the wrong error message to appear when disconnecting the Ethernet cable while on a hook.
  • Fixed an issue that caused no progress on the Devoted Gatekeeping achievement if the Killer hooks and sacrifices the final survivor after closing the hatch before the final generator.
  • Fixed an issue that caused certain types of skill checks (Hex: Ruin, Decisive Strike, Overcharge, Jigsaw searches and Snap Out Of It) not to count towards the Nerves of Steel achievement.
  • Misc cosmetic clipping and improvements.

Audio & Localization

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Exposed status effect audio to overlap with The Shape’s Tier III audio SFX.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the audio cue when initiating a chase with the Obsession to play twice.
  • DBD 1.71 fixed an issue that caused the Survivors sounds to have an unwanted panning.
  • Fixed an issue that caused audio occlusion while hiding in a locker.
  • Misc audio improvements.
  • Major localization translation and improvements.


  • Misc UI improvements.
  • DBD 1.71 addressed rendering issues.
  • Resolved instances of freezing during gameplay
  • Added fixes for stuttering/lag issues.
  • Added framerate drop issues.
  • Added stability and performance improvements.
  • Various under the hood improvements.

DBD update 1.71 is now available for download on PlayStation 4.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singhhttps://updatecrazy.com
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.