Dayz update 1.757 (patch 1.27) is available to download on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Dayz 1.75 patch notes, the latest update adds Frostline Expansion with new locations, interactive snow mechanics, and key gameplay improvements. Heat buffering, sound design, and inventory systems have been enhanced. Apart from this, today’s Dayz patch 1.75 also improves UI, fixes stability issues, and reduces excessive dialogue.
Previously, a major Dayz update 1.26 added Frostline DLC with the Sakhal terrain, winter clothing, new animals, and environmental effects. Today’s Dayz version 1.75 will address a few of these issues.
Dayz 1.75 Patch Notes – February 25, 2025

Summary of Key Changes:
- New Locations & Enhancements: Expanded Aniva city, new shipwreck, and villages on the eastern coast.
- Gameplay & Environment Improvements: Snow interaction effects, naval buoys, and functional outdoor thermometers.
- Weapons & Combat Tweaks: New VSD variant, rebalanced Mosin and VS-89, and improved bullet impact effects.
- Audio & UI Upgrades: Reworked weapon sounds, new ambient sounds, and inventory interaction improvements.
- Bug Fixes & Performance: Fixed stamina exploits, collision issues, and improved server stability.
- New Features and Locations
- New villages added to eastern coast
- New ship wreck location off the coast of the Shantar island
- Added wooden log cabins on mountain sides
- Loot and Map Enhancements
- Improvised sandbag bunkers on Burukan island replaced with new concrete bunkers
- Dynamic military containers now require a corresponding key to be unlocked
- VSD variant with wooden stock, handguard and old metal body
- Aniva city has been expanded
- Reduced the vegetation cover on the military island
- Environmental Interactions
- Snow falling from the trees and on various interactions: cutting, harvesting, tree falling, car hit, and sprinting through
- Naval buoys with flashing red lights to serve better navigation through the ice sheet maze
- Particles for explosions on snow terrain added
- Functional Additions
- Functioning mounted outdoor thermometers reflecting the current temperature
- Boats can now despawn – degrade continuously until destroyed
- Gameplay and Effects
- Player is now able to get longer heat buffer with all clothing. (increased for low insulation)
- Added a delay between falling unconscious due to blood loss.
- Behavior of lights in the warhead storage rooms
- Audio
- Sounds of footsteps from walking in the forest with and without snow
- New ambient sounds for Warhead storage
- New sounds for the power generator added
- New audio of birds, changed in intensity and variations
- Reduced noise level of owl sounds
- Loudness and reverb for electricity and storage doors
- Barefoot movement on Sakhal snow surfaces had no footstep sounds
- Gameplay and Effects
- Heavy metal poisoning effect could persist after player death with a new character
- Collecting and eating snow inconsistently impacted player temperatures
- Fixed inconsistencies in the freezing calculation
- Heat buffer “+” signs now display accurate heat buffer duration.
- Portable power generator could not warm up the player
- Characters could keep fast swimming or climbing even after running out of stamina (T188552)
- Players could perform multiple heavy attacks in quick succession while consuming very little stamina (T175065)
- Clipping and Collision Issues
- The player is able to clip through the drill geothermal plant tower
- Clipping and collision issues within the Antonov plane wreck
- Goats could spawn inside rocks
- Specific items could be built inside warhead storage
- Fixed exploits used to look through walls
- Environment and Visuals
- Wheel particles will no longer be present if a vehicle is driving on a surface without any defined.
- Boats could disappear when left on the shore or ice shelf
- Mushrooms spawn in a dried state
- Incorrect surface and interior detection in the Sakhal power station building
- Fire barrel fire could look different compared to a fireplace when dying out
- Structures and Objects
- Levers in Sakhal power station are off after server restart
- Sakhal school had a Chernarus flag
- Opening the storage doors in the bunker is not properly matching the sound
- Stash buried in snow did not properly save in server storage.
- Animal and Player Interaction
- Player could drink from springs from any possible direction
- Frozen animal corpses could be skinned
- It was possible to cut out seeds from frozen vegetables
- Sound and Audio
- Sprinting through a snow-covered tree could not make a sound
- Soundtrack related to Volcano could not play near it
- Backpack and Item Attachments
- New item attachment slots for specific backpacks
- Sound Effects
- Sound of rattling teeth when a player is exposed to low temperatures for an extended time
- Sound of boat propeller
- Sounds of boat splashes are now matching the animations
- Sounds for deploying and disarming mines and explosives
- More variations for bullet cracks sound
- Particle Effects
- Bullet hit effects on vegetation – different hit particles for autumn, green, and conifer trees
- Animations
- Patching items
- Repairing with tape
- Cleaning/repairing firearms
- Splitting long sticks
- Splitting firewood
- Splitting logs with axes
- UI and Quality of Life
- Controls options settings now have numerical values
- Controls options settings can now be edited by entering specific desired value
- Clickable link in the main and pause menus to access the Feedback Tracker directly
- New hints added during the loading screen
- New cartridge icon for crossbow bolts
- Show/hide UI cursor in main and in-game menu menus when the input device is changed
- Feedback tracker QR link within the main menu
- ‘Previously played’ tab in the server browser
- Technical Improvements
- Latency exploit mitigation, freezing players in place when having bad network connection
- Loading times
- Improved general game loading times
- Sound and Audio Improvements
- Reworked SMG weapons sound
- Improved cooking sound effects system indicating “done,” “in progress,” and “cooking without ingredients”
- The sound of the wind when driving the boat is only audible to the boat driver
- Improved footstep sounds for some building interiors
- Improved trigger zones to ensure consistent soundtrack playback in specific areas
- Foot steps sounds changed with the aim of making running enemy more audible than the one carefully approaching
- Boat sounds reduced from close ranges and increase on long distance.
- Weapons and Combat
- Reduced smoke of VSS because it was too obstructive.
- Particles for M4-A1, M16-A2, VSD, LE-MAS, USG-45, VSS, Mosin 91/30 rifles were updated
- Rebalanced dispersion and damage of the Mosin, VS-89, and VSD.
- Heavy attack modifier keybind moved correctly under the Combat category instead of Unsorted.
- Vehicles and Boats
- Boats now slowly decay when abandoned for too long.
- Hoods of car wrecks are opening in the same direction as the drivable cars
- Crafting and Actions
- Splitting items from attachments is now possible
- Cutting up the guts to make a rope leaves player hands bloody
- Added continuous crafting option for some actions and recipes:
- Digging worms
- Repair tent and its parts
- Repair car parts and chassis
- Repair with blowtorch
- Crafting bone and stone knife
- Repiring electricity
- Repairing with epoxy
- Sharpening
- Patching
- Repairing with rags
- Repairing with tape
- Cleaning weapons
- Repairing planks
- Repairing with pliers
- Inventory and Interaction
- When scrolling through the inventory, the active gear section remains pinned to the top of the screen (T178787)
- Items created after player actions are found below the player more randomly, not directly on top of each other
- Cooking and Food Mechanics
- Food poisoning has been reworked.
- Chances to catch Salmonella vs Food Poisoning have been rebalanced.
- Cooking human steak to burned steak is no longer removing the brain disease
- Water boiling when cooking is now indicated by particles and new audio sound
- Fishing mechanics and equipment were rebalanced, reducing junk catch rates, adjusting signal timing, and tweaking bait and hook performance
- Burn rate of fireplace fuel (except firewood) and kindling has been increased
- Character and Gameplay Mechanics
- Increased blood regeneration for low food and water levels
- Increased blood regeneration while unconscious if the blood level is low.
- Items carried by players while swimming now adjust more quickly to match the water’s temperature
- Surrender emote is no longer possible while standing on cars and boats
- Particles and Visual Effects
- Particles for cooking, hot items, and breath of characters
- Particles for vomiting and bleeding
- Disabled water reflection to improve performance
- Controllers and Input Adjustments
- Minimum left and right gamepad stick input changed from 0.5 to 0.7, for both PS and Xbox controllers
- Fishing and Gathering
- Items that are obtained by fishing, like pots and wellies, are no longer of pristine quality
- Balanced fishing mechanics: Improvised rods and wooden hooks are now less effective
- Miscellaneous Changes
- Fireplace goes from scorching to cold slower to make more space for re-igniting it
- Dead fox tail changed on the model and in the inventory to look more natural
- Removed the redundant rough and precise skill meter from the tutorial screens
- Player could receive chemical poisoning instead of food poisoning when opening Unknown food can
- Cow, goat and sheep are now more likely to run away
- Sherpa hat braids are now moving less frantically (T185025)
- Performance and Gameplay
- Fixed a game crash related to throwing physics
- Possible to see through walls when canceling or finishing Dig up action
- Exploit of players being able to peek through the trees
- Exploit of getting inside a locked room in certain houses through closed windows
- Exploit of moving unseen beneath the the map
- Players could perform actions and move freely while inspecting an item
- When digging worms, players could see through the walls
- Items could get stuck in hands after jumping or fast actions, making them unable to be swapped or removed until reconnecting (T188352)
- Character would stop taking damage from hunger and thirst after eating or drinking, even if their energy/water remained critically low, until relogging (T188364)
- Eating cold or chilly food incorrectly increased the player’s heat comfort
- Client crash occurring when viewing specific characters from above from certain distance range
- Game freezes when player unfavorites all favourites on the first page and switches to the second page
- Sound and Audio
- The infected and animals in the water did not have correct sound
- Wrong sound played when crafting a fireplace with firewood in hands
- Boat engine sound did not turn off after the boat was beached with the engine
- Sound of infected falling to the ground after being killed did not play correctly
- Sound of some doors could be silent and delayed
- Weapons sounds sometimes had delay issues when firing large magazines continuously
- Tree ambient sounded like footsteps in the forests
- Changed the volume and audible range of bullet impacts for players to hear (T179210)
- Some weapons missing jamming sounds when jamming occurs
- Inventory and Interaction
- Combine action to mount barbed wire in the inventory was not working as expected
- Items dropped in corners were floating in mid-air in small houses
- Possibility to scroll in both inventory and vicinity at the same time in certain conditions
- Dragging and dropping items from inventory to vicinity slot sometimes did not work
- Mounting barbed wire action prompt could be hard to target
- Splitting the stick could trigger desynchronization with the server
- Splitting item stacks in the inventory would sometimes place them in the vicinity instead of the inventory
- Single seeds couldn’t be planted via the widget, only by drag-and-drop. The last seed in a stack was also unplantable (T188464)
- Ensured repair and crafting actions correctly complete or stop when expected during chained actions
- Players were sometimes unable to water garden plots due to targeting problems (T183542)
- Weapons and Combat
- Single/double fire mode does not work when using shotguns and firing single rounds on double fire mode
- Switching scope modes on one weapon carried over to other weapons
- Noise levels increased unexpectedly while crouch-walking with a raised firearm
- Players couldn’t sprint after lowering a firearm while crouch-walking
- Attaching a suppressor to a weapon was sometimes not possible
- PSO-1-1 Optic displayed duplicate reticles when a battery was attached (T188335)
- Vehicles and Boats
- Start engine action was not displayed when starting the boat without the spark plug
- Vehicles and boats could start bouncing when hitting rocks
- Items stored within fire barrels mounted in trucks could fall to the ground during server restart
- The car startup for missing spark plug would not play if no fuel was in the car
- Environment and Building Placement
- Clipping and seeing through various buildings and objects has been fixed.
- It is now possible to place large tents in big hangar buildings.
- Players will no longer be able to place Fireplaces and Garden plots in the air even if a server has placement collision checks disabled.
- Balota sign pointing in the incorrect direction
- Mitigated the issue of some objects clipping through the containers
- Some trees had incorrect particle effects when being shot
- New exterior wall texture on Old military barracks asset
- Sun rays could be present in the Tisy HQ basement
- Fixed a gap in the warhead storage ground that could have been exploited for an advantage
- LOD issues on some broken-down houses would cause unintended visual changes at short distances
- Thawed area around the fireplace was not visible at night despite any light source
- Character would be unable to climb up the ladder to the life boat
- Animations and Character Actions
- Fixed a faulty pose in the hare animations (T183546)
- Players were be coughing, laughing, and shaking when unconscious
- Animation for taking Improvised fishing rod to hands from shoulders was incorrect
- Left hand could get deformed while jumping backward with a two-handed firearm
- Axes could temporarily vanish during firewood splitting and fly back to the player’s hands once the action was completed.
- The character would stand up when filling a gasoline canister with snow
- Food and Cooking
- Burning sound of food continues playing even after it has cooled down
- The water bottle containing liquid could get damaged when cooking even before it lost the water inside
- Cereal box was misplaced when cooking on cooking spots
- Burnt green bell peppers would stand unnaturally on the fireplace grate
- Cooking items could clip through the fireplace
- Items
- Hatchet now has correct textures in all of its damage states.
- Unknown food cans could sometimes not be eaten after opening.
- Damaged state for the female hoodie was not visually displayed.
- Localization and UI Issues
- Buttons for audio settings had the wrong focus when changing menu tabs
- The Online Tab loses focus after the focused player disconnects
- In-game server browser could focus on “Search by name” line instead of server names
- Localization for “Lock” and “Unlock” briefcase was not correct in some languages
- Changing any slider in the Controls tab would reset it back to 100 after applying
- Sliders in the Audio and Video tabs would revert to arbitrary values after applying changes
- Sensitivity slider values do not always increase or decrease correctly when adjusted
- OPEN STORE button in main menu was not highlighted when the cursor hovered over it
- Correct translation of Server Browser buttons
- Xbox: scrolling in the Xbox Main Menu could get stuck on specific options
- Xboxb: attempting to join a server via a friend’s invite on Xbox might result in a connection timeout and failure to connect.
- Part of the Vybor air base was visible on the in game 2D map
- Fixed issues with certain houses that player can see through when looking around the corner
- Wrong street sign to Gieraltow
- New and more coherent set of footsteps for some surfaces
- Water was not properly aligned with the canal in the Livonia underground
- Added: boatDecayMultiplier to gameplay settings json to tweak the newly introduced boat despawn mechanic
- Added: Admin logs now inform on player death by selecting respawn (while uncon/restraint logout) or drowning (T179382,T174730)
- Fixed: Linux servers could crash on shutdown
- Fixed: Weapons spawned through the init.c could not be reloaded.
- Fixed: Optimized JSON file loading
- Fixed: Synced player stats of int type is always 0 on client
- Fixed: Players could remain locked to a server after disconnecting, preventing them from joining another server (T182340,T182316,T182304,T182260,T182313,T182311,T183634)
- Fixed: A server crash
- Fixed: The server shutdown message incorrectly displayed #tmin instead of showing the actual countdown time before shutdown
- Fixed: Players could remain locked to a server after disconnecting, preventing them from joining another server (T182340,T182316,T182304,T182260,T182313,T182311,T183634)
- Fixed: A server crash
- Fixed: The server shutdown message incorrectly displayed #tmin instead of showing the actual countdown time before shutdown
- Changed: Updated the debug monitor to allow higher resolutions
- Changed: Added count in map flag to certain flag items (– private)
- Changed: Added Lunapark flag to Sakhal (still not actively used in default configuration)(T185827)
- Equipping and unequipping items between hands and shoulder/belt slots in multiplayer could cause animation glitches, missing or doubled audio, and character twitching.
- Spamming Reset Filters and Apply Filter in the server browser while official servers are still loading could cause the client to freeze
- The Right Upper Frame of a Watchtower on the top floor creates an invisible collision, preventing players from walking across
- Players can get stuck while Pushing the boat if the water level rises while performing the action, resulting in a frozen state with a loading wheel on screen
Download the free Dayz update 1.75 on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.