Dayz update 1.74 (patch 1.26 hotfix 4) is available to download on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Dayz 1.74 patch notes, the latest update improves gameplay by fixing key exploits, enhancing mechanics, and refining the DayZ Frostline map with new areas, better loot, and optimized performance. Apart from this, today’s Dayz patch 1.74 also includes stability fixes.
Previously, a major Dayz update 1.26 added Frostline DLC with the Sakhal terrain, winter clothing, new animals, and environmental effects. Today’s Dayz version 1.74 will address a few of these issues. The upcoming Dayz update 1.75 will fix the remaining issues.
Dayz 1.74 Patch Notes – November 19, 2024

- Resolved server display issues for players with outdated server browser filters (since version 1.26).
- Addressed duplication issues.
- Fixed disappearing cargo content when de-crafting a fireplace.
- Resolved a firearm bug that allowed unlimited ammunition.
- Boats now emit the correct sound when fuel is low.
- Fixed wall-peeking exploit.
- Resolved shrimp clipping issues with player hands.
- Fixed fast-shooting unintended glitch.
- Corrected exploit for instant prone position.
- Improved Portable Map translations on Sakhal.
- Fixed clipping of individual items on cooking stoves.
- Resolved fox fur glowing unnaturally in shadows.
- Adjusted ricocheting bullets from some trees/bushes.
- Resolved boat airflow sound being audible to nearby players during high-speed travel.
- Fixed fire station doors’ incorrect bullet collisions.
- Corrected clipping issues with the sherpa hat and character hair.
- Addressed desync when players switched boat seats simultaneously.
- Fixed inverted character controls when standing on an upside-down boat.
- Aligned misaligned textures of certain radio towers.
- Resolved abrupt sound cutoff of KA-M shot tails.
- Reduced drying speed for items placed near heat sources.
- Adjusted thawing time for frozen items in cookware.
- Tweaked temperature calculations near heat sources.
- Improved group spawn point behavior.
- Adjusted snow stash lifetimes.
- Updated boat fuel consumption formula.
- Modified the maximum value of deadzone settings.
- Increased the fireplace burning rate.
- New Peninsula: Introduced a peninsula on the south-west of the main island.
- Military Checkpoint: Added a checkpoint in the southern region.
- Field Hospital: Established at the power plant.
- Resolved a non-functional ladder at the airport hangar.
- Fixed black boats spawning incorrectly on the main island.
- Removed problematic boat spawns under or near ice sheets.
- Fixed goats spawning inside rocks.
- Adjusted military container spawns to prevent clipping with rocks.
- Resolved floating appearances of the dead scientist event in some locations.
- Fixed dynamic car spawns clipping with road barriers.
- Made a specific power plant roof ledge climbable.
- Restored missing cover of the Portable Map on Sakhal.
- Improved behavior of indoor fire barrels to act like proper fireplaces.
- Resolved excessive collisions with lava rocks.
- Adjusted sea ice placement near the rocket bay.
- Increased loot volume in large structures.
- Improved offroad hatchback spawn distribution.
- Optimized performance in the power plant area.
- Removed the tan tactical shirt from loot tables.
- Repositioned player spawn points.
- Improved loot quality at the airfield and Nogovo.
- Removed problematic spawn points from various buildings.
- Adjusted VSS rifle spawn location to the military peninsula.
- Reworked dynamic event spawn points.
- Enhanced item spawnpoints and conditions to make elevated locations (e.g., cranes, towers) more rewarding to loot, especially along the coast.
Download the free Dayz update 1.74 on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.