Dayz version 1.71 is rolling out on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Dayz 1.71 patch notes, the latest update adds a new Frostline DLC pack.Apart from this, today’s Dayz update 1.71 also includes improvements to collision geometries, firearm particles, weapon behavior, infected AI, and bandaging mechanics.
Previously, a major Dayz update 1.22 added new bags, new animations, and numerous fixes such as crashes, gameplay inconsistencies, and sound glitches. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing bugs with the game. Today’s Dayz version 1.71 will address a few of these issues. The upcoming Dayz update 1.72 will fix the remaining issues.
Read more details below.
Dayz 1.71 Patch Notes

- Added Sakhal terrain
- Rubber Boat
- Ice Axe
- Yellowfoot Mushroom
- Reindeer
- Winter-themed infected types
- Winter-themed variants of existing clothing items
- Budenovka
- Snowstorm Ushanka
- Ski gloves
- Navy uniform jacket and pants
- OMK jacket and pants
- Walleye Pollock
- Steelhead Trout
- Shrimp
- Scientific briefcase and keys
- Canned crab
- Down jacket
- Ski goggles
- Glass bottle
- Brown Hare
- Red Fox
- Wolf trophy headdress
- Shemag
- Fishing jig
- Wooden fishing hook
- Consuming scorching hot items now slows consumption and causes damage
- It is now possible to climb onto ledges while swimming
- Some items can now freeze if exposed to low temperatures
- Grass now bends under animals and infected
- Terrain and object visibility settings
- In-game server browser now verifies all official servers before displaying them
- In-game server browser can now filter for maps
- In-game server browser now allows sorting for maps in a separate column
- Description field for servers, displayed in the server browser
- Support for stick dead zones
- In 1st person view, the characters shadow cast by dynamic lights did not have a head (
- The character could get stuck in falling animation when cornered by infected (,,
- After killing an entity with a bolt, cancelling the reload of that bolt through “Load round” would result in the bolt disappearing (
- New firewood would not be visually reflected in the fireplace after it went to ashes for the first time (
- It was not possible to gather firewood from one variant of hornbeam trees
- The jammed state of weapons could get falsely displayed when moving the weapon into vicinity
- The Zenit radio station was outputting radio communication, while it is only intended for input
- Vegetation was bent by wind stronger at specific angles
- The speed of the wind did not properly affect its sounds
- Fixed several gestures that could be abused to hide large weapons
- Cutting a flag attached to a flag pole into rags would glitch the flag pole (
- It was possible to clip weapons through walls (
- The stamina bar was visible when inside a vehicle (
- Vehicles were missing sounds for failed startup (
- The meat tenderizer and hammer were missing their sounds when building base objects (,
- When in the Exit menu from the main menu, pressing ESC did not close it
- Characters could desynchronize when attempting to sit in the same car seat simultaneously
- The player character was not properly turning in the main menu (
- Wheels of vehicles would occasionally spin faster than they should (
- Inventory items should no longer flicker when at near memory limits (– private)
- Volumetric fog should now be consistent across different view distance settings
- It was not possible to bandage a player who is sitting in a vehicle
- Fixed an exploit that allowed movement of an unconscious character
- Fixed an instance of desynchronized weapon ammunition status
- The “Previously played” filter in the PC client server browser
- Voice range icon did not appear when pressing voice range up/down keys
- Unloading multiple types of ammo into an inventory with limited space would result in surplus ammo types being changed (– private)
- It was not possible to remove the car battery from the Field Transciever (
- Rebuilding a fence after it being destroyed would not update collisions until the nexty server restart (– private)
- Some sunglasses were not visible in hands in first person view (
- When holding NVG goggles in your hand, they could be misplaced while looking through them (
- The pill icon would never disappear again after taking two pills in quick succession (
- Fixed visual appearance of damaged and ruined ghillie set pieces
- The respawn menu could not be controlled using a gamepad (,,,
- The respawn button was skipped after going unconscious with an open pause menu (
- Updated official server naming conventions in coherence with the server browser update
- Reworked character heat comfort and how it is influenced
- Rebalanced the insulation values of most clothing items
- Reworked fishing action and its chances, including audio and particle effects (let go of LMB to reel in a fish when caught)
- Fishing bait is no longer crafted, but an attachment of hook
- Slightly rebalanced the nutrition values of fish
- Eating raw fish now causes food poisoning instead of salmonella
- Worms are now stackable
- It’s now possible to dig multiple worms at once with certain tools
- Reworked the common cold into stages, added pneumonia
- Codeine pills and morphine now suppress common cold and influenza symptoms
- To tackle animal predators being an easy source of food for highly geared players, we have infected predator meat with a disease
- All edible items can now be added to cooking slots
- All edible items can now be heated up to warm up the character when consumed
- Tweaked water gain from food items, decreased the gain from cooked items
- Removed rough and precision soft skills
- Firewood can now be stacked up to 3 times in the inventory
- Tweaked the minimum and maximum temperatures of items
- Players now gain temporary immunity to the common cold after beating it or any of its later stages
- The flare gun ammunition now spins slightly on descent
- Active rain/snowfall now decrease the hearing of infected
- Force feeding is now only possible when facing the player
- Sitting in a vehicle with running engine will now set your character’s heat comfort to neutral
- Heat packs cool down over a longer period and give drastically more benefit
- Traps now require bait and might catch different animals depending on the bait
- Traps now play a sound when they aught an animal
- Traps in water not play a particle effect when they caught an animal
- Reduced damage taken by traps on catch
- Increased chance of catching animals via trap
- Reduced time required for traps to catch an animal
- Significantly increased the weight of animals pelts
- Terrain detail video settings are now hidden and set to one value that corresponds to the multiplayer settings (it was always forced to one value by the server anyway)
- Optimized world loading for respawning players (PC only)
- Reduced the AI alertness from pistol shots
- Strongly reduced the AI alertness from shots of the Sporter
- Heat buffer (+ symbol) now shows progression on HUD and its behavior has been slightly altered
- Reduced size of the cargo on most jackets, pants and vests
- Adjusted inventory sizes of various items
- Many continuous actions have now their camera view angle limited to the general area, where the action is conducted
- It’s not possible to construct garden plots below certain environment temperatures
- Fixed: The restock value was not properly considered when restocking items (
- Fixed: A glitched military convoy position at Dubrovka
- Changed: Morning fog behavior, there is always morning fog around the coast and in the low altitude valleys. The density is randomized, it can be too thick sometimes
- Changed: Wind direction and speed is giving clues about how the upcoming overcast will be
- Changed: Large-scale rebalancing of clothing items and firearms
- Changed: Morning fog behavior, there CAN be a morning fog which is on the river and around its bed. The density is randomized
- Changed: Livonia now has sudden overcast changes. The sudden change always ends with a bad weather and the duration of it shorter compared to normal overcast changes
- Changed: Wind direction and speed is giving clues about how the upcoming overcast will be
- Changed: Default date reset interval moved from Aug-Sept to July-Aug
- Changed: Large-scale rebalancing of clothing items and firearms
- Fixed: Consistency in connect and disconnect admin log message (
- Fixed: Suiciding with a melee weapon would result in inconsistent log messages (,
- Fixed: When lowering or raising flags, some of them were logged incorrectly as Flag_base (
- Fixed: The tripwire trap was not logged properly in the ADM log when placed (,,,
- Fixed: ADM log printed inconsistent quotation marks and redundant source when killed by a grenade (,
- Fixed: adminLogPLayerHitOnly server parameter was not working correctly (
- Fixed: Ping approximation methods of PlayerIdentity should now work as intended on the server (
- Fixed: Linux server would freeze or crash when scripts fail to compile
- Changed: Restock values in types.xml will now trigger in between singular spawns instead of only at the end of spawning from min to nominal
- Changed: Restock values in types.xml will now also additionally trigger once count goes under min
- Changed: Restock timer on types will now be saved to carry over between server restarts in case it was ticking down
- Changed: Attempting to start a server with ShardIds 000 – 099 will prevent the server from starting up, as those are reserved for official servers
- Changed: Ambient spawner: Number of spawned entities computing
- Changed: Ambient spawner: The ranges and zone mechanics – activating, deactivating, cooldown
- Tweaked: !Workshop folder now no longer gets created if Launcher is running in Proton operating system
- The server browser might not display servers – a fix is in the works – THIS CAN BE SOLVED BY RESETTING FILTERS
- Dying while having the inventory or quick-wheel open can result in the respawn menu not functioning and requiring a restart, a fix is in internal testing
- Respawning from unconscious might result in disconnect from the server
- We are investigating a possible performance decline on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles
- There might be issues with vaulting over fences, a fix is in internal testing
- Weather can be desynced for players after server start – a fix is in internal testing
- Thawing frozen items in cookware is too slow – a fix is in internal testing
- Heavy Metal Poisoning Screen effect is present after respawn – a fix is in internal testing, can be solved by reconnect
- Vehicles or boats behave weirdly next to rocks (, – a fix is in internal testing
- Character is stuttering while passing doors
- Camera twitches after vaulting over fences/walls (
- Sakhal map doesn’t have translated name and description – a fix is in internal testing
- Alarm sound of Warhead bunker entrance can play permanently after server restart
- Some ice sheets cannot be climbed on
- Tents can clip into ice sheets after being packed
- Grass shortly disappears when driving boats close to a beach
- Boats and players in them are not getting any damage in crashes
- Small stutters can happen when walking/sprinting into the sea
- Climbing on boat, especially with no or low stamina, can cause animation glitches
- Some food can clip into fireplaces and ovens when added to cooking slots – a fix is in internal testing
- Inconsistencies with the cfgweather.xml ( – a fix is in internal testing
- Thawed snow area around fireplaces is not visible at night
- PC server descriptions do not support new line characters – a fix is in internal testing
The following changes were added previously.
- Vikhr rifle
- 30rd 9x39mm magazine for the Vikhr, ASVAL and VSS rifles
- Camouflage variants of the ballistic helmet
- Sounds for crafting improvised clothing from rags
- Sounds for crafting base-building kits
- Sounds for crafting a bone knife
- Sounds for wringing out clothing
- Sounds for splitting firewood
- Sounds for breaking down bushes with hands
- Animations for cleaning hands with the cooking pot and gasoline canister
- Fixed incorrect key display for heavy melee attack in settings
- Fixed weapon desynchronization when modified out of network range
- Fixed item interaction desynchronization when leaving another player’s network bubble
- Fixed microphone icon displaying with no microphone connected in voice activation mode
- Fixed bolt animation on doors with vehicles
- Fixed exploit to reset bolt health by unloading from full inventory
- Fixed corpse pulling out of vehicles
- Fixed camera exploit to glitch through walls
- Fixed weather desynchronization between players
- Fixed bolt shooting direction on players and creatures
- Fixed potato peel yield regardless of tool used
- Fixed camera position when standing from prone with raised hands
- Fixed player body rotation until respawn
- Fixed color issues with female character skirts
- Fixed birch tree bark collection option
- Fixed lab coat damage visualization
- Fixed leather duffel bag button display
- Fixed blue hoodie color in inventory view
- Fixed clipping with sling bag on female model
- Fixed oversized item display in inventory view
- Fixed shooting through corners of base fence
- Fixed blocking position when activating after picking up firearm
- Fixed unjam sound on AUR AX
- Fixed synchronization of jammed firearm models on ground
- Fixed camera position after unconsciousness in vehicle
- Fixed padded glove repair with leather sewing kit
- Fixed attaching items to fence and watchtower
- Fixed watchtower roof widget blocking other walls
- Fixed cement works door sound
- Fixed skipping of stagger animation
- Fixed infected reaction range to suppressed shots
- Fixed pushing vehicles while clutch is depressed
- Fixed firearm twitching near obstacles
- Fixed invisible barbed wire from despawned base items
- Fixed saving crossbow state across server restarts
- Fixed inventory view clipping in narrow resolutions
- Fixed crash from connecting to multiple servers
- Fixed combining items from cargo hold
- Fixed infinite liquid exploit
- Fixed item spawn points in bus wreck
- Fixed desynchronization from two players putting items in cargo slot
- Reduced server load from player connections and respawns
- Fixed removing items from incapacitated player/infected
- Fixed getting stuck in prone with map open
- Fixed server crash from player death
- Fixed picking up items next to fences/gates
- Fixed passing below walls exploit
- Fixed torch refueling while lit
- Fixed ship wreck collisions
- Fixed ambient fruit spawns at Northwest Airfield
- Fixed underground item spawns in Chernogorsk hotel
- Improved weapon raise collision checks
- More accurate weapon length calculations for collision detection
- Blunt weapon shock damage now partially transfers to health damage against infected/animals
- Bandaging is now a continuous action when treating multiple cuts
- Removed outdated server browser filters
- Partial networking traffic optimizations
- Simplified tree collisions for better vehicle behavior and reduced penetration shot performance impact
- Added basic chemical protection to OKZK cap
- Blow torch can now repair great helmet, chestplate, tripod and barrel
- Pulling bodies from vehicles now uses F key instead of holding
- Adjusted insulation values of tracksuits and police clothing for consistency
- Rebalanced weight of tools and melee weapons
- Reduced shovel weight
- Reduced plant material weight
- Splitting plant material disabled
- Adjusted recoil of several automatic firearms
- Reduced Vaiga fire rate and recoil
- Reduced alert area from bullet impacts
- Reduced infected alert level from suppressed shots
- Increased pistol suppressor silencing
- Increased infected alert state duration
- Tweaked firearm overheating particles
- Updated SK 59/66 sounds
- Updated game credits
- Updated the Lukov Airfield
- Added: PlayerSpawnEditor now has (?) next to values to tell you more about them
- Added: It is now possible to have player spawn points not generate a grid and stay a singular spawn point by setting density to 0
- Added: Player spawn point editor now saves which subwindows are hidden and what checkboxes were ticked
- Added: Player spawn point editor now has options for the debug shapes being drawn
- Added: Player Spawn Points can now avoid triggers
- Fixed: PlayerSpawnEditor duplicating group points into regular points when saving with <groups_as_regular>true</groups_as_regular>
- Fixed: Servers with verifySignatures=0 should no longer disconnect players in the queue due to validation errors.
- Fixed: Linux: Json files loaded through script had capitalization.
- Changed: Player Spawn Points will now automatically force change group when no good points are available in the currently selected group
- Changed: PlayerSpawnEditor now saves documentation when saving xml
- Changed: Player spawn gear JSON: If a particular preset has an empty or undefinedcharacterTypes, the character model last set in character creation menu will be used for that preset.
- Added: The password window now allows to view the password
- Fixed: The Direct Connect window could not connect to LAN servers
- Fixed: The command line parameter could not be removed in the favorites tab
- Changed: Made the Direct Connect button red for better visibility
- Removed: Outdated server browser filters
Download the free Dayz update 1.71 on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.