Dayz Version 1.69 Patch Notes for PS4 & Xbox

Dayz version 1.69 is rolling out on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Dayz 1.69 patch notes, the latest update brings server stability improvements. Apart from this, today’s Dayz update 1.69 also resolves various game exploits.

Previously, a major Dayz update 1.22 added new bags, new animations, and numerous fixes such as crashes, gameplay inconsistencies, and sound glitches. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing bugs with the game. Today’s Dayz update 1.69 will address a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Dayz 1.69 Patch Notes – August 19, 2024

Dayz 1.69 Patch Notes


  • Fixed a server crash
  • Applied mitigations to game exploits.
  • Added gameplay performance improvements.
  • Other minor tweaks.

The following changes were added previously.


  • Characters can now push vehicles
  • Designated marksman rifle (DMR) with 10- and 20-round magazines
  • Field Shovel
  • Padded Gloves
  • Winter Coif
  • OKZK hat
  • Petushok hat
  • Firefighter M3S Wreck
  • The server browser now displays the number of players in the waiting queue
  • Sound for deploying fireplaces and improvised explosives
  • Sounds for crafting rags
  • Sounds for washing hands
  • Sounds for locked valve doors
  • Sounds for cutting planks
  • Sounds for (un)equipping the pipe wrench
  • Sounds for pulling corpses from vehicles
  • Sounds for placing a claymore mine
  • Sounds for placing and arming the improvised explosive
  • Sounds for crafting fireplaces
  • Sounds for crafting a hand drill
  • Functionality to hide/show the password when entering servers
  • Added a warning icon to the “Disconnect Warning Session lost” error
  • The server browser now displays the time of day on the server


  • It was not possible to interact with error message pop ups after losing connection with the controller.
  • Overlay elements were still present after accepting an invite to a server
  • Missing control hint to switch the camera position between shoulders
  • Objects behind the player would not always cast shadows from dynamic lights
  • The drain/pour sound could get stuck by jumping during the action
  • The sound of emptying a bottle was still played after interrupting the action.
  • The gas stove was playing baking sounds even without food.
  • While boiling food, the sound of frying would be played.
  • The camera was not following the character correctly when falling unconscious while jumping
  • Throwing in prone when turning could result in the character turning on its stomach
  • Deploying the fishnet trap would spawn it above the water surface
  • Fixed instances of several items not causing stagger when used for heavy melee attacks
  • Shots fired with double-fire would not register properly
  • Godrays from the sun could shine through the horizon
  • Reduced clipping issues with several clothing items
  • Hunting jackets did not have their damaged textures when equipped
  • Jumping while picking up items could result in desync
  • Fixed a texture glitch on the character ankles when wearing dress shoes without pants.
  • A bush type was hidden too early.
  • The damaged texture of canned food was even shown on the food inside the cans
  • Baked Penny Bun mushrooms had no texture.
  • Fixed exploits in structures.
  • Items would not get wet when put into a barrel filled with water
  • The watchtower roof would block the selection of other items on the second floor
  • Certain animations to equip an item were played twice when triggered.
  • Entering ADS of a weapon with a scope while throwing the weapon could result in a broken HUD
  • It was possible to see through certain textures with selected scopes.
  • Some two-handed melee weapons had broken attack animations.
  • When disarming an improvised explosive after a server restart, the explosives inside could not be removed
  • Fixed an exploit to access medium tents from outside.
  • Digging up worms close to objects could cause the character to get stuck.
  • Fixed an animation-related exploit to look through walls.
  • Fixed an instance of desynced hand slots through the equip action.
  • Certain door sounds in the prison building were too quiet.
  • Respawn after dying while in unconscious state would trigger a confirmation request
  • An alarm tied to an improvised explosive would keep ringing after the explosion in certain cases
  • With some optics the view would shift to the right when looking through them.
  • Shooting large amounts of bullets indoors would result in sounds being played with delay
  • The image of the pear when held in hands was cropped in the inventory
  • It was not possible to bury a Drybag.
  • The clapping gesture was playing the wrong sound when having certain food items in hands
  • The stone oven fire could be extinguished by rain
  • Fixed a config animation path for the BK-133.


  • Major overhaul of the skybox and its textures
  • Reworked the interior of the large castle tower
  • Removed a redundant sound during the gas canister explosion
  • Disabled shadows for fireworks and reduced their light radius to reduce their performance impact
  • Increased maximum bandwidth limits of Client->Server traffic to reduce movement desync when firing weapons
  • Updated the game credits
  • Renamed the fire-mode of the crossbow from semi-auto to single.
  • The clutch for the M3S now triggers faster
  • Increased the inertia of the M3S
  • Slightly adjusted the weight of the M1025 Offroad to be able to climb climbing hills
  • Adjusted explosion sounds and ranges
  • Tweaked red tracer bullets for better visibility.
  • Adjusted vehicles for better control on grass


  • Changed: Reduced the spawning of warm hats to account for newly added items


  • Added: Overhead lines for the railway network
  • Changed: Major overhaul for the Vybor Air Base (NWAF)
  • Changed: Moved ASVAL and VSS spawns from contaminated areas to high tier military areas and increased their numbers
  • Changed: Moved VSD and FAL to contaminated area spawns and decreased their numbers
  • Changed: Moved KA74, KA74U and M16A2 to higher military tier spawns


  • Changed: Base building items can no longer be placed in the Livonia underground
  • Changed: Moved ASVAL and VSS spawns from contaminated areas to high tier military areas and increased their numbers
  • Changed: Moved VSD and Aug from military to contaminated area spawns and decreased their numbers

Download the free Dayz update 1.69 on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.