Dayz 1.14 Patch Notes, Release Date, Download Size and More

Dayz update 1.14 is now available to download on PC and Xbox One. Dayz PS4 update 1.14 will roll out later. According to the official Dayz 1.14 patch notes, the latest update added static/dynamically spawning areas, contamination disease, exhaustible gas mask filter, and more. Apart from this, Dayz patch 1.14 also includes LE-MAS assault rifle and magazine, NV-PVS4 Scope, new animal carcasses, and much more.

Previously, a big update 1.13 was released which added M16-A2 rifle, bust mode, bug fixes, and quality of life improvements.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing several issues while playing the game. Today’s Dayz patch 1.14 will address a few of these issues.

What is new in Dayz update 1.14 patch notes?


  • Static and dynamically spawning contaminated areas
  • Contamination disease
  • Exhaustible gas mask filter
  • LE-MAS assault rifle and magazine
  • NV-PVS4 Scope
  • New visual effects when wearing specific headgear
  • A yellow variant of the NBC suit
  • PO-X Antidote
  • NBC infected
  • Field hospital at the North-East Airfield (Chernarus)
  • Field hospital at the Lukow Airfield (Livonia)
  • Craftable Tripwire
  • Craftable Fishnet trap
  • Craftable Small fish trap
  • Craftable Snare trap
  • New animal carcasses (can be picked up):
    • Hare
    • Chicken/rooster
    • Sardines
    • Bitterlings
  • Hare leg and pelt
  • New animation for the stealth kill when using one-handed piercing weapons

Bug Addressed in Dayz 1.14

  • Xbox set to pt-BR was not always displaying Portuguese text
  • PlayStation sometimes not showing Portuguese language when pt-BR is selected as local
  • Subtitles in the introduction video were not translated into pt-BR
  • Materials attached to base building objects had arrows indicating that additional actions were possible when they weren’t
  • Logs attached to the watchtower kit could not be picked back up
  • Mackerel was incorrectly placed in hands
  • The ground in specific structures would hide mines and bear traps
  • Noise from rolling on the ground would not alert infected
  • A previously extinguished fireplace would start to glow again when fuel was added
  • Garden plots could appear floating in specific cases.
  • The brooms resembled the wrong material when hit
  • Brooms could be used to open cans
  • Texture of damaged tactical goggles wasn’t displayed
  • The placing hologram was not displayed properly inside the guardhouse
  • It was possible to damage a prone player by hitting a nearby wall
  • The character would turn towards a target it was not targeting during melee combat
  • Player turning towards the first target it hit instead of the new target during melee combat
  • Player turning towards the middle point of the target instead of the hit position during melee combat
  • Player choosing to step forward when they are close enough to the target during melee combat (excludes certain animations such as bare fists)
  • Bear and cow were not receiving damage when the player melees them in the face with bare fist or one-handed weapon
  • Field transceiver simulated the wrong weight when thrown
  • In several situations, sounds outside of the audible range would start from the beginning, regardless of how long the sound had been playing
  • Removed push-back effect from explosions for the player
  • Wind effect was enabled in the inventory item previews
  • The foliage could provide cover from explosions
  • Several Spanish letters were not properly capitalized
  • AI could spawn in inaccessible locations
  • Added missing collisions on the small ATC railing
  • Added missing bed in the large medical tent
  • One type of weapon reload was not functional while lying on the back
  • Emptying animation was canceled when executed over water
  • Removing materials from the Truck or base building objects via the widget could result in desync
  • Players did not cough when aiming with a weapon or lying on their backs
  • Grenade explosions would not reach all items throughout containers and attachments
  • Rags and Bandages kept their disinfected status after being used to craft a Fireplace or Torch
  • It was problematic to damage the M3S truck engine or find the widget to repair it
  • Wooden crates could be accessed through walls
  • Mushrooms did not decay properly
  • AB- blood type wasn’t properly displayed
  • Exploit that allowed extended range of melee attacks
  • Restraining a player could interrupt the actions of other users in the surrounding area
  • When drinking from a pot in a prone position, the wrong animation would be played
  • When splitting an M3S double wheel, the two wheels would spawn inside each other
  • An empty gasoline canister would have the wrong weight after relog
  • Names of 45rd KA-74 Mag and 60rd Standardized Mag were displayed with lower-case letters when on the ground
  • Addressed some flawed building occluders
  • Addressed some bad object LODs
  • Hold breath “out of breath” sound effects were not working for some character models
  • Flash grenade was not blinding in the vicinity enough
  • Faster recovery from unconsciousness that was not induced by a projectile hit
  • Doors that were locked on the server are showing as open on the client, making them impossible to open
  • ATOG 6x Scope was having a rendering issue when observed from close distance

Changes in Dayz 1.14

  • Wearing a gas mask slows down stamina regeneration
  • Gas masks now prevent the wearer from eating, drinking, and taking pills
  • Gas masks can now be repaired with epoxy putty and the tire repair kit
  • The NBC respirator and the Gas Mask require Gas Mask filters to function
  • The Combat Gas Mask has a limited, integrated, non-exchangeable filter
  • Improved visual quality of the Combat Gas Mask
  • Improved visual quality of the bear
  • Removed spawn points that were too close to the static contaminated areas
  • Improved targeting of melee combat to be more forgiving
  • Tweaked the look of the Russian helicopter crash-site
  • Helicopter crash-sites now emit sounds upon spawn in the surrounding area
  • Tweaked the smoke quality of crash sites to make them more visible
  • Adjusted collision geometry of the Machete
  • Horticulture plants are now moving in the wind
  • Cholera now causes fever
  • Food poisoning now causes fatigue
  • Salmonella now causes light pain
  • Night-time acceleration period adjusted to only influence actual night-time
  • Reduced the size of the NBC clothing when stored in the inventory
  • NBC clothing can now also be repaired with the tire repair kit
  • It is no longer possible to build a stone oven if it would be clipping with a large item
  • Two-handed and non-piercing weapons are no longer suitable for stealth attacks
  • Names of servers will only show once the server browser is done loading and it is possible to connect
  • The flash grenade uses a stronger light that lasts longer than that of regular fragmentation grenades
  • The overheating effect of firearms appears later
  • Boiled food will no longer burn from boiling
  • Baked and dried food can be boiled without burning
  • Damage of weapons is significantly lowered when they enter the ruined state
  • The mackerel now yields two fillets
  • Adjusted the mackerel filet model
  • Water in fountains and metal troughs is now visual only
  • Updated the credits


  • Added: NewContaminatedAreausage flag
  • Fixed: Typo in spawning presets SodaCan_Franta -> SodaCan_Fronta
  • Fixed: Rify ship wreck loot spawn points
  • Fixed: The infected zone definition insidecfgEventSpawns.xmlis now properly read (previously it was ignored and used default values)
  • Fixed:randomloot_deloot_pereventnow properly overrides the amount of DE Loot per container per event
  • Changed: Spawning of high-value items across dynamic events, contaminated areas, and T4 areas
  • Changed: High tier weapons are not limiting spawning anymore, when stored in storage
  • Changed: DELoot is now correctly randomized
  • Changed:init_randomon static dynamic event now properly randomizes nominal value between min and max parameters (nominal can be set to 0 in such case)
  • Changed: The Woodland ghillie color now varies across maps
    • Chernarus now spawns only mossy variants
    • Livonia spawns woodland variants
  • Tweaked ammo Boxes now spawn with random ammunition packs inside
  • Tweaked: Increased the maximum number of items that can spawn on a helicopter crash event by 50%

Download free Dayz update 1.14 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.