Dave The Diver Update 1.12 Patch Notes (1.011.000)

DAVE THE DIVER update 1.12 (version 1.011) is available to download on PS4, PC, Xbox and PS5. According to the official Dave the Diver 1.12 patch notes, the latest update resolve issues related ot save failures, item overlaps, disappearing NPCs, and interface problems in the Sushi Restaurant. Apart from this, Dave the Diver version 1.12 (1.011.000) also addresses various bug fixes across sea exploration, missions, bosses, and DLC content.

Summary of Changes

  • Fixed “Save” failure after dying while farming boss materials.
  • Resolved item overlap after retrying the Kronosaurus fight.
  • Corrected disappearing NPCs in the Sea People Village.
  • Addressed tab overlap issue in the Sushi Restaurant.

Since the last major update, players have been experiencing multiple issues and bugs. Hopefully, today’s DAVE THE DIVER update 1.012 will address some of these issues and bugs. The upcoming Dave the Diver update 1.13 will fix the remaining issues.

Read the official patch notes below.

Dave the Diver Patch 1.12 Notes – June 28, 2024

Bug Fixes

Sea Exploration
  • Chapter 6
    • Fixed an issue where dying while farming boss materials after the Kronosaurus fight could cause “Save” to fail.
    • Fixed an issue where retrying the Kronosaurus fight after choosing “Give up and return” would cause items to spawn in overlapping positions.
Sea People Village
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs would occasionally disappear during certain scenes.
Sushi Restaurant
  • Fixed an issue tha

Download DAVE THE DIVER update 1.12 on PS4, PC, PS5 and Xbox.

Renu specializes in Japanese games, from cult-classic JRPGs to niche indie titles. A lifelong fan of Japan’s gaming culture, she combines deep industry knowledge with a passion for storytelling. Follow her for updates on Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, and hidden gems.