Darkest Dungeon 2 Patch Notes (New Update 1.00.54)

Darkest Dungeon 2 update (Build Number 1.00.54) is available to download on PC. According to Darkest Dungeon 2 patch notes, the latest update introduces a public beta for quality of life improvements, including a token-based system for handling death’s door, hero path swapping at the Inn, and hero replacement selection.


Previously, a Darkest Dungeon 2 patch addressed an issue with the Fanatic Librarian kill achievement not counting when ignited. Unfortunately, since the last DD2 patch, players are experiencing several glitches including a black screen, sprint bug, high temperature, audio, and others. Today’s Darkest Dungeon 2 update 1.0 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Darkest Dungeon 2 Changelog – September 15, 2023


  • Fixed an issue in which extra actions were incorrectly being granted when a Hero was already on a turn granted by an extra action
  • Stygian Flame no longer increases Deathblow RES on monsters
  • Stygian Flame now provides an additional 1 Death Armor to relevant monsters on combat start
  • After equipping a torch or pet, other pets and torches will be removed from the store
  • Choose your skill order: The order in which you select your hero’s active skills will be the order they appear on the bar.

Combat Items

  • Death Cap Spores no longer reduce Deathblow RES
  • Death Cap Spores now remove 1 Death Armor from the target


  • Covert Cloak no longer pierces Deathblow RES
  • Covert Cloak now has “Execution 1” property for Ranged skills
  • Staggering Striker no longer pierces Deathblow RES
  • Staggering Striker now has “Execution 1” property for Melee skills
  • Dismas’ Head no longer pierces Deathblow RES
  • Dismas’s Head now has “Execution 1” property for Ranged skills
  • Vengeful Kill List no longer pierces Deathblow RES
  • Vengeful Kill List now has “Execution 1” property for all Bounty Hunter skills


  • Hero Remains: Now provide +2 Mastery upon delivery. Mastery bonus not available for Hero Remains found in the Valley.


  • Slayer of (Faction) quirks no longer pierce Deathblow RES for their relevant faction
  • Slayer of (Faction) quirks now have “Execution 2” property for their relevant faction

Bounty Hunter

  • Mark for Death now removes all Dodge/Dodge+ from the target
  • Finish Him no longer pierces Deathblow RES
  • Finish Him now has “Execution 2” property

Grave Robber

  • Glint in the Dark now removes all Stealth from target instead of 1
  • Glint in the Dark+ now removes all Stealth from target instead of 1
  • Glint in the Dark no longer pierces Deathblow RES
  • Glint in the Dark now has “Execution 1” property
  • Glint in the Dark+ no longer pierces Deathblow RES
  • Glint in the Dark+ now has “Execution 1” property
  • Glint in the Dark+ now has “Execution 3” if Grave Robber has Stealth


  • Bloodlust DMG bonus increased from +20% to +30%
  • Bloodlust now has a cooldown of 2
  • Bloodlust+ now has a cooldown of 2
  • Bloodlust+ now provides Execution 1 vs. Bleeding targets for 5 rounds
  • Bloodlust+ no longer provides +20% Bleed RES


  • Wicked Slice no longer pierces Deathblow RES
  • Wicked Slice now has “Execution 1” property
  • Wicked Slice+ no longer pierces Deathblow RES
  • Wicked Slice+ now has “Execution 1” property
  • Double Tap no longer pierces Deathblow RES
  • Double Tap+ no longer pierces Deathblow RES
  • Double Tap+ now has “Execution 1” property


  • Fixed an issue in which the self-inflicted Vulnerable on Revenge & Revenge+ could sometimes be resisted


  • Sacrificial Stab+ now has “Execution 1” property
  • Binding Shadows no longer generates Unchecked Power vs. Combo targets
  • Binding Shadows+ no longer generates Unchecked Power vs. Combo targets
  • Binding Shadows launch ranks changed from 1 2 3 to 2 3 4
  • Binding Shadows+ launch ranks changed from 1 2 3 to 2 3 4
  • Binding Shadows now inflicts a -10% Debuff RES debuff vs. Combo targets for 3 rounds, non-resistable
  • Binding Shadows+ now inflicts a -15% Debuff RES debuff penalty vs. Combo targets for 3 rounds, non-resistable
  • Binding Shadows+ chance of generating Unchecked Power increased from 50% to 66%
  • Malediction now lasts for 3 Rounds instead of 3 Turns
  • Weakening Curse now applies 2 Weak tokens instead of 1
  • Weakening Curse+ now removes all Strength from the target before applying Weak tokens
  • Vulnerability Hex now applies 2 Vulnerable tokens instead of 1
  • Vulnerability Hex+ now removes Block/Block+ before applying Vulnerability tokens
  • Wyrd Reconstruction minimum HP threshold has been raised from 33% to 50%
  • Wyrd Reconstruction+ minimum HP threshold has been raised from 33% to 50%


  • Carrion Eater Mutated: Deathblow RES changed from 15% to 1 Death Armor
  • Gander: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor

Cave Swine

  • Brute: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor
  • Wilbur: Deathblow RES changed from 33% to 3 Death Armor


  • Evangelist: Deathblow RES changed from 0% to 1 Death Armor
  • Deacon: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor
  • Deacon: Exultation now grants 1 Death Armor
  • Cardinal: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor
  • Cardinal: Exultation now grants 1 Death Armor
  • Exemplar: Deathblow RES changed from 50% to 2 Death Armor
  • Exemplar: Pillar of Sacrifice now grants 1 Death Armor


  • Masterful Kinred: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor
  • Her Ladyship: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor
  • Pit Fighter: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor
  • Pit Fighter: Accelerant is now a regular initiative action
  • Pit Fighter: Accelerant is now a high priority skill to use in round 1, rather than being delayed to round 2+
  • Pit Fighter: Accelerant now grants 1 Strength and 1 Dodge token on use


  • The Hullkeeper: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor
  • Docker: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor
  • Leviathan: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor


  • Woodsman: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor
  • Ghoul: Deathblow RES changed from 0% to 1 Death Armor

Lost Battalion

  • Bullseye Barrett: Deathblow RES changed from 15% to 1 Death Armor
  • Fallen Templar: Deathblow RES changed from 60% to 3 Death Armor
  • Fallen Templar: now gains +30% DMG / +2 SPD for every hit survived at Death’s Door
  • Fallen Templar: En Garde now grants 1 Death Armor
  • Foot Soldier: Deathblow RES changed from 0% to 1 Death Armor
  • Knight: Deathblow RES changed from 60% to 3 Death Armor
  • Knight: En Garde now grants 1 Death Armor


  • Antiquarian: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor
  • Plague Eaters
  • Lord: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor
  • Lord & Lady: Feeding Time regen increased from 3 to 4
  • Lord & Lady: Feeding Time SPD buff increased from 1 to 2
  • Lord & Lady: Feeding Time no longer grants an immediate bonus action; instead, it grants an additional regular initiative action on the following round. This action is subject to DOTs, Daze, Stun, and all of the usual combat effects.
  • Lord & Lady: Feeding Time now grants 1 Death Armor
  • Dinner Cart: Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor


  • Deathblow RES changed from 0% to 1 Death Armor


  • Reduced chance to use Collect Call when 1 and 2 heads remain
  • Deathblow RES changed from 5% to 1 Death Armor


  • Deathblow RES changed from 50% to 3 Death Armor
  • Shambler
  • Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor

Dreaming General

  • Deathblow RES changed from 33% to 3 Death Armor
  • Harvest Child
  • Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor


  • Breath of the Sea now occurs as a regular initiative action instead of as a Start Round skill
  • Leviathan now receives an additional initiative action during rounds in which he would use Breath of the Sea
  • Undertow now occurs as a regular initiative action instead of as a Start Round skill
  • Leviathan’s Hand now receives an additional initiative action during rounds in which it would use Undertow
  • Blight and Burn RES increased from 30% to 40%
  • Bleed RES increased from 50% to 60%
  • Debuff RES decreased from 40% to 30%
  • Fixed an issue where Eyes of the Storm could target corpses


  • Deathblow RES changed from 25% to 2 Death Armor


Confession 1 Boss**

  • Speed of all monsters has been adjusted to reduce likelihood of clustered actions
  • Latch of Regret SPD reduced from 4 to 3
  • Bolt of Lamentation SPD increased from 4 to 5
  • Padlock of Wasting SPD decreased from 4 to 1
  • Shackle of Despair SPD decreased from 4 to 2


Confession 2 Boss

  • Deathblow RES changed from 33% to 3 Death Armor


Confession 3 Boss Changes

  • Updated Academic View and Seen token descriptions
  • Seen token max stacks reduced from 4 to 3
  • Seen tokens are fully removed when a hero is in Stealth
  • 1 Seen token is removed from a hero when an enemy misses that hero
  • 1 Seen token is removed from a hero landing the killing blow on a Cloistered Eye
  • Blind is no longer ignored on certain skills for eye stalks and the Focused Fault
  • Eye stalk attacks Gaze, Glare, and Glower now apply -10% Debuff RES (1 Battle) when a target has 2x Seen tokens
  • Cluster of Eyes: Now applies 3 Seen tokens. Speed reduced from 6 to 4
  • Bifurcated Eye: Now applies 2 Seen tokens. Speed reduced from 7 to 6

Focused Fault

  • No longer gains an immediate action upon phase 2 starting
  • Actions per round increased from 2 to 3. The first turn will always be Behold
  • ‘Apply to Attacker when Crit: Combo’ buff has been removed
  • Reduced Bleed, Blight, Burn RES from 50 to 40
  • Reduced Debuff RES from 30 to 20


  • No longer a free action on round start
  • No longer has a chance to apply Weak tokens
  • Now applies 2, down from 3, random tokens from a selection of Vulnerable and Daze
  • Now only targets heroes with a Seen token or a random hero if there are no Seen tokens present


  • No longer targets the hero party when 2+ heroes have a combo token
  • Now requires targets to have no Seen tokens and 3+ Positive Tokens
  • Can still hit multiple heroes as long as they meet the conditions
  • No longer guaranteed to use this skill when conditions are met
  • Damage increased from 1-2 to 6-8
  • Now deals +2 Stress and reduces Flame -10 for each target hit
  • Chance to apply Stun replaced with Daze
  • Now has a chance to apply Weak tokens


  • Limerence damage scaling per token increased from +25% to +100% per token
  • Now when the target has 2x Seen tokens it applies -10% Debuff RES (1 Battle)
  • Now when the target has 3x Seen tokens it has +100% Deathblow RES Piercing
  • Now applies a Daze token to non-Seen heroes when possible



  • Fixed Chirurgeon’s Unique Leucotomy buff for Ghoul that wouldn’t properly converts all Block tokens
  • Fixed Grave Robber hero story issue where the husband wouldn’t riposte against non-damaging skills

Known Issues

  • As per our typical process, this build is not localized for all supported languages. We will patch that in the coming week.

Download the free Darkest Dungeon 2 patch 1.00.54 on PC.