Dairow Vin BG3 Guide: Abilities, Questlines, and More

Dairow Vin is a key character that players will encounter in Baldur’s Gate 3. As one of the few Githyanki able to resist the Mind Flayers’ control, Dairow offers invaluable aid in the fight against the illithid threat. This guide provides a comprehensive look at Dairow Vin’s background, abilities, questlines, and more in BG3.

Key Takeaways

  • Dairow Vin is a Githzerai warrior helping players escape the Underdark
  • He can be found unconscious at a Mind Flayer outpost in the Glintshore
  • Dairow has powerful psychic abilities and provides key info about Mind Flayers
  • He features in the major Glintshore questline but is not a companion
  • Players can get his sword, Mindflayer Bane, by completing his quest
  • Killing Dairow prevents completing his quest and recruiting him later

Who Is Dairow Vin in BG3?

Dairow Vin is a Githzerai warrior who works to thwart the Mind Flayers that have invaded the Underdark in Baldur’s Gate 3. As one of the few Githyanki able to break free of the illithids’ mind control, Dairow plays a pivotal role in aiding the player.

Background and Role

Dairow Vin belongs to the rebel Githzerai faction. His key goal is to help players escape the Underdark and return to the surface world. With his inside knowledge of the Mind Flayers, Dairow provides valuable intel about their activities and weaknesses. He also aids in combat with his potent psychic abilities.

While torn between his Githzerai loyalties and aiding the player, Dairow leans towards helping you escape the Underdark. He features prominently in the Glintshore questline but is not a playable companion or romance option as of now.

Where to Find Dairow Vin in BG3

Dairow Vin can be found unconscious at a Mind Flayer outpost in the region known as the Glintshore in the Underdark. Follow these steps to locate him:

  1. Travel to the Underdark
  2. Head northeast to the Glintshore area
  3. Locate the Mind Flayer cave outpost
  4. Defeat the Mind Flayers and Githyanki guards
  5. Find Dairow Vin collapsed deeper in the cave
  6. Interact with Dairow to wake him up

Once revived, Dairow will offer to help you escape the Underdark.

How to Wake up Dairow Vin in Baldur’s Gate 3

When you first find Dairow Vin in the Mind Flayer cave, he will be unconscious and unable to be roused. To wake him up:

  1. Approach his body and interact with it.
  2. Select the chat option to wake him.
  3. A successful Medicine skill check revives Dairow Vin.
  4. Failing the Medicine check, cast healing spells until he wakes.

Once awake, Dairow will explain his past and offer aid against the Mind Flayers.

Dairow Vin’s Abilities and Personality in BG3

As a powerful Githzerai warrior, Dairow Vin boasts devastating psychic abilities that make him a formidable ally.

Key Abilities

  • Mind Blast– Psychic attack that damages and stuns foes
  • Psychic Scream– Damages all enemies in a radius
  • Shadow Step– Allows teleportation around the battlefield
  • Mirror Image– Generates illusory decoys to misdirect attacks
  • Evasion– Improves Dexterity saving throws

Personality and Characterization

Despite being a skilled fighter, Dairow also has a complex personality. Key traits include:

  • Loyalty– Has a strong sense of duty to the Githzerai cause
  • Honor– Fights with fairness even when pressed
  • Philosophical– Ponders deep questions about life and purpose
  • Conflicted– Struggles between helping Githzerai and the player
  • Determined– Fiercely dedicated to defeating Mind Flayers

This unique mix of psychic power and introspective depth makes Dairow Vin one of the most compelling characters in BG3.

The Glintshore Questline

Dairow Vin is central to the major Glintshore questline in Act 1 of Baldur’s Gate 3.


This multi-part quest centers on infiltrating a Mind Flayer outpost to find a missing drow priestess. After defeating the Mind Flayers, Dairow Vin is discovered unconscious and resuscitated.

Dairow then aids the player in taking out the Illithid leader and lets you know of a secret exit from the Underdark. He provides key details about the compromised Githyanki as well.

Completing this questline earns significant experience, treasure, and story progress. It also cements Dairow as a vital ally against the Mind Flayers.

Unique Loot From Dairow Vin

Defeating or assisting Dairow Vin also lets players obtain his unique magical sword.

Mindflayer Bane

This +1 longsword deals an extra 1d6 psychic damage against Mind Flayers and their creations. Players can loot it from Dairow’s body if they kill him. But it can also be obtained by completing his questline peacefully.

Either way, it’s an excellent weapon for battling the Underdark’s Mind Flayer forces.

Consequences of Killing Dairow Vin

While it may be tempting to quickly dispatch Dairow for his sword, doing so has significant downsides.

  • Fails the Glintshore questline, losing XP and rewards
  • Misses out on Dairow’s help and intel against the Mind Flayers
  • Prevents recruiting Dairow later if he becomes a companion
  • Causes reputation loss with Githzerai faction

Overall, keeping Dairow alive is advised for both story and gameplay reasons. But the choice ultimately falls to each player.

FAQ – August 25, 2023

Where is Dairow Vin located in BG3?

Dairow Vin can be found unconscious at a Mind Flayer outpost in the Glintshore region of the Underdark. He is deeper inside the cave past the guards.

What abilities does Dairow Vin have?

Dairow Vin possesses potent psychic powers like Mind Blast, Psychic Scream, Shadow Step, Mirror Image, and Evasion. These make him a dangerous warrior.

What is Dairow Vin’s personality like?

Despite being a skilled fighter, Dairow Vin has a thoughtful, conflicted personality. He is torn between his Githzerai loyalties and aiding the player.

Can you romance Dairow Vin?

No, Dairow Vin is not currently a romance option in BG3. This may possibly change in future updates.

Is Dairow Vin a companion?

No, Dairow Vin cannot join the player’s party as a companion in BG3. He is an NPC who assists in the Glintshore quest.

What happens if I kill Dairow Vin?

Killing Dairow Vin prevents completing the Glintshore quest and recruiting him as a companion later if that becomes possible. But you do get his sword.

How do I get Dairow Vin’s sword, Mindflayer Bane?

You can loot Mindflayer Bane from Dairow Vin’s body if you kill him. Or obtain it by peacefully finishing his questline.

Related Links

  1. Baldur’s Gate 3 Mind Flayer Colony Guide
  2. Baldur’s Gate 3 Stunlock Guide

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.